The 43 best fiber foods

These foods rich in healthy fiber help you feel full, support your digestive system and get your weight loss goals much more easily.

These foods rich in healthy fiber help you feel full, support your digestive system and get your weight loss goals much more easily.

Thanks to the highly refined and modern American diet, the average American does not include one of the most important nutrients:fiber. Without consistent contribution of high-fiber, soluble and insoluble high fiber dishes in your diet, you will live with energy hollows, difficulty losing weight and increase your risk of diabetes and inflammation.

What is the fiber?

Fiber.Food fiber is a class ofcomplex carbohydrates Described as a long chain of indigestus sugar molecules. The fiber is naturally found in foods of complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.

Fiber is a class of carbohydrates can still be divided into two different forms:soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber.The soluble fiber dissolves in the water. When it does, it combines with water to form a substance similar to a gel that creates bulk. This fiber similar to gel helps slow down digestion, stay more complete and balance blood glucose. The soluble fiber is also the most closely associated fiber type with help withLower cholesterol levels. Chia seeds, for example, are particularly rich in soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber.Rather than dissolving in water, an insoluble fiber moves in your undigested digestive tract. This characteristic of the insoluble fiber helps to move food through your body, adding bulk stools to the stool.

Daily fiber socket

Americans should consume28 grams of fiber per day If they follow a diet of 2,000 calories,According to the FDA.

Unfortunately, we do not get anywhere near this amount.A report from the Food and Drug Administration Says that the average American woman is eating only 15 grams of fiber a day, while the average adult man consumes a little less than 19 grams a day.

Fortunately, following some smart swaps and intelligent high fiber food additions to your diet can help you achieve these suggested admission goals.

The best fiber foods

The following foods are considered an "excellent source" fiber, which means they provide more than 20% of your DV. This results in more than 5.6 grams of fiber by standard portion size.

Here's 43 of the best high fiber foods.

1. Navy beans

Navy Beans high fiber food

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):9.6 grams

Navy beans are by far one of the best sources of fiber, making it the most popular of all high fiber foods. And even if you are not looking to get 34% of your daily recommended fiber consumption in a portion, you can also easily rest that the addition of navy beans to your soup can help improve your health because it This is one of 30Foods that reduce your risk of breast cancer.

2. Gland squash

acorn squash high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup (cubic, cooked):9 grams

This winter squash is not only characterized by a subtle and sweet taste, buta mashed cup Provides your body with 6 grams of satisfaction fiber. In addition, gland squash is also an excellent source of portion of vitamin C-one provides about 20% of your daily needs, which is important for your immunity.

3. Black beans

Black beans high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):8.3 grams

Yes, the grammar rhyme is ideal for your heart, thanks to their 15 grams of fiber per cup, who work to reduce the bad cholesterol and fight against heart disease. "Beans are an excellent nutrition source - they are raised in protein and fiber, so do not forget them! Add them to your salad at lunch or add them to a dinner dish," says Jessica Crandall, a Denver-RD based, certified diabetes educator and former national spokesman of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietary.

4. Chia seeds

Chia Seeds high fiber foods

Fiber Per 2 tablespoon (24 g):8.3 grams

All of which is more than 5 grams of fiber per serving is considered high. An ounce, or 28 grams, seeds of Chia double this quantity! Sprinkle a spoonful of these nutrient-rich seeds in smoothies, yogurt or salads to strengthen your fiber consumption and harvest digestive benefits. We also organized theBest Chia Seed Recipes For even more ideas!

5. Split peas

Split Pea Soup high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):8.1 grams

Yes, they are different green peas even when they look identical! With more than 16 grams of fiber in a cup, a portion of split peas will take you to this recommended brand of 10 grams, then some. You can stay with the secular classicBroken peas soupOr use this as an opportunity to search for new fun recipes and experimentable in the kitchen.

6. Frambots

Raspberries in white bowl high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup:8 grams

Fruit, in general, is an excellent source of this macronutrient. And with 8 grams in a cup, raspberries fly the sweet spotlight. Mix this berries rich in antioxidants with oats in your morning or at your cereal will fill you up, will take you through your morning and you push to hit this daily 30 grams in no time.


Lentils high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):7.8 grams

Beans and legumes will always be featured in this category. If you opt for a full lens soup cup, you can consume more than 16 grams of fiber, which can help keep your energy stable throughout the day. "The fiber helps keep our blood sugars more stable, so we do not feel ups and down our energy levels," says Crandall.

8. Collard Greens

Collard Greens high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup (cooked, minced):7.6 grams

Would you like to guess that a classic food from Southern Comfort could help you reduce? Collard Greens is an excellent source of size fiber. (And also big taste with crumbled bacon.)

9. Ripe

Blackberries high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup:7.6 grams

As its pretty little sister, frambots, blackberries contain 8 grams of fiber per cup, dominating strawberries and blueberries (which contain less than half of this quantity). Make sure you keep these dark crested bays where you can see them; You will be more likely to reach them when sweet desires launch. I store all my fruits and vegetables at the eye level to make sure I take them regularly, "says Crandall. Keep healthy food in sight (and unhealthy looks) is on our list ofBest Weight Loss Tips.

10. Green peas

Green peas high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup (cooked):7.2 grams

You may have pushed them around your plate like a child - but it stops now. These little green poppers contain a Hafe 7 grams of fiber per cup! This same cup also has 8 grams of protein. "I strongly suggest trying to micromanize your meals so you get 7 to 10 grams of fiber at each meal," says Crandall. 7 grams? Easy PEASY.

11. Squash of the bumper

butternut squash on cutting board

Fiber for 1 cup (cooked, cubic):6.6 grams

This winter squash is packed with fiber, which is not only good for your digestive system, but also your cholesterol. According to a study published byThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionA high fiber supply has been demonstrated to lower the LDL cholesterol (also called "bad" cholesterol) in the body.

12. Kidneaux beans

Kidney beans high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):6.5 grams

Like most beans, kidney beans are very high in fiber content. These beans have almost 7 grams of fiber per serving, as well as 7.7 grams of protein.

13. Chickpeas

Chickpeas high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):6.2 grams

A half-cup of chickpeas (also known as Garbanzo beans) contains more than 6 grams of fiber. So, pay a game on your salad will help you reach your daily requirements with minimal effort. Just make sure to keep small portions so you do not overload on calories, especially when they are not the main event of your meal; A ¼ cup contains nearly 200 calories in total. Use theseRecipes of chickpeas For more ways to get your fiber from these healthy beans.

14. Linen seeds

Flax seeds high fiber foods

Fiber for 2 tablespoon:5.6 grams

Although they are not quite in the status of chia seed, whole seed linen offer up to 7 grams of fiber for two tablespoons, which is actually more than these two bites of broccoli can claim . Use them exactly as you would like the chia seeds to sprinkle on salads or mixing yogurt for a super-stimulating snack.


parsnips high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup (cooked, sliced):5.6 grams

They can be unknown for you now, but this root vegetable is worth learning. The parsnips are closely linked to the family of carrots and a cup (trench) of this legume vegetables contains 7 grams of stable fibers. Try roasting parsnips as you would potatoes, or thumb files and throw it into a vegetable stew to help kill hunger pains.

16. Granada seeds

Pomegranate seeds high fiber foods

Fiber by seeds of ½ grenade:5.6 grams

Grenada is another superfood that is packed with fiber. And above this friendly nutrient element, the grenade grenade seeds also house polyphenols, an antioxidant class that have been shown to shrink fat cells!

Fruits of high fiber, bays and dried fruits

Fresh whole fruits are extremely nutritious and are incredibly healthy snacks with high fiber,water-richand and rich in antioxidants.

17. pears

Pears high fiber food

Fiber by medium fruit (with skin):5.5 grams

An average pear contains about 5.5 grams of fiber, but to get all these grams, you must keep the skin intact because it is where most nutrients are concentrated. This same rule applies to apples, potatoes and even as the white things you like to choose oranges once you have peeled the outer layer!

18. Apple

Apples high fiber foods

Fiber by average apple (with skin):4.4 grams

The apples can drag behind pears in this category, but they are always a good way to sneak more fiber in your day, as long as you do not peel them! An average apple contains about 4.4 grams of belly-friendly nutrient and can help keep the cravings away from junk food between meals. Bonus: Apples are one of 50healthiest foods for women!

19. Oranges

Sliced orange high fiber foods

Fiber by large orange (peeled):4.4 grams

If you can withstand the recovery of each last piece of this white pesky trick on the orange segments, you will keep more nutrient of the size.

20. Lawyer

Avocado no pit high fiber foods

Fiber by ¼ lawyer:3.4 grams

These are not the spinach leaves that will fill you, but rather this creamy lawyer you pick on it. On average, a medium lawyer contains about 10-13 grams of filling fibers and adding it to your meals or find some impressive.Lawyer recipes can increase a lot of satiety.

21. Banana

Banana bunch on blue background high fiber foods

Fiber by medium banana (peeled):3.1 grams

If you want something fruity, bananas are one of the best fiber-rich fruits. A banana has a little more than 3 grams of fiber and also contains a large amount of potassium, an essential nutrient that helps regulate blood pressure. And there isMore benefits for the health of bananas Beyond their high fiber power.

22. Dried figs

Dried Figs high fiber foods

Fiber by ¼ cup (dried):3.7 grams

The dried figs are a very portable and very nice source. A little, the dried figure contains nearly one gram of fibers and about 20 calories. Mix some in a bag with nuts and you have a healthy and healthy snack for your departure and start running out of fuel.

23. Canned pumpkin

Canned pumpkin high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup:3.6 grams

You should eat this year of favorite vegetables from the fall for its high fiber content. Despite being puree, each half-cup with delicious pumpkin has nearly 4 grams of fiber. If you want to integrate more delicious vegetables into your diet, see theseInteresting ways to integrate canned pumpkins into your diet.

24. Cocoa powder

cocoa powder on spoon high fiber foods

Fiber for 2 spoon (unsweetened):4 grams

You do not have to cutChocolate Fully to have a healthy diet. If you fear chocolate, a cocoa powder in a protein shake could hit your cravings without adding excess calories.

High fiber vegetables

Vegetables are some of the most accessible sources of fiber. Here are the highest fiber vegetables you should add to your diet.

25. Broccoli

Broccoli high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 cup (cooked, minced):5.1 grams

Broccoli is one of the best vegetables to add to your next dinner or lunch for some fibers. It has part of the highest fiber content of most vegetables to more than 5 grams per cup.

26. Hearts Artichoke

Artichoke hearts high fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):4.8 grams

Unfortunately, spinach artichoke dip will never go on a favorable list to a diet - but some of its main ingredients certainly make. These hearts of juicy and tender artichokes are just growned with fibers. "I believe that the benefits of weight loss associated with a larger amount of fiber are related to feelings of fullness and satiety," says Crandall. That's why you'd better get the scoop insideFoods that make you the happiest!

27. Russet potato

Potatoes high fiber foods

Fiber by 1 large red potato (baked, with skin):4.8 grams

Potatoes Have acquired a bad reputation and they are actually a great source of fiber. A single big red potato has nearly 5 grams of fiber and you can easily add them to any flat to do. Just do not forget to eat the skin!

28. Sweet potato

sweet potato high fiber food

Fiber by 1 medium soft potato (baked, with skin):3.8 grams

"Fiber has no blocking properties of magic fat; simply, it helps you feel full without adding many additional calories to your diet," says Crandall. "When you have an oven potato (with a skin) instead of a potato chip bag, for example, you eat not only less calories, but you are less likely to feel again one hour later."Sweet potatoesIn particular, comprising about 6 grams of fiber by large potato for only 160 calories.

29. Carrots


Fiber by 1 cup (RAW):3.4 grams

Believe it or not, this bogue Bunny Favorite can actually increase the feelings of Post-Snacking plenary - much more than all the Bretzel sticks can. Throw a bouquet in a small Candle and pull them in the middle of the afternoon when the munchies are on. Try themIdeas for healthy snacks, too much.

Entire grains and cereals with high fibers

30. Bran flakes

Bran flakes high fiber food

Fiber by ¾ cup:5.5 grams

If you are not a hot porridge in the morning, do not be afraid. A bowl of 1 cup of Bran flakes can provide you with nearly 6 grams of fiber. Pass the Bran of Grape and add your own fruit to keep the sugar accounts under control and fiber totals even higher.

31. Steel cutting oats

Steel cut oats high fiber foods

Fiber by ¼ cup (sec):4 grams

Steel oats contain almost double the amount of fiber that rolled oats, which is why you should choose for that. Try one of themNight oat recipes To give you a boost of the morning fiber with these flavors of tasty breakfast.

32. Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread high fiber foods

Fiber per slice:3-4 grams

A slice of a real whole grain bread can contain about 4 or 5 grams of fibers and more than 16 grams ofinflammation-reducer whole grains. Recently, however, the marks double on the fiber content and offer more than 10 grams per slice in some cases. When you look at your bread, look for this first ingredient that indicates that the whole grain ", recommends to Crandall. "You want to stick with whole grains, not multigray, which simply means that there are different types of grains present."

33. Whole grain pasta

cooked and seasoned whole wheat pasta in pan

Fiber by 1 cup (cooked):3.8 grams, penne; 5.9 grams, spaghetti

All pasta are not created equal; Some are really very good for you! "I really have people look at their marks and read their labels to determine what is considered a good source of fiber because it will really vary from the brand to the brand," says Crandall. On average, whole wheat pastes contain 6.3 grams of fiber with a cooked cup.

34. Bulgarur

Bulgur higih fiber foods

Fiber by ½ cup (cooked):4.1 grams

Bulgur is another high fiber wheat that you should add to your diet. For a deliciousside salad, Combine bulgur with cucumbers, chickpeas, red onion and dill and a dress with a lemon vinaigrette.

35. Rolled Oats

Rolled Oats

Fiber to 1/2 cup (sec):4.1 grams

With 4 grams of fiber per serving, starting your day with a hearty bowl of oats, you need to put you on the right track. A study published in theNutrition logI found that participants who consumed oat flour on a regular basis were down bad cholesterol (and the size of the size!) Because of their increased consumption of fiber.

36. teff

Teff high fiber foods

Fiber ½ cup (cooked):3.5 grams

TEFF is a super grain known for its high fiber content. Add this to your plate with your dinner instead of refined grains to get a hearty kick and fiber to your meal.

37. Popcorn

popcorn in wooden bowl on white background high fiber food

Fiber 3 cups (peeled in air):3.5 grams

When you think of whole grains, it is likely that this movie favorite movie does not come to mind - although it may. As the popcorn is considered a whole grain, it is therefore relatively decent in fiber. Just be sure to keep you in the air to air to avoid unwanted calories or artificial flavors. We recommend thesehealthy ways to dress up the popcorn.

38. Pearl Barley

barley soup high fiber foods

Fiber ½ cup (cooked):3 grams

Stir this healthy grain soups and stews, or even the characteristic as a side dish with added spices. The dietary fiber found in this grain "helps you extract and remove cholesterol, which is correlated with heart disease," said Crandall. Add this feed to your diet and make sure to avoid theseThe wrong foods for your heart!

high fiber legumes, nuts and seeds

39. Haricotsous

Refried beans high fiber foods

Fiber ½ cup (canned, nonfat):5.4 grams

Who knew you could have a good source of fiber from one of your favorite taco sides? Do not spend those beans during your next trip to your localMexican.

40. edamame

Edamame in blue and white bowl high fiber foods

Fiber per ½ cup (beans only):4 grams

Edamame is one of many beans packed fibers. One-half cup edamame four grams of fiber. Munch on them on your next snack snack to get a dose of fiber in your day. We like to throw them with sesame oil and hot sauce.

41. Sugar Peas

Sugar Snap Peas higih fiber foods

Fiber with 1 cup (cooked):4 grams

Rather than grab a bag of chips or pretzels, spend a few minutes at night to throw a small bag of portable and affordable vegetables. Cherry tomatoes, carrots and mini-peppers are all great snacks options, but these snapshots satisfactory peas contain 4 grams of fiber per cup of service.

42. Almonds

Almonds high fiber foods

Fiber ¼ cup (toasted):3.8 grams

Nuts and seeds are always great while you are traveling. Snack on roasted almonds, nearly 4 grams of fiber per shift section 7 serving as grams of protein.If you want even more fiber, pick almonds labeled as raw, natural or manufactured for more fiber to your money.

RELATED: Learn to elongate your metabolism and lose weightthe intelligent way.

43. pistachios

Pistachios High Fiber Foods

Fiber for 1 oz (RAW):3 grams

These tiny nuts are packed with fiber, which helps keep your digestive system smoothly. A portion of an ounce of pistachios will give 3 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Benefits for Fiber Health

Many different studies have demonstrated how to eat a diet high in fiber can increase your immune system and your overall health and improve your appearance. SomeBenefits of a high fiber diet understand:

  • digestive health. The most commonly cited benefit of fiber is its ability to support healthy bowel movements. Dietary fiber lead stool to help move waste through your body. Eating a diet rich in high-fiber foods can helpconstipation, Reduce your risk of diverticulitis (inflammation of the intestine) and bring relief forIrritable bowel syndrome (SCI).
  • Diabetes. aAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition to studyDiscovered that the fiber acts as a natural protective armor against the c-reactive protein (CRP), a sign of acute inflammation. When CRP circulates in the blood, you are more likely to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease on the road.
  • Cancer. There are someresearch Suggests that a high fiber diet can help prevent colorectal cancer, although evidence is not yet conclusive. High-fiber plans have also been linked to reducing your risk of breast cancer because fibers help reduce levels of estrogen, Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, a registered Dietitian based on NYC, which is also the founder of theF-factor regime And an author in Bestial.
  • Health of the skin. Due to fiber cleaning effects, this can help eliminate toxins in the blood, eliminating your digestive process rather than your skin. In addition, high fiber foods tend to be high in antioxidants that can protect your skin free radicals damaging DNA.
  • Cardiac health. "By improving cholesterol levels and decreasing inflammation, fiber can help reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure levels," says Zuckerbrot.
  • Weight. Fiber bulking properties can help you feel Fuller, which promotes weight loss by creating a caloric deficit without hunger.

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