15 ways to cause quarantine relationship problems

Life in such neighborhoods is difficult. But do not make these mistakes or risk a post-pandemic break.

With high voltages and skyrocar stress levels, couples are tested more than ever in quarantine. And this can lead to the type of behavior that you are not really proud, and b) could beprejudicial to your relationship long-term. If you want to make sure you get it out of the lock with your relationship intact, we have covered you. We talked with high level experts to get their taking in the way people are peopleruin their quarantined relationships Without even realizing it. Take note of these silent relationship killers! And for more tips on how to maintain a healthy marriage, check the50 best wedding tips from all time, according to related experts.

You are too critical.

Man being critical of his partner at home

BeingBlocked inside Can lead you to become hyper-focused on your partner, which is not always a good thing. "It can become too critical of your partner's choices for quarantine," saysrelationship and writerCarmel Jones. "You may not want your partner to the pandemic, or maybe [you] criticize the fact that they do not make an effort to exercise."

Although it may be relatively common, Jones warns that it could have a lasting negative impact on your relationship, because "place your partner under a magnifying glass while you are already in a pandemic to drive your partner." And if your relationship has become long distance in the middle of the pandemic, check these12 tips for couples who have become long quarantined.

You get involved too much in your partner's work life.

Couple working from home together with tension

If you and your partner have the advantage of being able to be able toWork at home, you probably learn a lot about each other right now. But just because you share a space, it does not mean you worktogether in itself. It is always important toKeep your romantic life separated from your professional life.

"Your partner knows how to handle his work, but you can feel the need to ask questions, intrusion or make suggestions about how they can do better work," says Jones. While borders are difficult to maintain during the quarantine, they are essential toKeep your relationship healthy. Without them, you are obliged to cope with an increase in conflicts, arguments and feelings of suffocation.

You are negative.

Woman reading phone looking negatively at news

There is an infinite list of things to complain during the quarantine, starting with all alarming information alerts that appear on your phone. Although it is good to annoy sometimes, it is not healthy to constantly invite negativity in your life or relationship. "It is healthy to express yourself to your partner, but it is also important to note that your negativity bleeds in the relationship," says Jones.

To help with your mental state,Consider facilitating the consumption of your news To create a more positive environment for you and your partner. And for more tips for taking care of you in quarantine, check15 Effective personal care advice made for quarantine.

You do not give enough space your partner.

Couple working from home with no personal space

We could all use a little more personal space right now, but it is difficult to achieve this in the lock. Jones suggests that couples designate their own domains at home so that each partner feel like a personal area. "It can be as simple as a side of the couch or place at the dinner table," says Jones. "The designation of space is a great way for individuals in a relationship withMaintain their mental health And do not feel overcrowded. "

You take your frustration on your partner.

Couple arguing on couch

Frustration is high as we go back in another quarantine month, and this leads to shorter fuses. "You may not realize that your shorter fuse has brought you toMake your stress on your partnerso that he does not deserve, "Jones said." Try to be aware of being aware of how the interior is stuck affects your mood, and make sure you do not use your partner as a typing bag. "And for a responsible rift fitting you can pass through, check9 real people reveal the small arguments they have with their spouses.

You do not check with your partner.

Man stressed working from home

It's easy to get up in your own stress during this period, but to forget to record with your partner can be injuring and can send them the wrong message. "Ask your partner how they do is an easy way to show that you care about their feelings," says Jones. "Allowing each other to open will strengthen confidence in a relationship and will allow your home to stay a security space for you to express yourself."

You get code code.

Codependent couple in an embrace

There is such a thing to be too attached to your partner, which could come in quarantine. "If a relationship was co-opting to start, a pandemic is certainly sufficient to push this dependence on the overdrive," says Jones. Although it's nice to be able to count on your partner during difficult times, being too dependent on each other could place an unhealthy and unhealthy burden on the relationship.

You put zero effort into personal hygiene.

Lazy man not taking care of himself

When quarantine started, we were all very excited to be able to work from us in our pajamas and do not bother with our hair, but it's been more than a month now, andThis look can begin to age. We do not suggest that you get all dolls to sit on your sofa, but some personal care can go very far. "In order to maintain a sense of romance and privacy, a level of personal care must be put in place," says Jones. "It's as simple as cutting your nails or moving from a living room clothes to another. But this small amount of effort could recover the attraction and intimacy quarantined with a partner." And for more advice on how to strengthen intimacy in your relationship, checkMore than 40 years? Here's how to spice up your relationship.

You do not do your part around the house.

Woman cleaning the house while husband lounges

Being in your home 24/7 means that there are more dishes in the sink and there is more laundry to do. If you do not hold your end of household tasks, it could certainly cause an imbalance in your relationship. "It can be a struggle, especially if only one person takes care of everything in the house while the other becomes a sofa potato," saysSam Whittaker,relationship and publisher in mantelligence. And for advice on what not to say to your other significant, check65 things that no spouse wants to hear, according to the benefits of the relationship.

To abuse social media.

Woman looking at her phone on social media

As your time goes on the screen, the chances of your exceedance and abuse social media platforms are also higher. That you stimulate your most important, look for online approval, orreach out to exesThese actions can drive a corner between you and your partner. "Of course, you will be bored to be quarantined, but does not everyone know how to know about it? Beware of ventilating your dirty linen in public and set up your partner" , warns an approved advisorRabbi shlomo slatkinco-founder ofThe marriage restoration project.

You are not on the same page of parenting.

Couple arguing about parenting

Quarantine is significantly more difficult for those whostuck at home with children. You must have a safe parent of the school for them or the office for you. "With you at home, you are likely to hit you parenting, especially if one of you is the main principal," says Slatkin. While the tension is already high in quarantine, it is easy to have arguments on parental styles or undermine your partner involuntarily. But you should do your best to work as a parental team and not as opponents.

You stop.

Girls arguing at home

Anxiety is manifested in relationships in many quarantine ways, saysPsychologist and expert expert Carla manly, PhD. And one of those ways is to close emotionally, which is an unhealthy adaptation mechanism for you and can also cause damage to your relationship. If you personally encounter an anxiety and you have trouble talking with your partner, consider yourselfLooking for online therapy.

You are too pluggling.

Woman nagging man at home

You could be frustrated by your partner leaving their clothes on the floor, working too late or do not cook enough. But while you're stuck inside, it would be wise to choose your battles. "Constant harassing and lack of gratitude can contribute to deterrence of any relationship, even more for a relationship that is sustainable quarantine during this period," says the writer andrelationship Stephania Cruz. "Harness can cause feelings of resentment. To nagger, resentment can cause feelings not to be heard, neat, etc. For the person who receives haraver, resentment can take off from feeling that nothing they do not The font is good enough. "

You drink too much.

Woman drinking and smoking

When quarantine boredom or blues struck, it is easy to count on alcohol as an escape. However,Drink your way through the lock might not be the best thing for your relationship. Murly says that it occurs from this addictive behavior could harm your link.

You do not have enough sex.

Couple in bed not having sex lacking intimacy

The sexual health of a relationship is a very clear indicator of how the rest of the union is Carenant. If you do not have quarantined sex, especially with valuable other things to do, it can be a sign of a deeper issue. Murly says if you feel so exhausted or stressed that you have a minimal desire for sexual intimacy, it could have lasting effects on your relationship.

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