A new study reveals a major side effect to exercise more

Scientists learn how exercise does not suit you. This can bring a new meaning to your life.

Sure,exercise Helps your muscles, your brain and your life. (In some cases, this may even cause damage; for more dangerous side effects of the exercise,see here.) But according to a new study published in theJournal of Behavioral MedicineWorking more Every day can also improve your sense of purpose in life and science shows that living a more useful and meaningful life is also happier and longer. Learn more about this new study and what it means for you. And for more about the benefits of exercise, check whyWalk this way can add 20 years to your life, says the top scientist.


Find the link between exercise and purpose

Senior couple walking on beach.

The study was directed by Ayse Yemisciigil, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher at theHuman Floring Program at Harvard Universityand Ivo Vlaev, D.Phil, Professor of Behavioral Sciences at the University of the United Kingdom of Warwick. The researchers first studied the data provided by the Grand (and still in progress)Health and Retirement StudyWhere more than 50 years report on their daily activities and mental health. Then, researchers refer to another study of more than 4,000 people who answered questions about their physical and mental health, as well as their sense of objectives.

Yemiscigil and Vlaev analyzed the data to determine the quantity and how people were vigorous during their days, as well as their sense of purpose. And for more new exercises that you can use, read on thePart of the body that you never exercise but should, say experts.


Exercise creates a virtuous cycle

woman nordic walking outdoors with proper form

The researchers found that exercise is not only related to stronger feelings, but it creates a virtuous cycle, as these feelings of intention to propel people to exerciseFollowing. What was particularly interesting is the way in which the exercise earlier in life was linked to greater sense of goals in subsequent people - and vice versa.

"People who started with an active life have generally shown a growing sense over the years and those whose purpose was heavier at the beginning of the years physically active later," observedThe New York Times, who also noted that those who feel useful early in life tend to take an extra walk "or two" every week later in life.

"It was particularly interesting to see these effects in the elderly," said Yemisgil at theNY TIMES"Since many older people report a descending direction in their lives, and they generally have low physical engagement rates".


The benefits of conducting a more useful life

Smiling couple holding hands and dancing together at home

Paul DolanPh.D., is perhaps the most important expert in the world on happiness. In its great formatHappiness by designHe defined happiness essentially as the perfect balance between "pleasure and goal". Having more fun in your years of hard party university can make you happier, but you also have the sense of your educating. Meanwhile, having more goal in your children's age years can make you happier. It's an always changing mix, he supported and you need a pleasure to be happy, wherever the pendulum of pleasure / goal can swing.

According to the data compiled by theUniversity of MinnesotaHaving a stronger purpose is related to longer life, a lower risk of heart disease, better protection against Alzheimer's disease and better pain management.


How to find your goal

happy woman after a workout

"The goal belongs to something bigger and bigger than ourselves", longevity expertKien Vuu, Md, says onceBeet.

His advice? Find something in your community where you can find healthy connections and contribute to a greater cause than yourself. "On average, people live seven years older if they have a deep sense of goal," said Vuu. "They also had a limited risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, which are the number one killer among the Americans. If you are hospitalized, if you have the sense of purpose, you go into reality less days in hospital. This is really drugs and biological effects have biological effects. "And for more reasons, read itOne of the main side effects of going for a single 1 hour walk, declares a new study.

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