More than 60 years? Never do these exercises, says coach

Here are some force training movements that can increase your risk of injury later in life.

It is important that, as we age, we slightly modify our training to accommodate our aging bodies. When you reach 60, accordingSuzanne Andrews, President of the health exercise, your muscle mass willreally begin to decline. "After 60 years, you lose 3% per year, which comes out to about 4.5 pounds of muscle strength per year," shesaid.

Also at this age, your joints will not just what they were. Therefore, in your 60 years, I would urge you to participate in targetedstrength training diet, Using your body and lighter and lighter weight. Concentrate on your balance, your mobility and work your muscles with a range of healthy movement. I advise a lot of squats, slots, pumps, steps and excellent basic exercises such as planks or bicycle crunches.

I also encouraged to avoid these three movements of specific exercises targeting a particular area of ​​concern for people over 60 years: your shoulders.

Your shoulders can have a major impact on your quality of life you are in your last year and you have strong healthy shoulders - with a good range of movement - is crucial to cross your days and continue to live an active and healthy life. And it's just a fact that tearing your rotator cuff injury and impact as a shoulder (when tendons rub against the bone), are becoming more common after 60.

To help protect one of your most important joints, I urge you to avoid following year three movements, which I regard as particularly bad actors in the crowd of more than 60 years. In addition, I've also included two big moves to make. Then read and good training. And for more extensive tips, consult theAn exercise trick celebrating that you should try at home.


Do not: pulldowns behind the neck

3 behind the neck pulldowns

This exercise, even when done properly, can put a lot of tension in the wrong areas - mainly your neck and shoulders. Also: movement rotates your shoulders in a position that defiles your rotator cuffs, which open the way for inflammation. "I also saw the guys from the bar so fast they crack their spinous process [small nubs on the vertebra]", David Pearson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Ball State University,We have said once. And for more great exercise tips, do not miss theseSecret Body Secrets Experts Exercise more than 50 years.


DO NOT: Press over the bar

1 Barbell Overhead Presses

This movement, you may have enjoyed in your younger years, requires a high level of mobility in the upper back and shoulders. Since our chest and shoulder mobility tends to decrease as we get older, if you are over 60, you may find that you tend to over compensate too much with your lower back with models vertical motion such as poussement thereof. I think you'd better ignore the press over the bar.


DO NOT: Shoulders

2 shrugs

Here's a fact geeky Fitness: most of us are very dependent upper trap and lack of real strength in the traps upper back and knee socks. The shrugs tend to exacerbate this imbalance by working the upper traps and neck muscles when it should be the reverse. For this reason, I urge you to fessoire the shrugs and integrate more random movements instead. And for large movements training force to try, see here forSecret Exercise Tips for a better body after 40.


DO: SUMPRESSE OF SUMPRESSION (8-10 representatives from each side)

4 suitcase deadlifts

I love this exercise. It helps build core strength between your left and right and you learn to choose well Charner and things off the ground without using your lower back. This is crucial as we continue to age.

Here's how to do it: Start the movement with a weight (Kettlebell, dumbbell or Barbll) next to your side on the floor. Keep your chest high and tight heart, push your hips and sit until you can grab your weight with your hand. Brace You Core, then cross your legs and hips to stay tall, tighten the hard carbs to finish. Reverse the pattern to the starting position before performing another representative.

Make all the representatives prescribed on one side before moving on to the other.


Do: Get Turkish (3-5 Representatives)

5 turkish getups

Turkish gains are one of my favorite exercises for the mobility and stability of the complete body. It's great for developing and maintaining the strength of the hip, shoulder and basic force.

Here's how to do it: Start exercise while being flat on the floor holding a dumbbell or Kettlebell above you with a hand and your knee folded and the foot planted on the same side. With your opposite hand, plant it at 45 degrees on the side. Pass through your planted foot and increase the weight to the ceiling.

As you show, go your body in front and get up. Keeping your arm right over the head, lift your hips out of the ground until they are completely extended. Start slowly bringing the opposite leg behind you for your knee to be planted.

You should be in a slit position with the hand, knee and foot in a straight line. From the position of the slit on his knees, stand straight with the bell in the lead. Once you are standing, simply reverse the process at the stage back to the ground while keeping your eyes on the weight. And for more superb exercise tips, you can try in your last years, consult the Essential yoga extends for people over 40 years old .

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