The weight loss lie # 1 you have to stop believing

New research proves that believing that it can hold you with unwanted books.

One of the most common lies of losing weight is the one you get, the more difficult it will be. However, believe that this lie can be a huge mistake, considering thatage may not make it more difficultlosing weight After all, according to a new study.

This research on age andweightloss was published in October 2020 in the newspaperClinical endocrinology and examined the correlation between obese patients and their ages.The authors of the study found that patients over 60 were able to make lifestyle changes to lose weightonly as effectively as their younger counterparts.

Between 2005 and 2016, researchers in the United Kingdom collaborated with a group of randomly selected obese patients and participated in a hospital obesity service. They have been put on a plan that uses only lifestyle changes for weight loss, which included food and psychological support. Patients were divided into two groups: those aged 60 and over and those under 60.15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.)

weight loss

Weight loss intervention In patients went from one month to 143 months, but the results showed that the group of patients aged 60 and over lost weight just as effectively as the group under 60. Doctors and researchers measured both weight and BMI and found no significant difference in a metric between groups.

The authors of the study concluded that in a weight loss plan in the way of life, age should not play a factor. That said, they also noted that this study is based on the hospital, which means it might be different for those looking to lose weight by themselves.

So, yes, it's a mistake to believe the lie that the more you get, the more difficult it will be to lose weight.Weight loss for the elderly could simply mean to go differently to reach the same results as someone half of their age. Remember that the patients in this study have been associated with doctors to help them cross the process, which has finally been successful. If you expose a weight loss course, it may not be a bad idea to also search for help from health professionals (such as your primary care doctor, your personal trainer, a registered dietitian or a Nutritionist) who can adapt the specific lifestyle changes to you.

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