7 silent signs that you have coronavirus

You risk serious diseases. Here are the warning signs.

You are already on the lookout for obvious symptoms Covid-19: fever, cough, difficulty breathing.But what happens if the signs you have been infected with the virus are not as obvious as these big? TheDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)Constantly frees new information on other symptoms that can be linked to the virus.

Some of them are rare and isolated while some are more common and observed in the majority of CIVID-19 patients. Discover these 7 hidden symptoms that you can have coronavirus so you do not miss the warning signs you could be infected. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You have a divided headache

woman suffering strong headache

The scintillating headaches could simply say that you are a little dehydrated, but it could also be a sneaky sign that you have COVID-19. According toDr. Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, M.D., P.P.H.From the Johns Hopkins health system, a headache can be an early warning sign that you have already contracted the virus.

A slight headache can become more intense during the five to seven to seven days and other more obvious symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever and cough, can also begin to appear. If you have a slight head of head that disappears, it may not be a red flag. However, if your headache gains intensity and is accompanied by other symptoms, it could be coronavirus.


You have a loss of smell or taste

Woman Trying to Sense Smell of a Lemon

If you can not suddenly feel your brewing morning coffee or taste this chocolate that you have saved for a treat, it could be a sign of coronavirus. TheCDCNow lists a smell loss (called Anosmia) and loss of taste (called Agetusia) as symptoms of the virus. A study published in theInternational Forum of Allergy and Rhinefound that seven out of 10 coronavir patients reported loss of taste and smell.

According toStanford Medicine, viruses attack our cranial nerves in our head and neck, which are related to the smell. These viruses can also cause inflammation around the nerve and nasal lining, which can inhibit our sense of smell. These nerves are directly related to your sense of taste, it is also affected by this inflammation and this attack on the cranial nerves.


You have gastrointestinal problems

Woman lying on sofa looking sick in the living room

Instead of focusing only on your cough when CVIV-19 determination, it is also important to consider your digestive system. If you encounter gastrointestinal problems, it could also be a sign that you have the virus.

Astudy published inGastroenterologyExamined 116 patients diagnosed with coronavirus and their symptoms. 31.9% of these patients had gastrointestinal problems related to the virus and most of them described these symptoms as lightweight. 22% experienced a loss of appetite, 12% had diarrhea and 22% treated nausea and vomiting. If you encounter unexplained gastrointestinal problems, this can be a sign that you have been exposed to COVID-19.


You have vertigo or light

Young woman, blond hair, fainted in bed.

Covid-19 makes your body weak and it is easy to dehydrate when you work hard to fight against a virus, you do not even know you have. When your body is busy and do not have the hydration it needs, dizziness on foot or vanish while walking could occur. This hidden symptom is more likely to occur in elderly patients or those with other underlying health conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

According toDr. Camille VaughanEmory University, "With many conditions, older adults are not present typically, and we also see that with Covid-19." Older bodies respond differently to infection and illness, which can explain this hidden symptom of the virus.


You shaken and repeated chills

Young man suffering from cold at his home

Jolf and body thrills are a common symptom of many types of viruses and diseases, and usually constitute a revealing sign that you have fever. Called "rigor", shaking and repeated chills occur when you have a virus like Covid-19 because your body tries to regulate its temperature. Your body grows blood at your ends to preserve your heat. To continue to regulate your temperature, your muscles shake when your body tries to generate heat.

According toDr. Emily Spivak, MDFrom the University of Utah Health, "Rigor is a sudden feeling of cold with thrill accompanied by a rise in temperature. A real rigor is unlikely to occur without a fever." If you encounter jerking and chills, take your temperature. If you have a fever, it's a sign that you have a virus and the virus could be Covid-19.


You have hives or rash

Woman scratching her arm.

If you watch if you have been infected or not with coronavirus, pay attention to your skin. According toDr. Esther FreemanFrom Massachusetts General Hospital, it is common that viruses cause skin irritation, hives or rashes.

Viruses that cause measles or chickenpox are easily diagnosed due to rashes and irritation. Although Covid-19 are not only diagnosed by these skin rashes, this can be a sign that you have the virus. Check for other symptoms and call your doctor if you suspect COVID-19. Also, do not worry. Dr. Freeman confirms that these rashes and these irritations disappear well after the recovery of the virus.This includes irritation on your toes, nicknamed "Covid 'toes".


You have confusion

man lying in bed at home suffering from headache

According toCDCIf you encounter a confusion or the inability to move suddenly, it is an emergency warning sign of COVID-19 and you must consult a doctor as soon as possible. This symptom of the virus is most common in elderly patients because their bodies can find it more difficult to fight against fever or inflammation they undergo when they are infected.

Astudy published in theNew England Journal of MedicineExamined 40 patients admitted to the hospital and then diagnosed the coronavirus. Of these 40 patients, 26 of them reported or were observed in confusion. If you feel disoriented, confused or can not suddenly move, it could be a hidden sign of Covid-19. Get medical help immediately.And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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