Dr. Faisci has just said how many masks to wear

"What would be a good start if everyone wears at least one mask, I think it would be important."

Four hundred and twenty five thousand Americans lost their lives atcoronavirusAnd new mutations - from the United States, Brazil and South Africa - threaten to kill much more. That's why wearing afacial maskis so important. This week, with the new variants a threat, the discussion started to wear two. Could they stop a virus that is even more communicable? "So, if you have a physical coverage with a layer, you put another layer, it makes sense that it would probably be more efficient,"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, saidTODAYwhen you discuss mutations. "That's why you see double-masked people or make a version of an N95." So: Should you wear two masks? Fox Newsasked for Fauci that. Read it to see his answer - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Fauci says wearing a mask please one or two!

Male wearing two face masks.

Because the new variants are "more communicable", some experts advise that two masks are better than one. "Football coachesdo it.Elected presidentsdo it. SameScience-savvy senatorsdo it. Like coronavirus cases continue to overcome on a global scale, some of the most important people in the nation have started toDoubling on masks- a movement that researchers say are increasingly safeguarded by data, "said theNew York Times.

Appearing onAmerica reports, Fauci was asked about whether you need to wear two masks, for example, at the grocery store - "Do I wear two? Do I wear three? Is it safer to Wearing eight? Where does it stop? " Asked for the Sandra Smith host, who stated that "goal points continues to change".

"The discussion changes, not the goal goal," said Fuci. "So, the CDC does not officially recommend wearing double masks. What they say is that, you know, what would be a good start if everyone wears at least one mask, I think it would be important . The recommendations of the CDC have not changed. What we are trying to do is get people who do not wear masks to wear masks. "


The CDC recommends a mask (for now)

Female Wearing Face Mask and Social Distancing

For their part, theCDCRecommends wearing a mask that:

  • Have two or more layers of washable and breathable fabric
  • Cover your nose completely and your mouth
  • Perfectly suitable for the sides of your face and do not have gaps


The CDC says that do not choose masks that ....

  • Are fabric that makes breathing difficult, for example, vinyl
  • Have expiration valves or evadbells that allow virus particles to escape
  • Are intended for health workers, including N95 respirators or surgical masks

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


In other countries, they force different masks

Medic, nurse with face mask and blue nitride gloves sharing a N95 mask.

The CDC Council differs from advice in some other countries. "Faced with new strains, more contagious, coronavirus strains and a winter increase in business, European nations have begun to tighten masks regulations in the hope of slowing the spread of the virus", reports theWashington Post. "Germany Tuesday evening made mandatory for people on a public transport or in supermarkets to wear medical style masks: N95S, the Chinese or European equivalent KN95 or FFP2s, or a surgical mask. Meanwhile. During this time In France, the Country Health Advisory Council on Monday discouraging the wearing of an inefficient fabric and homemade masks, also affirming that they can not provide sufficient protection against the most communicable.coronavirusVariants. "

"A surgical mask is better than a fabric mask, a tight surgical mask is better than a loose mask, and an N95 is better than a surgical mask", Dr. Tom Frieden, the former director of the centers of the disease control and prevention,says Vox.


How to stay healthy during this pandemic

Two friends with protective masks greet with waving to each other.Alternative greeting during quarantine to avoid physical contact

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live:facial mask(or two if you prefer), from the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene, Let yourself be vaccinated when it becomes available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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