The warning sign # 1 you do not exer enough, say experts

There are many signs that you do not move enough. This is the one you should not ignore.

"Listen to your body" is one of the biggest truism in the world of health and well-being for a good reason. Our stomach growled when we hung up, our mouth dries when we are thirsty, and our eyelids fall and we start yawning when we are tired. Apparently, our bodies are known to drop some major tips when we do not get thefive hours more per exercise week Our bodies need to prosper.

The biggest and most common of these notes: persistent stiffness and pain, saidJustin Meissner, a NASM certified coach. "If you feel stiff or buying or even having an articular pain, it can come from a lack of movement," he says, especially if you do not have an underlying state of health or injury which could contribute to these feelings.

Lisa Herrington, a certified ACSM personal trainer, a fitness instructor and founder ofHouse Davis, accept. "Exercise creates pain, but the session," she says. When people are too sedentary, she says they often feel a painful back or stiffness that lasts all day. "When we do not move enough, things are starting to stay," she says.

Stiffness and pain are uncomfortable, but fortunately, it's easy to remedy these problems - what else? "Get out a walk, hike, do a light force training with a coach," recommends Meissener. "Any movement - as it is a safe movement - will have a positive effect."

"If you spent time doing exercise or if you have never been exercised before, make sure it's the smartest way to start," adds Herrington. (Read: Maybe you may not start with hiit classes back in the back.) She also recommends finding training sessions that you like and who support your daily life activities "so to become coherent and part of your day you love. "

However, feeling painful and steep is not the only signal you should have more movement in your day. Curious other signs that you should start doing more exercise? What are some of the most common, say that Herrington and Meissener. And for great ways to move again, check out the5 minutes of fusion of fat that is the best way to start your day.



Stressed businesswoman rubbing her eyes in the office.

Feel drowsy all the time? You may need to work more, says Herrington. "When you do not get the boost natural energy that exercise can give you ... There is this feeling to simply be tired all the time", she says. The lack of exercise could also contribute to poor sleep, Meissner adds, which could make you feel even more tired all the time. And for more reasons to exercise more, see here for theSecret side effects of walking before breakfast, says science.


Unexpected weight gain

gaining weight

Herrington says that if you eat a constant and balanced diet, always notice that your body weight increases, which could be a sign that you do not burn enough calories through movements every day. (Just note: Some medications and health conditions can also contribute to weight gain. So be sure to exclude them with a health professional.)


Bad position

Young woman working with computer at office

It's a sneaky, but important. Your body relies on the basic force and the top of the body to maintain a healthy posture; Without proper training of force, you could start hosting on the shoulders, says Herrington. Fortunately, this can be solved with coherent basic work. Boards, anyone? And if you suffer from bad posture, do not missThe 15-second exercise thing that can change your life, says science.


Difficulty doing daily tasks

Close up of a woman holding heavy bag with groceries wrapped with a measuring tape isolated over white background

Think about things you are doing regularly every day, like wearing grocery stores, opening pots, or sitting and standing. If you are someone else in good health, but you have trouble doing these activities without being tired, painful or winding, Herrington says you should work more on your force training plan. "Strength training is great, not just for muscle strength to protect your joints and our bones and muscles. It is also important to keep us healthy and strong for the things we do every day," she says . And for more exercising every day, see why This very fast workout is scientifically proven at work, says the Mayo Clinic .

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