You have to exercise that a lot to extend your life, says a new study

If you prefer moderate intensity exercises, new research indicates that you really need to increase.

According to the guidelines of theUS Department of Health and Human Services, adults should aspire to perform at least 150 minutes at 300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise (which includes activities such aswalking) Every week to enjoy the benefits of occupational health. For those who perform vigorous exercises, this number shrinks up to 75 to 150 minutes a week.

However, according to a new study published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine, If you want to maximize your heart health and keep your bass blood pressure in old age, you should seek to get an even more moderate exercise at intensity. Learn more about this study and what it means for you. And for larger tips from science handguns, make sure you are aware of theA major side effect to sit too much on the couch, says a new study.


At least five hours of exercise every week

Sports couple in the park in the morning. They are engaged in long-distance running. Heart training cardio system in the fresh air, useful for blood vessels. Comfortable sportswear.

According to the experts of the Mayo Clinic, the moderate intensity exercise includes elements such as "the fast walking, swimming and mowing of the lawn". "As a general goal, aim at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day", theirHealth experts advise. "If you want to lose weight, keep weight loss or respond to specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more."

If your exercise objectives include preventing high blood pressure - and finally your longevityThe new study concludes that you should do less than five moderate exercise each week. For the record, this is exactly the highest end of what the latest guidelines recommend-or 300 minutes. So, if you are currently experiencing the recommended minimum of 150 minutes a week, you are only halfway, according to this search.

"Moderate physical activity levels may necessarily exceed the current minimum guidelines to prevent the elimination of hypertension using 2017 American College College of Cardiology / American Heart Association," the study ends. And if you prefer to walk for your exercise, make sure you are up toThe worst shoes on foot every day, according to a new study.


How they arrived at this issue

Man with hypertension heart

The researchers analyzed a project entitled theDevelopment of coronary artery risk among young adults, which started with more than 5,000 teenagers in the mid-1980s and extended for the next 30 years. According to the questionnaires that the study participants finished over the years, the only ones who avoided hypertension were those who completed more than 300 minutes of exercise each week.

For the record, nearly half of the US adults suffer from hypertension, that the American Cardiology College and the American Heart Association define as a blood pressure or greater than 130/80 mm Hg. Some of the side effects high blood pressure rate can put you at risk forheart disease As well as various heart events, both can be fatal. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), almosthalf a million dead In the United States, hypertension included as a main or contributory cause in 2018.

Signs of hypertension Include cardiac pain, kidney problems, a stroke, sexual dysfunction and vision problems, among others.

The study noted racial disparities

Old people in geriatric hospice: Aged patient receives the visit of a female black doctor. They shake their hands and talk in the hospital.

According to the study, black respondents reported a lot less exercise - and suffered more extremely the effects of hypertension - white respondents.


If you prefer vigorous exercises


It should be noted that if you perform vigorous intensity exercises - or exercises that leave you out of breath and induce sweat after only a few minutes, such as running, swimming and playing sports - the new search does not say Whether you should go beyond the current recommendations of at least 75 minutes a week. And for more benefits for the health of exercise, make sure you are aware ofOne of the main side effects of leaving in one hour one hour, for example experts.

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