16 ways of losing 15 pounds with tea

If you want to eliminate belly fat quickly, at a lower cost and easily, use these tea hacks Pronto.

I first discovered tea loss powers when my mother, suffering from a terrible battle with diabetes, asked me to help you design a tea tea for her. As a former nurse in Korea, she already knew the power of this rescue drink. Of course, with the plan she and I designed together, she dropped an incredible 9 pounds in just a week and brought her blood glucose under control.

Since then, I have turned this program in a Bestial book,The Tea Tea Cleaning the 7 Day Stompen. And while describing an easy and efficient protocol to eliminate belly fat, you do not necessarily need to follow it exactly. Here are some of the most effective hacks to use when you are ready to lose weight - the sound of a whistle.


Concentrate on green tea

Each tea has its own special weight loss powers, but if your boat is flowing and you can only catch a packet of tea before swimming at the desert island, do it with green tea. Green tea is the bandit that chooses the lock on your adipose cells and removes them, even when we do not make the most intelligent food choices. Chinese researchers have found that green tea significantly reduces triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in subjects that eat fatty diets. To followThese steps to make the perfect cup of green tea!


Do it your post-training drink

Brazilian scientists have discovered that participants who have consumed three cups of the drink every day for a week had fewer markers of damage caused by the cell caused by exercise resistance. This means that green tea can also help you recover faster after an intense workout. In aAmerican Physiological Society to studyParticipants who combined a daily habit of four to five cups of green tea each day increased endurance exercise performance up to 24%.


Upgrade to the Matchta


The concentration of EGCG - the superpotted nutrient found in green tea can be up to 137 times more in powdered tea. EGCG can simultaneously stimulate lipolysis (ventilation of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of new adipose cells). AAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition study revealed that men who drank green tea containing 136 milligrams of EGCG - what you will find in a single portion of 4 grams of matcha-lost twice as much weight than a placebo group and four times more fat from the belly over three months


Prejudice with tea

Before going to dinner, go out a cup of green tea. The active ingredient in green tea, EGCG, stimulates levels of cholecystokinin or CCK, hunger-that hip hormone. In aSwedish study This examined the effect of green tea on hunger, researchers divided participants into two groups: a sipped group of water with their meal and the other group drank green tea. Not only have the tea sippers reported less than one desire to eat their favorite foods (even two hours after sipping the beer), they found that these foods will be less satisfactory.


Drink tea just before going to bed

You probably already know that chamomile tea canhelp to induce sleep (There is even a brand called asleep weather). But science shows that teas actually work on a hormonal level to reduce our agita and bring peace and sleep. Studies have found that weavers like valerian and hops contain compounds that can actually reduce stress hormone levels in our body, bringing sleep - and reduce the body's ability to store fat!


And drink it well when you wake up

A study in theInternational Journal of Molecular Science I found that fasting during the night, followed by a green tea consumption (at least 30 minutes before your first meal of the day), authorized for the best possible absorption of EGCG, the magic nutrient of green tea.


Drink red when you see red


Red tea, also known as Rooibos, is an excellent choice for when you are struggling with midday stress. What makes the rooibos especially good to appease your mind is the unique flavanoid called aslashin. Research shows that this compound can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and grease storage and are linked to hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. .


Meet a friend for tea

A new study in the newspaperHormones and behavior I found that those who feel alone undergo greater levels of traffic hormone stimulating appetite after their consumption, making them feel further. Over time, people who are solitarious simply take more calories than those with stronger social support networks.


Keep it in the dark


The active ingredients of the teas are very unstable under the sunlight. Keep tea in a dark and dry place. Store tea in sealed packaging in fresh and dark conditions increases the service life. If you are brewing iced tea, it will stay well for about 4 days, as long as you keep it refrigerated.



To add the power of the catechins of green tea on top, steep tea bags in oils (or vinegar) to create richly flavored salad dressings. A study inNutrition logI found that those who ate monounsaturated fats at lunch reported a decrease of 40% desire to eat for hours after. Check theseDelicious recipes using Green Tea Matchta!


Mix in a smoothie


Green or white teas make large bases forsmoothies. In a study inCurrent Nutrition and Food Science, replacing two meals a day with a smoothie conducted on overweight and obese patients to lose weight as well as cravings.


Mix in certain seeds of Chia


These small black nutrition pieces are packed with fibers, protein and, the most important of all Omega-3 fatty acids. Pairchia seeds With green tea in a turbut smoothie, the burning powers of tea. According to a study study in theInternational Journal of Molecular SciencesOmega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can improve not only the bioavailability of EGCG, but also its effectiveness.


Cook your oatmeal


Why not empower rice,quinoaAnd even oatmeal with the burning properties of green tea belly fat? Instead of cooking your grains in regular water, attach 4 sachets of green tea to a wooden spoon, fill a small pot with 2 cups of water and add the wooden spoon and tea bags. Bring the water to a boil and remove the tea bags. Add the grains to the boiling tea water and cook as indicated.


Pepper your meals


When drinking tea with a salad or soup, make it effort to add black pepper to your meal. A study in theInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences Indicates that a compound found in the black pepper, called piperine, can help improve the blood levels of EGCG by allowing it to linger in the digestive system longer - which means that more of it is absorbed by the body.


Do perfect matcha

Yogurt is an excellent weight loss food - until you start adding from the aroma. Fruit yogurts on the bottom can have as many sugar calories as a candy bar. For a fast boost of the flavor, move from the Matchta powder in a flat and fat Greek yogurt.


Turn the remains in superfoods

Ochazuke is a rapid gastronomy tower of Japan. It is made by pouring a cup of warm green tea on a bowl of rice remains, then at the head of bowl with salty ingredients to create a superb slim lunch. Place the rice in a bowl. Pour hot tea on it. Up with crackers, salmon slipped, seaweed, lime juice and soy sauce.

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