The small decisions you do this can take years of your life

Here's why you should sit less, set an hour of farm bed, and stop sweating the little things.

While the number will certainly vary from person to person, manysources Estimate that the average adult is about 35,000 decisions each day. "Assuming most people spend about seven hours a daysleeping and so choice without your choice, which makes about 2,000 decisions on time or a decision every two seconds, "writesEVA Mr. Krockow Ph.D., forPsychology today.

Now you can think that many of these less choices do not have everything that impact you. For example, does this really intend to what itiner at work? In binging, does an episode more have an impact on your body? And if you choose to take care of anger and resentment for a little while, you are totally justified, right? Well, maybe. But like aRow by falling from dominoesEven small decisions have a way to increase and affect our lives (and longevity) significantly. Continue reading to find out more about some seemingly small decisions that you could do that can seriously hurt you in the long run. And for more ways to expand your life, be sure to avoid theseThe proven ugly daily habits to take years of your life, says science.


You choose to give up a bed game

Sleepy exhausted woman working at office desk with her laptop, her eyes are closing and she is about to fall asleep, sleep deprivation and overtime working concept

Strict leaps are for children, right? Mal-assuming that you believe that the conclusions of a study published last year in the scientific journalNature. The researchers followed the sleep habits of a group of more than 500 students of more than 500 colleges and discovered that this is located only 30 minutes later than usual resulted in a higher resting heart rate. the following day.

"We are already experiencing an increase in resting heart rate refers to an increased risk to cardiovascular health," said the author of the main studyNitesh ChawlaProfessor Frank Mr. FreimannInformatics and Engineering In Notre-Dame, Director of the Center for the Network and Data Science. "Thanks to our study, we found that even if you have seven hours of sleep a night, if you are not going to bed at the same time every night, not only your heart rate is increasing while you sleep, it is occurred in the next day. "

Opting to spend 20 additional minutes Browse Reddit or new cooking recipes does not look like a decision that will put your health at risk. This search will show that sometimes the smallest choices can have a significant impact. And for more things to avoid for the good of your life, do not missThe only habit that can reduce your life by 28, said a study.


You choose to sit too much

woman sitting on the floor

Research published in the scientific journalelife found that humans tend to opt for more than two options - even when they may not realize it consciously. That's why when it is given the choice, your average human being will almost invariably choose to sit rather than stand up.

Now it may be tempting to decide to spend an extra hour or two on the sofa, but all these sedentary hours can be added quickly and make a major toll on almost all areas of your health. In addition, theMAYO CITES ClinicA study analysis that has entered into people who have been sitting for more than eight hours a day and do not have little exercise at a risk of mortality comparable to that posed by usual cigarette consumption or obesity. Considering that most jobs need to sit for hours at a time, an apparently harmless decision to give up the gym after dearly in favor of a certain time of the couch may not be as harmless as it seems at this moment.

The negative impact of the session on heart and cardiovascular health is morewell knownbut research published inPlos a Notes that the sitting session is too often associated with the thinning of the cerebral areas essential to the formation of the memory. This may not be the easiest option, but opt ​​to avoid sitting as much as you can. This can be embarrassing in the short term, but it will expand your life in the long run.


You choose to sweat the little things

woman stressed at her desk

Imagine that you trove on your way to a store and someone do you make fun of you. It's embarrassing, without certainty, but if you choose to let small hoks like that ruins the rest of your day, it can end up affecting your health.

A study published in theJournal of Neuroscience Reports that the spirit of the individual "evaluates flea-negative stimuli" (as an embarrassing moment) can affect their long-term psychological well-being.Poor mental health is linked At an increased risk of various health problems, including cancer and heart disease.

"One way to think about it is the longest of your brain holds a negative event, or stimuli, the unfortunate that you report to be", explains the author of main studiesNikki Pucetti, a doctorate candidate in the Department of Psychology at theMiami University. "In fact, we have found that the persistence of a person's brain holding a negative stimulus is what predicts more negative and less positive daily emotional experiences. In turn, predicted the way they think they do in their lives. »

The study also notes people who tend to ruminate more about minor negative events and reporting more negative emotions have shown extensive activity in the left tonsil area of ​​the brain. This can suggest that some people are more prone to errors and errors reluctant than others, as the way some people are naturally more pessimistic. However, at the end of the day everyone is able to recognize unnecessary modes of thought and choosing to make a change.


You choose to walk in the wrong places

Business man using mobile phone walking in city street commuting to work with blazer and messenger bag texting on smartphone. Young businessman urban lifestyle.

Take the decision to walk more is a chip. That being said, pay attention to where you choose to walk. If possible, always opt for more natural places away from the agitation of urban areas and cities. The cities are for the Smog Fireplaces (polluted air), and if all of your daily walk is to breathe in dirty, the harmful air it defeats the goal of getting from outside in the first place.

The SMOG exhibition is linked to a host of health problems,dementia Toheart attack. A recent Canadian study published in theBulletin of the World Health Organization stipulates that millions of people around the world are dying prematurely from various diseases and cancers caused by smog. In the United States, it is estimated that 52,000 die of Causes related to smog per year. According toAmerican Lung AssociationThe most polluted air of air in the United States in reference to the Pollution Pollution particles is Bakersfield, California, followed by Fresno, California, Visalia, California, Los Angeles, CA, and Pass Medford-Grants, Gold. But for more reasons to walk in less polluted areas, see here forA secret side walking effect, you never Knew, according to a study.

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