30 reasons why you are always hungry

The reasons for science have been supported the reason you spend more time deciding what to eat then rather than finish this huge project due to 5 hours.

Although some people can check to make sure they have their keys when they leave the house, you have to make sure you have a snack. And if you forget? Hope that no one is there to testify howamusing you obtain. You think you eat enough, but no matter what you put in your body, you always seem to develop crazy desires.

So, what exactly happens here? It turns out that hunger is a fairly complicated function and is influenced by biological and psychological factors. (And there is also the diabolicalFoods that make you the happiestAlso!) We have found some of the most common and scientifically supported reasons why some of us are constantly voracious. We also paired every reason you are always hungry with a board that can help you fill up and finally feel satisfied!


You eat a lot of refined carbohydrates

straining pasta in sink - always hungry reasons

Even if you eat something at every meal, if your day looks like this - a cup of sweet and closed cereals for breakfast, a pizza slice or a white bread sandwich for lunch, chips for a snack , a white rice or pasta for dinner, then a chocolate cookie for dessert - your problem is that you are constantly feeding refined carbohydrates nutritionally. Missing the satisfaction fiber of their original form, simple and refined carbohydrates burn quickly in your body, which points out your blood sugar, then the cause of hanging. Low glucose levels are what triggers your hunger hormones, as indicated in aModels and mechanisms of the disease Reviews, leaving you with a desire for more carbohydrates!

Eating this! Advice:

For slow combustion energy sources, choose complex carbohydrates such as grains such as brown rice, quinoa and triticale, cruciferous vegetables, fruits and whole grain-managed bread.


You are really thirsty

Water glass - always hungry reasons

I saw that this photo of the water makes you simply forget what you thought to be a hungry belly? A study in the newspaperPhysiology and behavior Suggests that people react inappropriately to thirsty more than 62% of time eating instead of drinking. This is because your hypothalamus regulates hunger and thirst, and sometimes it mixes its signals. Just sip on H2O is the solution to cancel your hungry patches and finally help you reduce. In fact, preload meals with water can shave hundreds of calories from your daily consumption. A study published inObesity I found that drinking two cups of water before eating people conducted to consume 75 to 90 calories less during a meal.

Eating this! Advice:

The next time you want a snack, first spill a cup of water and wait 20 minutes. If you are always hungry, eat something. And if you are sick of Ol 'H2O, whip some of theseBest water detox To reveal your metabolism and strengthen your fat engraving potential!


You eat everything in distracting

Watching TV and eating popcorn - always hungry reasons

Everyone knows that you eat with your eyes, but it turns out that your ears also play a role. A new study, published in the newspaperFood grade and preference, Tested the way our perception of the sound to eat food affects our eating habits. They had two groups of participants eat crunchy foods, one with white noise manufacturing earphones and the other without. These headphones were intended to imitate daily behaviors to eat distracted, such as watching TV or listening to music while you eat. It turned out, less conscious participants of the sound of food because of white noise levels, ate more than those who could hear the food they ate.

Eating this! Advice:

Stay away from television (or computer, for all your cord cutters) and lower the music during dinner. And if you are dinner at a busy placerestaurant, maybe think about ordering something crunchy! As long as you can hear the food you eat, it will be aware that you actually eat food. When you are not aware, you basically forget that you eat, which can lead to an increase in food consumption.


You are always stressed

Woman stressed - always hungry reasons

While the stress can close the short-term appetite - it pumps the epinephrine hormone (also called adrenaline) that triggers the response of the fight or theft of the body and handmates - if stress persists it's a different story, explains aHarvard Mental Health Letter. Your adrenal glands then release a different hormone called Cortisol, which will trigger not only your hormones of hunger, but it will also draw lipids from the blood circulation to store them in our fat cells.

Eating this! Advice:

You may not be able to control exactly what is happening in your life that makes you badly stressed, but you can control what you put in your body. Do itteas who fight stress!


You do not sleep enough

man eating late night at office - always hungry reasons

If you feel that you always feel in your snack office, you may be able to blame your lack of sleep. When you do not sleep enough sleep, laptin levels (the "hormone", I am a complete hormone), according to aPlum medicine The study, which in turn increase the appetite and makes food comfort more attractive. In addition to stimulating your appetite, a sufficient lack of sleep can prevent you from burning fewer calories, failing to control the appetite and experiment with an increase in cortisol levels, which stores fat.

Eating this! Advice:

Having trouble falling asleep? Get 7 to 8 hours recommended by following thisa day plan for better sleep.


You eat according to calories, not nutrients

Counting calories - always hungry reasons

These are not calories that sort your hunger, they are nutrients: fibers, proteins and healthy greases. Unfortunately, simple and refined carbohydrates are lacking in all three and are therefore numerousSnacks of 100 calories; They will simply fill your body with fast and cheap calories. So, no matter how much you eat, your body will go looking for more food. The result: a sorvent, you-one happier who is more likely to dive into the snack drawer.

Eating this! Advice:

Start your day with high protein diet, large fat likeGreek yogurt, an omelette filled with vegetables, or chia pudding, and you will reduce your hunger overall.


You eat too fast

Coworkers quickly grabbing slices of pizza at work - always hungry reasons

Hunger hormones take everywhere between 20 and 30 minutes to get to your brain, according to Cara Stewart, Rd, LDN, so if you miss your meal in less than 5 minutes, you will probably eat more than your filling. Scientists believe that it is because your hunger hormones act in a relay, passing feelings of fullness between them before telling your brain. This system takes time to work, which is why it is better to eat slowly. Yet another reason whyfast food makes you magnify.

Eating this! Advice:

When your input arrives, dive and eat halfway, wait at least 10 minutes before going out during the tower 2. While you chat and sip water, your stomach will have a chance to digest and decide if you've had enough things what the plate says.


Your Flux Insta is loaded with food photos

Man on phone - always hungry reasons

As it turns out, scroll through your social flows is just as bad for your intestine as searching for these tendency trains themselves. A review published in the journalBrain and cognition I found that when we see "food porn", it exacerbates our desire for food through a string of neural and physical responses called "Visual hunger". In other words, even if we do not physically need food, our bodies will send a signal to our brain we want to eat. So what exactly is happening here? Scientists have found that the concentration of Ghrelin's "hunger hormone" increases in response to dietary image search.

Eating this! Advice:

Look at those "porn food"The photos of Yozy Yolks Dribbling Down Ratesy Burgers will be hungry, even if you were not before starting to scroll - which puts you at the risk of too much consuming and eating the same foods with high energy. If you Try to lose weight, do not follow certain accounts that publish images of unhealthy dishes and start to follow the accounts that highlight the best-for-yourself choices: a study inExperimental brain search I found that our brains do not become as alerts in response to see photos of low energy healthy foods, such as vegetables.


You drink a diet

splenda - always hungry reasons
Dana Leigh Smith / Eat this, not that!

Whether a diet or regular, Soda is one of the sugary foods you can consume. And although many of us know the sugar allows you to believe sugar, products and artificially sweet sugar substitutes (as aspartame, acesulfame k and sucralose) can actually increase your appetite even more than real sugar, which causes increased calorie consumption over time. According to a study in theBritish Nutrition JournalThe researchers found that while the sweet beverages of glucose and fructose (two components of regular table sugar) increase satiety and decreased hormonal hunger ghelin, sweet drinks with an artificial sweetener could not affect hormonal signage. satiety.

Eating this! Advice:

If you drink soda for energy, check theseBest foods for energy instead of. Most of these energy-boosting foods are real,real Food and decrease the levels of your hunger hormones properly while giving you sustainable fuel to help you attack the rest of your day.


You skip meals

Woman doesnt want to eat pizza skips meal - always hungry reasons

It may seem obvious, but it's more than the fact that you do not feed your body. It has been shown that the habit of skipping meals is able to make you feel happier when the next meal rolls, according to researchers of theNational Institute on the Aging of the Intramural Research Program. When you do not eat, your body can exhaust its blood glucose stores, which promotes an increase in hunger hormone ghrelin, increasing your appetite.

Eating this! Advice:

Try not to leave more than 4 or 5 hours between meals and keepHealthy snacks At any time to help curb the hunger before it makes you screaming.


You have a fast metabolism

Woman drinking smoothie juice - always hungry reasons

This could be the result of years of dedicated work in the gym, but for some, you have just been born with her. Anyway, your constant hunger could be due to the fact that you simply burn calories at a faster pace (even at rest), which means that your body will have to replenish permanently its energy stores. According toResearchers from Vermont University, about 32% of people have higher or lower metabolism than the average of the population. As a faster metabolism than the average can mean that you burn anywhere from 100 to 400 additional calories a day, your body will try to alert you to eat more frequently.

Eating this! Advice:

Before justifying an extra snacking with fast metabolism, make sure you are not simply hungry because of all the other reasons we mentioned - thirst, eating bad foods, etc., and once you have Will have, a quick metabolism should not justify you to indulge in unhealthy options. Catch a handful of walnuts,Greek yogurt, or snack on certain vegetables and hummus.


You eat weak fat

Yogurt container - always hungry reasons

If you are an eagerEat this, not that! Reader, you already know that low fat packaged foods tend to be filled with sugar to compensate for a lack of flavor - but the addition of sugar cravings to your hunger is not the only reason you may want -be avoid. Low bold treats are not as satisfactory as their counterparts, according to recent research published in the journal.Flavor. When you dorce fat food, your tongue sends your brain a signal that something filling is on the way to your belly. However, this message is not sent when you opt for low fat foods, which is why you are allowed more, even if you may have consumed a good calorie affair.

Eating this! Advice:

To eathealthy fats will not make you big. In fact, the opposite could be true! A recent review published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper I found that people who eat dairy products of full fat are no longer likely to develop cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes that people who stand at low fat dairy. Additional research has connected complete fats eaters to reduce obesity rates compared to those who have hoped for fat. When you opt for dairy products, make sure you go with the full grease options.


You drink alcohol often

woman drinking wine by window - how does alcohol affect the brain - always hungry reasons

Having a drink before a meal in the hope, it will be your appetite can actually do the opposite. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Nutrition showed that alcohol is one of the biggest drivers of excess food consumption. Another study published in the journalObesity Suggested that it can be because alcohol increases our senses. The researchers found that women who had received the equivalent of about two drinks in the form of an alcohol infusion eaten 30% of food than those who received a saline solution. Even light intoxication has caused cerebral activity in the hypothalamous regions of women. This, let's say that the authors of the study, made them more sensitive to the smell of food, pushing them to eat more. Not only that, but alcohol can dehydrate you, which could still cause feelings of hunger.

Eating this! Advice:

In addition to reducing your hunger pain, there are manyBenefits to abandon alcohol, including losing weight and sleep better. But if you are not trying to give up a good hour, make sure to squeak healthy food if you are going to eat - not a greasy pizza.


You eat cans

Canned soup - always hungry reasons

Not only are they affordable, for many, they are a secret culinary weapon that helps dine on the table in just minutes. Yes, it's true; We are talking about canned food. But as it turns out, there is something scary hidden in these pots-bisphenol A, or BPA. BPA is a hormonal-mimic chemical used to prevent food from contacting the metal cans in which they are stored and are found in 67% of all canned foods. The disadvantage: it's bad for your health and hunger pain. According to a recent study in theJournal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, those who had higher levels of BPA in their blood also had higher levels of leptin and were more at risk of developingmetabolic syndrome.

Eating this! Advice:

So, what is your game plan if you want to minimize desires? Avoid canned foods to the extent possible, buy products sold in glass jars or cardboard containers to reduce your exhibition. One of our brands tastes for "canned food" safe is the peaceful food. It is sold in most food grocery stores for health and door soups, beans, tofu, puree, sauces and pupils in cardboard boxes without chemicals.


You lying on salads

Unhappy woman doesnt want to eat salad or a healthy diet - always hungry reasons

According to the 2015 Dietic Directives of the USDA, the average American does not eat enough vegetables. This is a problem because most of the leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, a micronutrients that studies have found the regulation of insulin levels. Vitamin K has been observed to increase insulin sensitivity, which facilitates sugar from your body of your blood. If your body takes sugar sugar more efficiently from your blood circulation, it will not need to take more about food, help cancel your cravings. Even better, vegetables are some of the mostfiber-rich On-site foods and fiber is what slows down the absorption of foods we eat from the stomach in the blood. In aCanadian StudyThe researchers have discovered that those whose schemes are complemented by an insoluble fiber had lower levels of Ghrelin.

Eating this! Advice:

For the best sources of insoluble fibers and vitamin K, make your salads with spinach, shaved Brussels, kales and broccoli.


Your snacks are in united sight

Woman eating candy from glass jar at work

Out of sight, out of the mouth? According to Google researchers, simply reorganize your pantry to hide a dietetic kryptonite could help your cravings. A study, conducted at the New York office of the Dubbed search engine "M & M project"I found that placing chocolate candies in opaque containers, as opposed to the consumption of glass M & M of 3.1 million calories in just seven weeks.Cambridge Researchers Explain this, it's because our "visual hunger" evolutionary - the innate human desire to see food images - has programmed our currents to free Ghrelin at the simple view of the food, which can lead to a false false falsehood .

Eating this! Advice:

We know that the snack is important to keep your metabolism, but that does not mean that they should constantly sit on your desk. Keep snacks out of sight and reach them only when your belly grew.


You do not eat enough protein

High-protein diet - always hungry reasons

Accumulate your plate withlean protein Can help keep hunger pain at the bay. The protein takes longer to digest, which means that it remains in your stomach and promotes the feelings of fullness. But that's not all - it has also been demonstrated to have an effect of removing the appetite. In a study of 21 men published in the journalNutritional research, half have been fed a Bagels breakfast while half ate eggs. The eggs were observed to have a lower response to Ghrelin, were less hungry three hours later and have consumed fewer calories for the next 24 hours!

Eating this! Advice:

In addition to the obvious sources of protein such as meat and fish (which you can not eat all day), load on vegetarian sources throughout the day in Sprinkling Chia Seeds in smoothies, consume Quinoa In your granola bars and immerse the carrots to hummus or apples with peanut butter.


You work a lot

Woman looking at fitness watch on a run - always hungry reasons

If you bring sweat every day to stimulate weight loss, it should not surprise that your body will need more calories. The iron causes your body to stimulate its metabolism and to burn energy and glucose stores, which in turn triggers the liberation of Ghrelin.

Eating this! Advice:

After a workout, make sure to restore the lost glucose stores with a protein smoothie! Catch one of our favoritesprotein powders To provide you with satisfied nutrients and mix it with almond milk and your favorite fruit to provide you with reconstitution carbohydrates.


You are bored

Bored guy lying down on couch eating potato chips and drinking a beer - always hungry reasons

Feel hungry can really be caused by something as simple as boredom. When you are bored, you actually lose your ability to make smart food choices; you become an "emotional eatery", according to a new study in theJournal of Health Psychology. And the boredom turns you in the worst kind of emotional eater, because you do not only do the wrong food choices, you eat a lot more of these feeding foods that you would normally. In fact, "Because I'm bored" (as opposed to "I'm hungry") is one of the main reasons that people give when they are questioned about their emotions before eating.

Eating this! Advice:

You feel bored when you are dissatisfied, agitated and undisputed, according to a study ofBorders in psychology. The best way to beat the boredom is to find something to do that is determined and difficult. Start with theseTips for motivation that actually work.


Do you attach to advertisements

Man watching TV - always hungry reasons

Cutters are on something bigger than making money, they also protect their health. Here's why: streaming services, like Netflix, offer a way to see television without advertising. And according to two recent studies, it's a good news for your size, because you will not be subjected to 30 seconds of a big rotary and juicy Mac. The two meta-analyzes, published in the newspapersThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition andObesity Reviews, discovered a staggering link between food advertising and food consumption; The researchers have discovered that exposure to these advertisements and display panels worthy of the drool and billboards is a "food cue", which increases the desires and leads to eating behavior (even if your body does not has not been physically hungry) and weight gain.

Eating this! Advice:

Always using a cable? DVR your favorite shows so that you can advance quickly through advertisements to avoid temptation or try one of theseways to stop thinking about food.


It can be just a desire

Woman craving junk food over salad - always hungry reasons

They sound like they mean the same thing, but hunger and appetite are separate processes. True hunger is the physical need for food when your body detects a dip in blood glucose or stretched receptors in the sense of the stomach, it is empty. Appetite, on the other hand, is the conditioned desire to eat rather than the need to meet - often described as this feeling of "desire" that you feel when you see a piece of chocolate cake just after eating more than Filling dinner.

Eating this! Advice:

Refill this dessert menu, then I far from the refrigerator and pass on these desktop donuts! The perceived hunger can often take off the boredom or the simple presence of food. Because the exercise has been connected to a reduction of food desires, a walk or jogging can help you clarify and distract your mind long enough to realize that you are not actually hungry and banish your desire junk food.


You are sitting all day

Woman working at desk - always hungry reasons

Sitting all day is just one of theways your work makes you fatBut did you know that this could also be a reason for your constant belly roar? According to research published in the newspapersDiabetic treatments andBMJ Open, when overweight adults and middle-aged adults have interrupted long periods of sitting times with short walking accessories every 30 minutes, they have been able to minimize sugar spikes in the blood and Reduce insulin levels after eating meals. Both mechanisms control how long you will start feeling hungry pain after eating. Without getting up to walk, your body can have trouble managing its glucose sensitivity, and it can get you hungry shortly after Noshing.

Eating this! Advice:

Set a timer to get out every 20 or 30 minutes during the workday to remind you to get up and walk - even if it just goes to the break room to catch a glass of water.


You have a sweet tooth

Coffee with sugar - always hungry reasons

It is the plunge in your blood sugar that triggers the release of hormones to tell your body you are hungry. In addition to refined carbohydrates, this glycemic crash is also the result of eating foods full of added sugars and no fibers or protein to slow down the digestion of these sugars. In addition to your morning java, you would be surprised to learn food where sugar is bread, condiments, frozen meals, breakfast cereals and salad vinaigrettes. Even these"Health" foods have more sugar than a dunkin donut '.

Eating this! Advice:

The easiest way to reduce added sugars leaves the ultra-transformed food on the store shelves and connects your own homemade snacks. According to a recent study published in the newspaperBMJ Open, Ultra-transformed foods - such as bread, salad dressings, frozen dishes and condiments - on average contribute to 90% of American daily added sugar.


Your gut health is extinguished

Womach clutching bloated belly - always hungry reasons

Years of use of rampant antibiotics and unhealthy diet centered on saturated fats and sugars can knock out your digestive system, so that can blomer your weight loss efforts. This is because these conditions allow harmful bacteria that live in your intestine while weakening beneficial bugs. As a result, good guys can not effectively perform their work: a party that regulates your hunger hormones. According toResearchers at the University of New York, a bacterium of the stomach calledHelicobacter pyloriCan really change the levels of hunger stimulation hormone, Ghrelin, in your body. Researchers have found average levels ofH. Pylori have decreased in ourbelly biomes With the rise of the Fast Food Society. And this means less of its inhibitory effect on our appetites - maybe right for which many of us are always hungry.

Eating this! advice

To repair your belly, cut out the feeding sugges of the bad bugs of your diet and to load you on bothprebiotics andprobiotics. Prebiotics are a source of food for good guys in your gut to help them strengthen strength and probiotics act as reinforcements, helping to hunt the bad guys. Good sources of prebiotics are legumes, onions, artichokes, spinach and wornings and probiotics can be found in fermented foods as well as inGreek yogurt.


You drink your nutrients

woman drinking juice - always hungry reasons

Smoothies and fruit juices can be all rage right now, but if you have already swallowed a meal replacement drink and I felt hungry almost immediately after, here's why: your body does not record liquid calories in the same way as possible with solids. In fact, studies have shown that the energy obtained from fluids is less satisfactory than the calories of solid dishes, so we drink further before feeling satisfied, according to a study of theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Mortgage experts that the physical act of chewing increases the responses of physiological satiety - a recent study inFood grade and preference Attributed the Satiety Signal With the fact that the hearing of the food crisis can serve as a way to monitor your consumption - or that whole foods are digested more slowly than liquids, a process called gastric emptying, which actually causes your stomachto feel Fuller longer.

Eating this! advice

We certainly love our smoothies here, but if you have become a victim of always being hungry, it might be better if you were better if you have been deposited on mixed meals. Or, follow the advice of recent results: published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study found this thickening asmoothie That people feel more complete, regardless of the number of calories he had. Thick your mixed drinks by removing almond milk for Greek yogurt and water.


You are seriously overweight

Doctor measuring mans chest for bmi overweight fat - always hungry reasons

Simply the fact that you carry an extra weight can suffice to induce uncontrollable hunger pain, even after eating. New research from a multidisciplinary team at the UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that extremely obese obese women continue to react to food signals, even after eating and are not physically hungry, unlike their lean counterparts. Using an MRI, researchers have discovered that the brains of obese women have shown that they were still excited by the idea of ​​eating even if they had just eaten a meal and stated to feel full. The results, published in the newspaperObesity, suggests that some people with severe obesity have an underlying conduct to a NOSH continually despite not feeling hungry.

Eating this! Advice:

It's not too late to start! Radically cutting calories will only do worse hungry, as it puts your body in the way of survival of famine and reveals the production of hunger hormones while slowing down metabolism. To see the tip of the scale in your favor, consult our list ofWeight loss tips better than counting calories.


You eat large plates

Eating mixed grill off large plate - always hungry reasons

You may have obtained them as a wedding gift, but this set of extra dishes must go. When you use a large plate, a typical part of the food may seem smaller and can fool your brain thinking that you do not eat enough food. Unlike, smaller plates make food portions seem significantly larger, which tries to think that you are about to consume more calories than you really are. In fact, a study published inAppetite Discovering people were satisfied for long periods after the researchers showed participants a large part of the fruits entered their smoothie compared to participants who were shown at a small piece of fruit, even if both groups were actually The same smoothie size to drink. The authors of the study suggest that the feeling of feeling full or always hungry can be based on the perception of food quantity rather than on only based on a caloric socket.

Eating this! advice

Try the tour at home using smaller plates and glasses that make your portions more generous, it's one of the simple ways ofCut more than 50 calories. In this way, you will crack your brain in the feeling of feeling more complete, even if you really eat less!


Some medications give you tissues

Prescription pill bottle medicine - always hungry reasons

If you have been prescribed a new drug and then notice an insatiable increase in your appetite, your RX may be to blame. Antidepressants, steroids, birth control pills, beta-blockers, anti-seizure and migraine drugs and rheumatoid arthritis treatments have all been judged appetite in patients.

Eating this! advice

This does not mean you should take away the medicine. Confirm with your DOC that the drug is indeed the culprit and discuss what other treatments are available. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine that does not wear the same side effects of Belly-Bullging.


You rarely prepare your own food

fast food drive thru - always hungry reasons

It may be a time saving, but to eat or grab a transformed gracery snack will not help you limit your hunger pains as much as you think. Food-even restaurantthe dessertsTypically loaded with salt, which the search found can release the good hormone, dopamine, the fabrication of quite addictive sodium fares. (Which means you constantly want to know it!) As for the transformed junk food? These foods are often made with fascinating appetite additives like MSG, which encourages you to continue nose beyond your filling.

Eating this! Advice:

Try to cook a majority of your own meals and snacks at home. You will not only be able to control addictive sodium levels and allow the additives of the appetite-reveal - both will help curb your seemingly insatiable hunger pain - but you will also consume nearly 200 fewer calories than those who get less, according toJohns Hopkins Researchers.


You can have a medical problem

Doctor and patient - always hungry reasons

There are many reasons why you are constantly hungry, but if none of the above reasons does not look like your problem, it could be something you are not aware. Some possible medical reasons:

    • Women who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) often have food cravings, as well as women in the early stages of their pregnancy.
    • If your sudden hunger is also twinned with an inexitent thirst, you may want to talk to your doctor to be tested for diabetes. What can happen is that you develop a resistance to insulin, which means that your body can not also effectively funnel glucose in foods to be used as energy and stay in your blood. As a result, you can experience a "insulin-resistant hunger" characterized by sugars or starches rather than being physically hungry.
    • Sometimes an excessive hunger is a sign of a parasitic infestation in your intestine, which can occur after eating insufficient meat of infected animals. For example, tapeworms act by noshorms on the essential nutrients of your food. (Yikes!) Because your body lacks these satisfied nutrients, it can cause you to feel hungry and too much to eat.
    • You may suffer from a chronic self-immune health illness called hyperthyroidism - a condition in which yourThyroid gland running metabolism is Overdrive. When your metabolism is constantly stimulated, it can result in a hungry all the time.

Eating this! Advice:

If you suspect one of the above questions, consult your doctor with a diagnostic and processing option.

Note from the publisher: This article was originally published on April 7, 2016 and has since been updated to add additional sources.

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