≡ Unique and attractive facts of coffee, make life healthier? 》 Her Beauty

We will discuss unique and interesting facts about coffee, he said can make life healthier you know! Directly scroll down.

Coffee is one of the drinks that are favored by many people. There are those who enjoy coffee without additional sugar and others, but there are also those who like to add sugar and milk in a cup of coffee. This time we will discuss unique and interesting facts about coffee, he said can make life healthier you know! What are there facts? Instead of being curious, immediately refer to the first facts below.

1. The reason for the price of cheap instant coffee

If we look at modern shops or shops on line , it turns out that the price of instant coffee is cheaper than coffee that is not instant. So why is the price of instant coffee cheaper? What is the reason? Come on, we discuss more deeply.

Actually instant coffee also comes from bean coffee or powder, but the choice of coffee beans is less quality and usually uses the type Robusta . In addition, the most common manufacturing process is spraying coffee brewed in a large tower. After that, coffee is soaked a little and put into the drum so that it clots and becomes instant coffee.

So in essence, instant coffee is actually made of brewed coffee, so there is a significant difference in taste where instant coffee is more bitter and flat. Are you an instant coffee team? Tell us below.

2. Coffee is good for diet

If you have exercised and reduce calories every day but weight is reluctant to shrink, then try to diligently drink coffee regularly. Because coffee can help you lose weight. How come? Come directly scroll Just down.

Coffee contains caffeine which can improve the metabolic process in the body and trigger an increase in the amount of calorie burning. This was also agreed upon by a famous bodybuilder from Indonesia, Ade Rai. He said that coffee is Suppress appetite or can suppress hunger because there is a bitter taste that sticks to the tongue. With the condition that it does not add anything to the coffee, such as sugar, milk, cream, and others.

Then according to the diet expert, and Lemoine explained that the caffeine content in coffee is a natural stimulant that can cause hormonal effects that play a role in suppressing hunger. In addition, caffeine can also trigger thermogenic effects which can burn fats that accumulate in the body.

3. Coffee makes life healthier

Do you believe that coffee can make life healthier? In fact coffee can bring various benefits to the body such as maintaining liver health, reducing the risk of cancer, maintaining heart health, to reduce the risk of Parkinson's.

How can coffee reduce the risk of Parkinson's attacked? In a study of coffee, the fact is found that caffeine in coffee can improve nerve performance that exists in the body. While Parkinson's is a disorder of the nervous system, causing human movement and balance. By consuming coffee, it minimizes Parkinson's symptoms and other nerve disorders.

4. Side Effects of Coffee

Although the benefits of coffee for health and diet are very good, we recommend that you don't overdo coffee. The reason is if you do this, it can cause side effects such as diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, palpitations, and high blood pressure. There is even a study that states that if humans consume 100 cups of coffee a day, can cause death!

Then how much coffee is safe and good per day? Based on research conducted by Mayo Clinic, the caffeine consumption limit that is fairly safe for adults is 400 milligrams per day, equivalent to 4 cups of coffee or 2 cups of energy drinks.

Even so, there are also health researchers who argue that 400 milligrams are still excessive. So that not a few who suggest that the safer coffee dose is 200 milligrams per day, equivalent to 2 cups of coffee.

5. Coffee grounds for the face

After you grind and sip quality coffee beans such as Mandailing, Gayo, or Toraja, then the coffee grounds should not be removed. Because the coffee grounds can actually be used as a face mask you know! What are the benefits of coffee grounds for the face?

Coffee pulp can remove dead skin cells on the face. Because the content of caffeine and antioxidants can increase collagen levels and reduce premature aging in cells on facial skin. Coffee pulp is also useful for dealing with swollen eye bags, pimples, and reducing spots on the face due to exposure to UV rays.

In addition, coffee grounds can also be used for hair masks because it can stimulate hair growth and overcome hair loss. How to make the hair mask is not difficult, just mix olive oil and coffee grounds. Then rub the mixture on the hair roots slowly and evenly. Wait for about 10 minutes and rinse with water until clean. Very easy, right?

6. The most expensive coffee beans come from animal feces

Maybe this last fact is quite astonishing. Yes, the most expensive coffee beans come from animal feces. What animal do you think? Maybe many people think if they come from Luwak, but the answer is Elephant.

Around the 2000s, there were coffee farmers from Thailand who served raw coffee beans to elephants there. After becoming a stool, it turns out that the coffee beans are still intact and produce a rich, soft, and bitter taste like dark chocolate. The coffee bean is called Black Ivory.

Black Ivory coffee entrepreneurs also admitted that the process of making Black Ivory coffee beans was inspired by the process of making civet coffee beans. This Black Ivory is also priced at 1,500 US dollars or around 21.5 million rupiah per 0.5 kilograms. While the civet coffee beans are pegged at 600 US dollars or around 8.6 million rupiah per 0.5 kilograms. Interested in trying it?

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