Small habits that are secretly aggravated for you that you do not think

Here are 5 ways of mind that you put your body at risk and you do not even know.

Bad habits can be difficult to break, but they are probably evenStronger To break if you did not even know that their bad habits begin. Do you like to take a long hot shower every day? Or make exercise with the same dirty girl's daughter? Or do you observe the old "five-second rule" in the kitchen? If you answer yes to one of these, read it, because here are some bad habits you make that you probably do not realize that you probably have not realized that this problem, according to the last science. And for bigger tips for living a smarter and healthier life, do not miss theA surprising workplace to lose belly fat after 50 years, said a new study.


You take long NAPS

woman sleeping in bed with eye mask

The European Cardiology Society Recently analyzed more than 20 previous relevant studies encompassing more than 300,000 people and found that NAPS more than one hour are linked to a higher risk of 30% of death and 34% more likely of disease. cardiovascular compared to people who do not like at all.

However, the same study also reported a short nap of 30 to 45 minutes can be beneficial for cardiac health, especially if you do not sleep enough at night (which is these days?). So, if you are a daily coate, do your best to limit these day answering machines less than an hour. And for more advice for a nap, do not missThe way n ° 1 that you have so wrong, say to the doctors of sleep.


You use dirty earpieces

woman listening to music with earphones in ears

Our favorite songs do easier exercise, long courses faster and all chore just a little more bearable. The same goes for podcasts. Audio dependency is a habit as healthy as they come, but do not forget to clean your eartles. According toMedical Center of Whittier Hospital, a pair of neglected earphones is almost guaranteed to accommodate a smorgasbord of dirt and bacteria. When all these entities come into contact with the ears, this can result in rashes, infections and allergic reactions.

We all have become more familiar to keep various surfaces and objects clean as a result of COVID-19. Take a few seconds to wipe your atria with a cleaning solution or a damp cloth can go a long way to saving the ear problems.


You take long showers

cold shower

By jumping in a beautiful hot shower can be very relaxing, but spend too much time under the water every day will end up doing more harm than good for your skin. Nobody wants to feel, but, at the same time, it is not healthy to totally harm your skin from its essential oils. If you are in the shower every day for 20 minutes, it is likely that you can cut this period of a little healthier 5-15 minutes.

"The goal of the shower is to moisturize and clean the skin, but the hot or hot shower for prolonged periods eliminates the natural oils of the skin and opens our pores and allows the moisture to escape," dermatologist Certified by the CouncilEdidiong Kaminska, MD, RecountSatellite. And for more appropriate hygiene, make sure you are aware of theOne worst time of the shower day, let's say experts.


You follow the "five seconds" rule

cleaning floor

This happens to everyone and most people do it without even thinking about it. The meal or snack you dreamed of all day slides with your hands or table and landed on the floor. But you are always hungry. The food is acceptable to eat as long as you bring it back in about five seconds? False, according to the search published inApplied and Environmental Biology.

Despite the prevalence and popularity of the "five-second rule", researchers at the University of Rutgers say that bacteria can be transferred from the board to the food. "The five-second rule is a significant excessive simplification of what happens when bacteria are transferred from a surface to food", Donald Schaffner, food scientist at theSchool of Environmental and Biological Sciences, RecountRutgers today. "Bacteria can instantly contaminate."

To be clear, the more the food stays on the ground, the more likely it is that it has acquired "guests", while the five-second rule is not completely inaccurate, it is not guaranteed by you. Protect from a potential sickness diet.


You have afflicted

Young woman working with computer at office

Slouching is not really all that has a lot of business, especially if you exercise and get up from your office from time to time, is not it? Well, fake. In addition to making a number on your neck and shoulders, a usual esclting is also related to stomach burns, poor digestion, incontinence and constipation. "Slouching increases the abdominal pressure, which puts pressure on the bladder. The position also decreases the pelvic floor muscle capacity to hold against this pressure,"commentsMeghan Markowski, a physiotherapist at Harvard-Affiliate Brigham Hospital and affiliated with Harvard. And in a convenient way to counter all your session, do not miss the 15 second exercise tips that can change your life .

Categories: ETNT Mind+Body
Tags: Body Health
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