Lady side effects of too many vitamins

Do not do it too much, otherwise you can get sick.

Most of us learn early enough, either via an ice cream headache or a mouth of the pizza - that it is indeed possible to get too much good thing. Unfortunately, as adults concerned about health, many of us are slow to realize that the same lesson still applies. When it comes tovitamins andsupplements, more does not mean better. Take too many vitamins can have unpleasant or severe side effects, and some vitamins should not be taken on everything. Read more - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Stomach ache

Woman sitting on the bed with pain.

The first sign you took too many vitamins or supplements is generally gastrointestinal. You could encounter nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. This could mean that you have taken a vitamin on an empty stomach that you'd better tolerate with food - or take more supplements that your body should not handle. To be sure, it's always a good idea to talk with your doctor before starting a new vitamin or supplement scheme.


Hair loss

losing hair

This is one of the side effects associated with taking too much vitamin A, which is a greasy volume vitamin. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, whose body eliminates any excess in soluble vitamins of urine, are stored in body fat. If you take too much, it can lead to toxicity. The other fat-based vitamins are D, E and K, and you should be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose of each.

RELATED: That taking a vitamin every day made to your body


Increased risk to cancer

Doctor telling to patient woman the results of her medical tests

Yikes. But indeed, that's what the research has indicated to take beta-carotene supplements or vitamin E, or excessive amounts of biotin. Last spring, the US Prevention Services Working Group (USSSTF) officially recommended against taking vitamin E or beta-carotene supplements, claiming that they could increase the risk of cancer or bad results Cardiac disease. Another study revealed that men had an increased risk of lung cancer after taking biotin megadoses (5 mg to 10 mg per day).

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Nervous problems

Doctor neurologist examining female patient

Take too many vitamins, such as vitamin B6, can cause nervous problems, such as neuropathy (numbness) or tingling. To avoid this, never take more than the recommended daily allowance.

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Excessive bleeding

A man use medical cotton swab for cleaning and disinfection of wounds Cat scratch in First aid concept bleeding wound.

Another potentially dangerous ingredient of vitamins or multivitamins is vitamin E. "Unless you have a reason to take vitamin E, you should not take it as a random supplement," saysKathryn Boling, MD, Family medicine doctor with Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. "We thought it was to take because it's an antioxidant, but it turns out that the risk is greater than that of the advantage." This risk: vitamin E draws blood, which could transform minor injuries into serious bleeding episodes.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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