The surprising type of restaurant that thrives during COVID-19

Despite serious financial sets, institutions serving this type of cooking continues to prevail.

TheRestaurant Area never suffered like that before. In New York alone, close to1,000 restaurants and bars have definitely closed since the beginning of the pandemic. In recentData Yelp, almost16,000 restaurants through the nation have definitely clogged their doors since March.

Always, while some75% of restaurant owners Do not expect to earn a profit this year, other companies are prospecting exceptionally well during these uncertain moments. So, what separates these restaurants that challenge the chances of those who have trouble keeping their doors open? The answer is simple, they serve favorites of the crowd.

We know the companies that have adapted their menus to adapt to the TO-GO model, as well as cut objects that were not as popular, nor could offer outdoor meals are considerably good at this moment despite the circumstances. However, when some companies have one leg above are largely attributable to the type of cooking they offer.NPRrecently interviewed Local restaurant owners and suppliers in large cities such as Chicago, Illinois and Berkley, California and communality between all, they are serving comfortable foods.

What iscomfort food, in any event? We often categorize foods that are not healthy for us, but do weto feelHappy as comfort staples. For you, this can include fried chicken, French grilled bread, donuts and evenBroccolis and cheddar soup. However, this definition can be a bit limited because it excludes all other types of cooking that make us feel good, which is often associated with a pleasant memory.

According toMerriam-Webster's Definition, comfort food is "food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental call". In other words, foods that a self-financing person is unique to the individual or, in the case of these companies, a community.

At Jibaritos y Mas Restaurant on the northwestern face of Chicago, Director Jenny Arrieta saidNPR That customers have systematically aligned outside each day for their homestyle Porto Rica food. They had so much business during the pandemic they had to open another place to respond to requests.

Andrew Hoffman, owner of a Burrito Comal boutique next to Berkely has also witnessed an increase in foot traffic over the last two months, as long as he has been able to open a section of section in Oakland.

In April, I spoke with Erin Wade,The owner of HomeRoom Restaurant In Oakland, which serves funkyous variations of a dish considered comforting food for many: Mac and cheese. Before the pandemic, the restaurant operated on two locations, which was equipped for sit-down service as well as the one who prepares take-away and delivery orders. The full service location has been closed since March, however, the takeaway was booming with companies from the beginning of the national rental. In fact, it was so busy at the end of the evenings that Wade had to install a speaker so that people wait alongside the sidewalk could hear when their order was ready.

"Fortunately, our community has always liked to take our takeaway and that the trend has only accelerated as it is the only way they can receive our Mac and our cheese. We find a lot of enthusiasm and engagement because few companies are open right now., "she says.

No matter whatcomfort food You look like you, these dishes have probably been among your best take-away orders this year and your support has allowed local businesses to stay afloat. And since comfort food tends to make us nostalgic, be sure to read30 comforting foods from your childhood everyone loves.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: News / Restaurants
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