50 ways to age in the opposite direction

Turn the clock must not have to turn to costly potions and procedures.

Botox can freeze your face, but it can not freeze the time. If the fountain of youth was easy to find, we would all be without wrinkles, strong mentally, and as active as ever in our golden years. The reality, however, is it little discovery of a machine on time, most of us have no idea how to keep the aging process of hitting us hard.

The good news? There are many ways in a virtually effortless way to not only stop the aging process, but the return of time. We have traveled the top 50 years of Benjamin Button yourself - no costly interventions needed. And live your happiest, healthiest and longest life, click here to discoverThe fastest way to lose weight when you have more than 40 years.


Start your day with an omelette


Start your day with a fill omelette, high protein and enjoy a younger skin in no time. Eggs are a great way to load your diet with lutein and zéaxanthin antioxidants, two antioxidants, linked to an increase in collagen production, which helped you reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. can grow old.


Snack on some kiwi


Exchange of these refined sweets in sugar for Kiwi can make your mind healthier in an instant. Kiwi packs tons of vitamins C, E and folate, whose combination has been linked to the risk reduction of Alzheimer by the longitudinal study of Baltimore of aging.


Use spinach in your salad

Spinach leaves

DOWNLOAD THAT ICEBERG WIMPY lettuce for dark green vegetables, such as spinach, can reset your mental and physical clocks. Search published inAlzheimer's & Dementia reveals that green greens are an easy way to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, keep your brain healthy and young.


Add an interval formation to your routine

Interval training

Wishing to look and feel 10 years younger? Try to add an interval formation to your routine. Search published inCell metabolism reveals that intervals workouts are particularly effective in influencing protein production that feed your energy metabolism, grinding the aging process at a cecting stop.


Add garlic to your recipes

Garlic bulb

Make your recipes more tasty and combat aging in the process by adding garlic to your meals. Garlic is a good source of zinc, a disability in which the research published inPathobiology of aging and age-related diseases Can accelerate the aging process and increase inflammation throughout the body. Become more healthy body to the brain by adding the26 foods that melt the love handles On your menu!



Woman sipping tea

The key to a healthier brain and a longer life? A little mindful. Researchers at the University of California, Davis found that people involved in conscientious activities for six hours a day over a three-month period increased the activity of enzymatic telomerase, which improves chromosomal health and slows down. The aging of the brain.


Add peppers to your food

Stuffed bell peppers

Whipper Some stuffed peppers for dinner tonight is the first step towards stopping the aging process. The peppers are loaded with vitamin C, which helps to increase the natural production of collagen and the elastin of the body, according to research carried out at the medical center of the University of Maryland. This in turn improves the elasticity of your skin, holding you looking and feeling youth longer.



Salt shaker

The slugs are not the only things that come closer in the presence of salt -Your brain too. Search published inNature Review Neurology reveals that hypertension, an exacerbated condition by a high sodium diet, can decrease the size of the hippocampus, causing the aging of the premature brain.


Say yes to sushi

Salmon sushi

Ditch your usual unhealthy order to take in favor of sushi and you will magnify with each bite. Search published inNature Review Neurologyreveals that the consumption of fish rich in omega-3, such as salmon and tuna, can significantly reduce your risk of cognitive decline, as well as the reduction of inflammation that can cause pain and pains that make you feel significantly that your chronological age.


Under beans for beef

Bean salad

Enjoy a source of vegetarian-friendly protein, such as beans, can help you draw the least enjoyable effects of aging. The results of a study published inCellular and molecular neurobiology Reveal that foods rich in folate, like beans, can improve the antioxidant status of the aging brain while increasing the retention of memory. Eat healthy healthy taking advantage of the29 best proteins for weight loss!


Go to whole grains

White quinoa

Whole grains can do more than just help you achieve healthy weight; It turns out that they are a superfood when it comes to age too. Researchers from the University of the Linus Pauling Institute of the University of Oregon, which foods rich in manganese, such as whole grains, are an integral part of promoting the production of healthy and elastin collagen, to keep your skin supple and without age.


Lose these last 10 books

Woman on scale

While looking better and that I feel more confident is one of the benefits of losing weight, spreading these unwanted books can also have a deep effect on your brain.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found that being overweight or obese that can have a negative effect on brain volume, potentially increase your cognitive decline rate in recent years. So there is no time as the present for the present to be serious about the weight of your goal.


Go to a standing office

Standing desk

There is no doubt about it: we spend too much time sitting and it comes in fact years of our lives. The research of the Australian office of statistics reveal that every hour spent at the session after declining life expectancy of 22 minutes. So, if possible, try to switch to a working desk at work - you will also burn more calories.


Get Guac about it

Mango guacamole

Restaurant employees are always eager to remind you that the Guacamole is extra, but an extra range of extra money for the lawyer on your favorite dish is more than your taste buds. Researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on the Aging University of Tufts have discovered that the lawyer rich in lutein has a neuroprotective effect, helping you maintain a healthy cognitive function at your age.


Being positive

Happy woman in bikini

It's not always easy to see the world through pink glasses, but trying to see the positives in life worth it. Research at Carleton's University of Canada found that people with a positive perspective on life were most likely to be alive with 14 years. This is certainly something you can feel pretty positive. It's easier to be positive when you do not have pain - and the30 best anti-inflammatory foods Can you get there!


Go for a daily walk

Women walking

You do not have to lift your body weight or high-intensity cardio-intensity clock hours to take advantage of the effects of youth promoting exercise; Just take a daily walk can help return the hourglass. Search published inPreventive medecine reveals that people who have had the most exercise turn the clock on the cell aging process by an amount of nine years.


Do not act your age

Couple on trampoline

The first step to stay forever young is to think young. Search published inJAMA internal medicine reveals that people who felt three years younger than their age truly reduced their risk of mortality compared to those who felt older than their biological age.


Play video games

Video games

Engaging in juvenile prosecutions, such as playing video games, can really help slow down the aging process. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that adults who have played a 3D video game that required cognitive and physical multids of its actors benefiting from supported cognitive improvements more than 6 months after the conclusion of the study .


To eat chocolate

Women eating chocolate

Go, lie your inner chocoholic. Research published in theJournal of Hypertension reveals that cocoa flavanoles have significantly improved endothelial function in elderly patients, but not in their younger counterparts. Brownies, anyone?


Make run

Woman running

Free, fun and ideal for weight loss, the race is already a very great way to spend your time. Fortunately, for those who want to stop the aging process, it is also a powerful medicine. The results of a study published inTraffic Reveal that these 50 years who have regularly engaged in vigorous exercises, such as running, were biologically younger than their less active contemporary. Fuel for your workout with the23 Best Protein Recipes!


Strengthen your legs


Try to go up the clock? Start with squats. Research suggests that stronger muscles of the basin can significantly reduce your risk of falling. This considerably reduces your risk of hip fractures, associated with an increase in mortality from nearly 20% to the one-year note.



Woman in bath

Taking a little R & R can make a major difference in aging. Research suggests that stress can shorten your DNA telomeres, steal them from their ability to reproduce to create healthy DNA sequences. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco also connected shortcut telomeres with increased risk of certain medical conditions and early death.


Sioter black tea

Women drinking tea

Sip your way to a healthier and younger body with black tea. A 47% black tea cup of your daily manganese, that researchers at the University of Oregon have linked to increased skin smoothing collagen production.


Get organized

Clean desk

Chaos can keep you on your toes, but be organized and motivated can help you live a longer and healthier life. Researchers at the Medical Center of the Rush University have discovered that people who believed to have high levels of high discipline and realization reduced the risk of Alzheimer up to 89%.



Couple walking dog

Spending time with a pet is good for your heart in addition to a metaphorical sense. The American Heart Association reveals that people with four-legged friends had hypertension rates, heart disease and high cholesterol than those who dropped from companions of animals, while research conducted by the Institute of Minnesota Cats revealed that having a cat in the house can reduce your heart risk a third party. Find more reasons to spend time with your fur friend by discovering the10 ways to get you better!


Enjoy some oranges

Woman eating orange

Enjoy some sweet and juicy oranges can help keep your skin smooth and shiny during your aging.
The boost of vitamin C You come from oranges improves not only your immune health, which reduces your risk of developing certain diseases and infections, it can also strengthen the production of collagen from your body, leaving you without having flax.


Continues to learn

Man studying

Stay at school - it may be the key to a long life. Search published inReview of economic studies I noticed that going to school for a single extra year can increase your life by 18 months.


Make happiness a priority

Woman at gym

Come on, get happy! The researchers at the University of Illinois, Champaign found that people who reported themselves as happy lived longer than those who saw half empty glass.



Woman meditating

Finding inner peace by meditation can help you reset the clock on the aging process. The researchers of the Department of Psychiatry and the University of the University of the University of Emory have found that people who have regularly meditated have lost less gray matter and had greater attention compared to their meditation. Tremning.


To clean

Woman cleaning

They say that cleanliness is next to the piety, but more importantly, it can help you live a longer life. If you need an incentive to give your maid the week off, consider this: a study reveals that the individuals of their 70s and 80 who cleaned their own home have lowered their risk of death up to 30 %.



Blueberry oatmeal

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then do it count by adding oats to your menu. Research at the University of Tufts reveal that people who eat oats at breakfast can have better souvenirs in the short term than those who opt for less healthy options. Take an inspiration from oats from our50 Best Night Oat Recipes!


Put black broke on your menu

Black currants

Adding some black currants to your favorite oats or bakery products can make you look like and feel younger years than you. A study published in theNutrition log reveals that obese people who ate black currants were more likely to maintain their weight loss, and the high antioxidant of Black Cassurant can improve the health of your brain, helping to improve your memory when you get older.



Watching TV

Cut on your TV time can add years to your life. The researchers in Australia have discovered that people who have observed an average of 6 hours of television on a daily basis shaved nearly 5 years of their life compared to those who do not look at all.


Start your day with grapefruit


Kick of your day with grapefruit can help you reduce and smooth your skin at the same time. Not only are the researchers of the consumption of grapes related to the University of Vanderbilt with increased weight loss, the high vitamin C content of this fruit can also increase your collagen production.


Find your goal

Mountain climber

Whether you are passionate about teaching, I love cooking or I just want to spend your days making the art of Miley Cyrus's fan, having a goal in life is a powerful weapon against aging.
Search published inPsychological science reveals that those who felt a sense of purpose in life lived much longer than their counterparts.


Snack on chips chips

Kale chips

Faime a lot of caterpillar chips and look at your brain aging schedule reset.
According to the search published in theAnnals of neurology, up your consumption of leafy green, as Kale, significantly reduces your risk of cognitive decline. Enjoy a better health and flamerous belly today by adding our50 RECIPES WITH SLOW COTIBLE CHEWED AND EASY At your regular range!



Woman doing yoga

Say "OM" and say hello to a younger body and brain. Research published in the July 2008 edition of theBritish Newspaper of Obstetrics and Gynecology reveals that perimenopausal women who added yoga to their regular routine not only diminished the symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, but also improved their memories.


Exchanging white rice for brown

Brown rice

Opt for brown rice instead of white and you can put the kibosh on the aging of the brain. A study published in theNutrition log reveals that a diet rich in whole grains, such as brown rice, improvement of mental acuity in the elderly.


Add tomatoes to your food

Roasted tomatoes

Some tomatoes on this salad can help you stop the aging process in its tracks. Thanks to their high content of lycopene, tomatoes can help disable degenerative diseases and improve memory retention, according to a study conducted at the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Butter gap

Butter on roll

The butter is not just bad for your belly, it's also bad for your brain. The Brigham and Women's researchers found that women who consumed the largest amounts of saturated fat, such as butter, have also experienced the most pronounced memory loss and cognitive problems. For a healthier way to make your meals rich, opt for olive oil.


Snack on the almonds

Raw almonds

Win in better health of the interior by making almonds your snack. Not only are almonds in the lysine, which builds collagen, a study published in theBrain Research Bulletin reveals that eating almonds can both improve retention of memory and reduce your risk of risking future memory deformations as you get older. Make choices of healthy snack today by adding the40 most serious burning foods At your menu!


Use mnemonic devices

Woman studying

Start today's brain training can help keep your young mind at your age. Research published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences USA reveals that adults of all ages who have used mnemonic devices based on visual images have experienced greater feature in some parts of their brain, possibly stimulating memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline.


Swap meat for mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms

Not only can it go without meat to significantly reduce the saturated fat content in your food, help you maintain a healthier mind, mushrooms can also keep your skin soft and flexible.
Mushrooms are a good source of copper, which has been demonstrated to increase collagen production, so do not be afraid to undergo these Portobellos burgers from time to time.




Have yourself cooking ancient clams and enjoy healthier and younger skin. The clams are an excellent source of inflammation - fighter of omega-3, as well as manganese, which can increase your production of collagen and elastin.


Spend time with your friends

Friends eating

Good news, social butterflies: all this time spent socializing can help you live longer.
Search published inPlos a reveals that people with limited opportunities for socialization were about 50% more likely to die during the 7.5 years post-study than those who have regularly spent quality time with friends and family .


Exchange coffee for green tea

Woman drinking tea

The rich antioxidant green tea is well known as a large metabolism-booster and its advantages in aging are just as impressive. Researchers in Norway have found that individuals in their 70s who drank the richest tea in flavonoid played above on a cognitive test than those who abstained, so try to overwhelm your usual coffee for a green tea. Time if you try to stay young forever. Sip your slim way today with the21 best teas for weight loss!


Flavor your food with curcuma

Turmeric root

A small curcuma in your food can give major benefits for your brain.
The research conducted in the Department of Neurology at the University of Southern California linked Curcuma consumption at lower rates of Alzheimer's cognitive function and improvement.


Enjoy bone broth

Bone broth

Faime a lot of bone broth and say hello to a younger and healthier you. Not only the bone broth is an excellent source of collagen, a study published inNeurology boundaries reveals that amino acids in foods like bone broth can accelerate the healing time of people with brain injuries, also meaning potential benefits for the aging brain.


Drink wine

White wine toast

The fountain of youth could really be wine. Research published in theNutrition log reveals that among a group of men and women aged 70 to 74, those who regularly drink rich antioxidant drinks, including wine, were mentally fitting than those who abstained. We will bear from that!



Woman with iPad

After years of working, you may be eager to spend your days reading, gardening and traveling, but research suggests that the delaying of your retirement can lightly produce major benefits in terms of life expectancy. Researchers at the State University of Oregon have discovered that healthy people who continued to work before 65 years old decreased their overall mortality risk by 11%, while unhealthy individuals reduced their risk of death. 9%. Start your way to a longer life by adding the 30 things to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight To your routine!

Categories: Health
Tags: aging
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