Most common symptoms of the Delta variant

A new variant comes with new symptoms.

The delta variant of thecoronavirus Now is the predominant strain circulating in the United States, responsible for 94% of current cases. Not only the delta is much more infectious than the previous variants, this can be causingsymptoms which are different from those previously associated with COVID-19. Researchers are studying this possibility and have not published the official conclusions, but a study of the crowd stressed some significant differences. Read to find out what they are - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.



migrane headache

TheSymptom Covid SymptomIs led by the King's College London, whose researchers follow symptoms of Covid reported by newly diagnosed people via an application. Scientists report three groups of conclusions: among non-vaccinated, fully vaccinated and those who have had avaccine dose.

"Even people who have had one or two doses of vaccination can always be likely to contract COVID, and symptoms and severity differ according to the number of vaccinations you have had, if any."

But a lot of head, which was the covid # 1 symptom reported in the three groups. This is different from earlier in the pandemic, when people generally reported a cough, shortness of breath or loss of smell or taste. In fact, researchers say that odor loss seems to be less common because the virus has evolved. It ranked n ° 9 among the most unmaglined and did only the top 5 (at N ° 5) in the entirely vaccinated people.


Runny nose

Ill young blond woman having fever and blowing her nose while having a blanket on her shoulders and sitting on the couch with her eyes closed and table with pills in front of her

A flowing nose was the most reported symptom n ° 2 by entirely vaccinated and partially vaccinated persons, and the most common symptom n ° 3 in the not validated. Earlier in the pandemic, a flowing nose has been considered unrelated to coronavirus infection.

And symptoms similar to a cold, allergy or minor respiratory problem seem to be more common with Delta, especially among the vaccinated. After having tested positive earlier this month, Sen. Lindsey Graham totally vaccinatedtweetedthat his "light symptoms" felt "as if I have a sinus infection". He added that without the vaccine, "it would have been much worse."



Woman with face mask sneezing into elbow while sitting in a cafe.

Sieve was the nearest covidant symptom of the group fully vaccinated and n ° 4 in the partially vaccinated group in the study of COVID symptoms.

Earlier this month, Dr. Gabe Kelen, Director of Emergency Medicine at Johns Hopkins, saidWMAR 2 Baltimore NewsThat the first symptoms of delta often resemble summer cold, unlike the fluctuating symptoms of the initial Covid-19 strand.

"A majority of these cases begin with renifabs [and] sore throat," he said. "And even among health workers, we know a lot of thought", it's just a cold summer, it's not the way Covid is really supposed to present "and he finally turned out that They had Covid. "

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Irritated throat

Woman sore throat with glass of water in her bed

A sore throat was the most narrative symptom 4 of the fully vaccinated vaccinations, among the partially vaccinated and N ° 2 among non-vaccinated in the COVID symptom study.

"What we see with the delta variant so far is that you are a little more likely to have a sore throat, more likely to have congestion of sinuses, and a little more likely to Have a flowing nose ", Dr. Wesley WillefordTold WRBRC 6 newIn Birmingham, Alabama, earlier this month.

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A woman wearing a face mask in the city coughing.

Persistent cough was the symptom the fifth that was reported among non-vaccinated and partially vaccinated in the study of COVID symptoms. But the cough is only classifying n ° 8 among the possibly vaccinated evidence that another anterior mastery symptom becomes less frequent. Also slide the list: shortness of breath and fever, which are much less frequently reported now than in the first waves of the pandemic.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Tired
  • Muscle or body
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Irritated throat
  • Congestion or flowing nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

"If you have symptoms that are anywhere from the ordinary, I think the first thing you should do is think about getting a CVIV-19 test, and certainly if you have fevers or you have More noticeable symptoms, you should definitely be able to get a COVID-19 test and try to avoid being around other people to prevent the spread of Covid-19, "Dr. Willeford said.

RELATED:I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


How to stay healthy

Nurse with face mask sitting at home with senior woman and injecting covid 19 vaccine.

No matter where you live, be vaccinated as soon as possible; If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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