A secret side effect of lifting weights that you did not know, says science

Yes, the iron helps your muscles. But it also makes wonders for your brain.

TOETNT MIND + BODY, we are big believers inStrength training As a central pillar to achieve your goals, regardless of these objectives. Want tostronger muscles, more flexible joints and better balance? Weight weight will help you find there. Want tosleep better every night? Lift weights will also help you help. Want toof stress? While aerobic exercise is extremely helpful here, studies have shown that training of force can also help mitigate your anxiety. Finally, I wantshelter of fat and be skinny? Contrary to what many people believe, you'd better remove weights to lose weight or engage in HIIT exercises that rely on force training, that you do stable cosy exercises.

"When you gain muscle, your body starts burning calories more easily, which makes your weight mastery easier," explain people to theAmerican Cancer Society.

In fact, a new study published inPlum medicine I found that people who train with weights several times a week were at "20-30%" less risk of becoming obese later.

Now, if all these scientific evidence is not enough to put you in the weight room now, still consider another advantage of lifting weights that you may not have known before. So read and for more new exercises, do not missThis secret turn to get in shape in a few seconds, says a new study.


You will think better

young couple lifting weights
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

According to a study conducted by researchers in Australia and published in theJournal of American Geriatrics SocietyLifting weights are strongly associated with better cerebral performance. The study recruited older participants aged 55 to 86 and placed them in several groups, one of which has raised weights ("80% of their peak strength") twice a week for six months. Have taken cognitive tests along the way, including theScale of assessment of Alzheimer-cognitive disease The scale - These participants were shown considerably in "global cognition".

"The more we can get people to do resistance training such as weight lifting, plus we need to have a healthier aging population," the main author of the study, Dr. Yorgi Mavros, from the University of Sydney,points out in the official liberation. And for more life changing exercise tips, see here for theSecret exercise tips to reduce your weight for good.


Weight lifting helps attention, reasoning and memory

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According to a more recent meta-analysis of more than 20 studies published on the connection between weight training and cognitive function, published in 2019 in the journalPsychological research, people who have performed strength exercises such as lifting weights have experienced attention, reasoning and memory gains.

In addition, another study published last year by Australian researchers - this time in the journalNeuroimage: Clinic-Find that lifting weights protect the brain from degenerating. The researchers have found that lifting weights twice a week over six months of more than six months "a slow-down neurodegation related to Alzheimer's disease". And for more exercise tips, checkThe 15-second exercise thing that can change your life.


Why does the weightlifting help the brain?

woman at the gym doing squats

Scientists believe that resistance exercises such as weight lifting are particularly useful for targeting your hippocampus, the part of your brain that is responsible for memory and learning. When you get older, your hippocampus gets less blood and tends to contract. Perform resistance exercises can help restore blood flow in this region.

According toDamian M. Bailey, Ph.D., professor of physiology and biochemistry at the University of the Neurovascular of the University of South Wales University of South Wales and a Councilor of the European Space Agency, performing specifically effective squats to strengthen the brain, as the brain is performed intermittently with an increase in blood flow and a decrease in blood flow. "

"This finger and rubbing high flow with low-flow challenges, the inner mucosa of the arteries that provide blood with the brain," he explained on the BBC 4 "podcast" "Just one thing. "" We think it's good because it carries out the right chemicals that the brain needs to develop the things it has to grow to become smarter. "

He says what to do three to five minutes of squatting only three times a week are better for the brain than doing balance status exercises such as running.

More studies lifting him. According to the 2019 study that wins a lot of attention, which published in theApplied Physiology JournalThe rats that have been attached to the weights offered from resistance have experienced adaptations in their brain cells that reinforce their reflection capabilities. "The study discovers that weight formation, accomplished in rodents with ladders and tiny weight recorded, can reduce, or even aspects reverse of the loss of memory related to the age," wroteThe New York Times. "The conclusion can have important consequences for brain health for those of us who are not literal gymnastics rats."


Some excellent workouts to try

man pushups

On the market for superb routines? Try some of these formidable workouts:

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