Most US children insufficient in these four main nutrients, according to a new study

Children across the country do not meet their nutritional needs by power alone, shows data.

It is never too early to adopt healthy eating habits. In fact,recent study revealed that whenpregnant women Have learned healthy food practices for children, their children consume fewer carbohydrates and grease by age of three. In addition, they had a fat content of the lower body by age than six children whose parents do not receive nutritional training. (Keep in mind that children need healthy levels of body fat. In this context, it just means that their levels are not on the recommended levels.)

The results of this study exemplify how to inculcate healthy eating habits at an early age, especially in the first year of life. The researchers noticed that mothers in the randomized trial began to introduce ultra-transformative foods (rich in fat and sugar) to children from six months. However, the new data show that children aged between one and six are at high risk of significant nutritional insufficiencies.


A new study published in the journalNutrientsrevealed that most children in the United States are missing in calcium, iron,Vitamin DAnd DHA (a type ofomega-3 fatty acids) Specifically, the study examined the 2001-2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES), which allowed researchers to determine the adequacy of the trace elements of their diet.

Takeouts Keys of the study

Children are experiencing a rapid cognitive, physical and social growth between the ages of one and six. A diet rich in cereals, lean protein and dense nutrient and vegetable fruits plays an important role in the development of a child. However, the data of nearly 10,000 children in the United States suggests that children across the country are not having their nutritional needs by diet alone.

For example, nearly 87% of the children of the study had insufficientVitamin D the intake-an essential nutrient for the health of bones and the mood that can even play a role inPrevention of asthma. In addition, 69% of children had insufficient intake of vitamin E-Aliposoluble vitamin which acts as an antioxidant in the body and protects cells from oxidative stress.

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"Vitamins D and E are fat-soluble vitamins that can not be done by the body. To obtain appropriate levels, these vitamins should be consumed in the foods we eat, "says Natasha Burgert, MD, certified pediatrician, and recognized at the national level of health expert.

"Children becomes deficiencies in these vitamins because their diets are often incompatible in the variety and quantity. Even the most well-intentioned parent may have difficulty ensuring that these vitamins are consumed in sufficient quantity. »

Parents can ensure that their children receive enough vitamin D by offering themdairy products, Fatty fish (such as salmon), and fortified orange juice, says Burgert. Vitamin E can come from peanut butter and blackLeafeur vegetables, Like curly cabbage and spinach.

"For many children, however, these types of foods are not enjoyable to taste," she adds. "As an alternative for missing children in the variety of foods needed for a balanced diet, offering a child multivitamin or a toddle nutritional drink are healthy. »

How can you ensure that your child gets enough calcium, potassium and vitamins D and E?Banana smoothie.

"Smoothies are a good option all time in time," says Burgert. "You can even mix spinach for the added nutrients that your child will not be noticed. »

Another nutritional insufficiency of concern for children aged one to six? The iron.

"In my practice,iron deficiency is frequent in infants and toddlers, "she says. As most families consume large amounts of red meat or other iron-enriched foods, iron levels slowly decrease over time. Low levels of iron have been shown to result in optimal deterioration in five-year-old cognitive and socio-emotional development ".

For more, be sure to checkSchool lunch of debt in America: what is it and how to get and offer help and Healthiest meals for children, according to dietitians .

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