A major danger of being a slow walker, says a new study

A new analysis of 233,000 links the slowdown of walking and a greater risk of death among cancer survivors.

A new study has just published in the newspaperCancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention Contains alarming information about cancer survivors who can take their daily constitution at a deliberate pace or not walk at all. After analyzing detailed questionnaires of more than 233,000 participants under study aged 50 to 71 years, research teams from several major universities and the National Cancer Institute concluded that"Those who walked at the slowest rhythm had more than the double risk of death of a certain cause, compared to those who report the fastest walk."

This is the last study on the light on what seems to be a deep link between the pace of walking - or the "speed of walking" - and early death in the context of cancer. In 2019, a study published in the magazineSome blood found only for every 1/10 one meterSlow down That a non-Hodgkin lymphoma patient walked over a distance of four meters, their death risk increased by 22%.

Although the new study explicitly indicates that the slowdown of the march is not the cause of death among cancer survivors, it clearly indicates that "the association persisates at least nine types of tumors", which include the Breast, colon, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, prostate, oral, melanoma, rectal, respiratory and urinary cancers. The authors note that the conclusions should have an impact on the rehabilitation of cancer. "It is important to improve our understanding of how the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of cancers can affect the pace of walking during survival - a potentially modifiable risk factor - which could lead to new strategies. treatment and rehabilitation to improve the health of these patients ",Explain Elizabeth A. Salerno, Ph.D., Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington.

In addition, researchers (who welcomed the University of Washington University in Saint-Louis, the University of North Carolina and George Washington University) discovered that cancer survivors with a disability - And so could not walk - had an even stronger chance of early death.

To reach their conclusion, researchers have studied the questionnaires of participants enrolled in the National Institutes of American Retirement Association (NIH-AARP).Regime and health study, "Who answered [questions] on their own pace of health and their general pace." Study participants "have been followed" for several years. In the end, the study concludes that "compared to individuals without cancer diagnosis that has worked at the fastest pace, cancer survivors who have traveled as late as the risk of death is greater than a cause of the cause "

It is only the last study to enlighten the importance of walking every day for your health, your brain and finally your life. For some additional reasons to walk every day - and at a rigorous pace, because we have listed them here. And learning more things that affect your life, make sure you know theThe personality trait that skyrockse your risk of early death.


You will be more creative


A new study published in the journalScientific reportsSays that if you are looking to stimulate your own creativity, you should walk more or make another kind of moderate exercise on a daily basis. The more active you are, the study says, the more you can expect your creative juices to flow.

An earlier study, published byAPA PSYCNET In 2014, the exercise exercise is linked to the creation of more efficient innovations, while another study, published in the journalScienceIn 2006, found that the inhabited mental state while doing activities such as walking was linked to creative ideas.


You will have better levels of sugar in the blood

woman doing a walking workout

A study published in the newspaperDiabetes In 2016 found that only 10 minutes walk after eatinghelped people with type 2 diabetes reduce their blood sugar levels. And for healthier news, you can use for the moment, make sure you are aware of theA major side effect to sit too much on the couch, says a new study


You will be less stressed

Shocked young woman looking at laptop computer screen at home

"Have a regular walking schedule can be ideal for your health and I'm not just about physical health, but also from your mental health," Dr. Amy Lee, nutrition manager forNuCFIC, already saidEat this, not that. "[You have a] feeling of accomplishment by burning calories [you] can reduce your daily stress and let the body secrete natural endorphins that is the" good "hormone".


You will lose weight

Woman taking mirror selfie at a gym showing off her weight loss

According to a study published in theJournal of Exercise Nutrition & BiochemistryResearchers who have studied the effects of the march on obese women over a 12-week period revealed that it was above all In force to target and reduce visceral greases - otherwise called belly fat, the type that increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease - while also contributing to improving the response of insulin of the body. And for healthier news, read The most effective way to work every day, let's say psychologists

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