The best and the worst creatine products - classified!

Now you will know which creatine supplements are worth it and that could be damaged to achieve your goals and health of your fitness.

Creatine is one of the most popularfood supplements on the market. It is used by professional and amateur athletes, including bodybuilders, hockey players and gymnasts, as well as the general public. As long as you choose judiciously, creatine supplements can simply be the ticket for a stronger, faster and leaner body.

What is creatine and what does it do?

Creatine is a source of energy for muscles. The body converts creatine to creatine phosphate, which it uses to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the fuel that allows your muscles to contract during the exercise. Although some creatures are in the blood and in tissues, the muscles store on95% of the compound.

You lose some creatine every day and you need regular consumption to maintain muscle and blood levels. The body makes creatine by combining three amino acids. You also get animal food creatines such as meat, poultry, seafood and food supplements.

What are the benefits of creatine supplements?

Maximize muscular creatine means you can do moreexercise Without fatigue, which increases muscle power, size and strength.Creatine supplementation works best for high-intensity gusts Like biceps loops, jump squats and short sprints. It is unlikely that endurance athletes, long distance swimmers or football playersbenefit from the same way of creatine, Nevertheless.

In addition to strengthening strength and performance during short-term physical activity, creatine supplements also:

Creatine supplements are an effective way to increase creatine consumption and almost all are exempt from animal products. (Make sure you always check the label.)

Is creatine sure to take?

Creatine, especially creatine monohydrate, the most sought-after form, is considered safe and effective for healthy adults infive years. The International Olympic Committee and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) allow professional athletes to consume creatinesupplements, too much.

Although creatine supplements are ok for most adults, people under the age of 18 and pregnant and nursing women should not take them because experts do not know the effects on these groups. People withDiabetes Or kidney disease should also avoid pills and creating powders.

How many creatine do I have to take?

There is a lot ofWays to take creatine supplements safely, including the following:

  • Consume 5 grams (5,000 milligrams) of creatine 4 times a day for 5 to 7 days and then 3 to 5 grams a day after that.
  • Take 3 to 6 grams a day for about 1 month.
  • Consume 6 grams a day for 12 weeks.

If you choose the second or third option, keep in mind that this can take longer to see the effects of creatine supplementation.

You will also want to resist the desire to take more creatine for faster or "better" results. The skeletal muscle can only contain a lot, and the body breaks down an additional creatine to creatinine, that the kidneys must excrete in the urine. In rare cases, high doses of creatine could lead to kidney problems and the combination of creatine with some medications, some of which on pain pain, can make things aggravating. Ask your doctor or pharmacist on how creatine interacts with the medications you are taking.

The water retention in the muscles that can cause weight gain is also a potential side effect of creatine supplements. It is possible to becomedehydratedAs your muscles move the liquid from the rest of your body, drink extra water during creatine. The long-term use of creatine supplements can trigger muscle cramps, diarrhea andnausea.

RELATED: Learn how to dismiss your metabolism and lose weight in the intelligent way.

What creative supplements should I take?

Google "Creatine supplements" and you can easily be overwhelmed by a vertiginous range of powders and pills pilling from their advantages. You must beware. Intense competition between brands has led some of them to go too far to stand out.

Creatine supplements vary depending on the quantity and quality of creatine they provide. Although the creatine monohydrate has the best record of the track and constitutes the cheapest creatine form, the supplements often contain other forms of creatine less studied, as well as extracts, botanics, sweeteners and artificial colors and flavors. The best creatine supplements have the least extras and bring the least claims.

Best Creatine Supplements


Premium Creatine with Croop, Unconcereted (Muscular Fests)

premium creatine creapure

Size of service: per 1 level scoop, 5.5 g Creatine monohydrate

Do not let the name throw you: Creapure is the brand of creatine monohydrate of this product, and it is micronized, which may seem gimmic, but this is not the case.Micronization Mechanically deals with smaller particle creatine capable of improving its ability to dissolve in water and allow the body to absorb more.


Creatine monohydrate, unconceted (now sports)

creatine monohydrate

Size of service: for 1 1/2 teaspoon, 5 g Creatine monohydrate

What you see is what you get in this supplement without frills with a single ingredient: monohydrate creatine. Each party provides five grams of creatine. It is therefore easy to consume the 20 grams suggested a day when you start completing. In addition, it is available in bulk, which leads the cost per serving.


Creatine 4200 (Met-RX)

creatine 4200

Size of service: by 6 capsules, 4.2 g of monohydrate creatine

All that is capsule-shaped tends to be more expensive than a powder, but it is often worth it when you are running. These 100% creatine monohydrate tablets eliminate the hassle of the mixing powder with water or other fluids when traveling or at work. Make sure you drink a lot of liquid with pills to prevent dehydration, though.


Creaforce Creatine and Beta-Alanine, unconverted (NEOFORCE performance)

creaforce creatine

Size of service: per 1 level scoop, 2.5 g Creatine monohydrate, 1.6 g β-alanine

Creaforce combines β-alanine monohydrate creatine, an amino acid. Some studies suggest that the consumption of β-alanine and creatine monohydrate together can produce more important effects on muscle strength and lean mass, and possibly reduce muscle fatigue compared toTake creatine alone. Pay attention to the portions here, however. Since Creaforce is upset with β-alanine, you will need two spoons several times a day to reach 20 grams of creatine monohydrate.


Swanson 100% Pure Pure Magnapower Powerower (Swanson Health Products)

swanson creatine powder

Service Size: Per 1 Scoop, 2.25 g Creatine Monohydrate, 400 mg Magnesium

Who wants to gain weight to the water when they try to gain muscle? Magnesium-related creatine can be as effective as monohydrate creatine, without thewater retention.

Preliminary evidence also suggests that chelated magnesium creatine can reduce the recovery time of intense workouts compared toCreatine monohydrate alone.

All supplements are not worth trying, however. Here are the ones you'd better jump.

Worst creatine supplements


Creatine ethyl ester capsules (Labs axis)

creatine ethyl ester

Size of service: by 3 capsules, 2.25 g Creatine Eshyl Ester HCL

Axis Labs is an ethyl creatine ester as "one of the best discoveries that have already reached the world of bodybuilding and fitness". Barely. Although this creatine form creates a buzz for so-called creatine available for muscle cells, theThe opposite is closer to the truth.

It is unlikely that the ethyl creatine ester never came out of the digestive tract, where it isconverted into creatinine and then excreted in the urine.


Creative Creatine Complex, FeuNavored (Beast Sports Nutrition)

creature creatine complex

Service Size: Per 1 Scoop, 4G Creature 5x Complex, 200 Micrograms (MCG) Biotin, 50 MCG Chrome, 92.5 mg Creatine Optimizers

This product contains monohydrate creatine, but it is difficult to know how much is in each part because it is grouped into a patented mixture called 5x creature complex. Extract from the Banaba Sheet and Cinnulin Extract, some of the "creatine optimizers" listed on the label, are confusing additions, because both can help the metabolism of glucose. You also get the biotin (aB vitamin) And the mineral chromium, which has no known incidence on the use of creatine in the body.


Genius Creatine Powder, post-training supplement for men and women, green apple flavor (the genius brand)

genius creatine powder

Serving Size: Per 1 spoon, 3 grams of monohydrate creatine, 1.6 g β-alanine, 1.5 g of creatine hydrochloride, 500 mg Creatine magnesium chelate, 25 mg astragin

This company is convinced that the three types of creatine in their product promote optimal absorption and absorption in the muscle. There is zero proof that combining creatine monohydrate with magnesium chelate creatine and creatine hydrochloride that works better than monohydrate creatine alone. In addition to paying two forms of more expensive creatine, you also reduce money for two types of sweeteners, three types of extract and something called Astragin-Ginseng and Astragulus root - it has nothing to do with L 'absorption of creatine. Saves your money.


Fortress Corporal Super Advanced Creatine, Fruit Shots (US Nutrition)

body fortress creatine

Portion size: per 1 spoon, 50 calories, 100 mg sodium, 11 g carbohydrates (5 g of sugar), 126 mg, phosphorus, 80 mg potassium, 4 g Crea-ATP mix, 1.25 g anhydrous betaine , 1.5 grams complex nitro-amine

This combination of monohydrate creatine and creatine chlorchloride includes five grams of added sugar per serving, which would represent more than 4 tablespoons of table sugar per day so that people trying to achieve 20 grams of creatine. It is not known like anhydrous betaine, a compound used to treat high urine levels of amino acid homocysteine ​​in people with severe hereditary disorders plays a role in creatine metabolism. You may also want to avoid theFlavors and artificial colors It is necessary to produce this flavored fruit powder.


Three-colored three-color creatine mixture (crazy muscle)

three-atine 3 type creatine tablets
Courtesy of the mad muscle

Service size: by 3 tablets, 4.8 g of the creatine monohydrate, .51 g of creatine alphaketoglutare, 1.5 g of creatine pyruvate

Creatine blends are one of many ways of brands are trying to stand out in a crowded market, but you have to ask yourself about it. It contains 96% creatine monohydrate, and very few alphaketoglutarate and pyruvate forms, which have no advantage to maximize muscle absorption and are more expensive due to additional transformation. To aggravate things, these are tablets, which adds more at the expense of this supplement less than useful.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Supplements
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