18 rituals lunch to help you lose weight

You chug two glasses of water in the morning and keep your screen in time at a minimum at night, but what can you do during the day to help you lose weight?

After catching with my recently graduated friends at our college back home the other weekend, we landed on the subject to eat lunch. "I'm so busy with work, sometimes I come to forget to eat! My only friend has entrusted. I was stunned. Do not eat lunch? "How could you forget to eat? My second friend answered before I could express my big surprise. "I can not focus without eating. So, if I have a lot of work to do, I just eat at my desk. »

Although I agree that at least eating something was better than nothing, I'm not so sure NosHing Deskide. Although I too am overwhelmed with work sometimes, I make a habit of walking away for a bite. It is not enough to erase my mind, it is a method sustained by the search that also helps me to stay slim! And it is not enough to take the time to walk away from the work that has been proven to keep your weight under control; There are several rituals in time lunch, you can use that you can manage your weight easier than to pretend the approval of your mother-in-law the right of fruit cake. Start working these habits in your daily routine, the pair with avoidanceThe # 1 menu option worse at 40 best restaurants, And you will start seeing the balance in your favor in a short time.



Lunch with juicebox and brownbag

You save moneyand Calories! Numerous studies show that price of restaurants is both rich in calories and loaded with salt, the ingredient that causes the bloom of the belly. Brown bagging, it can help you reduce both of these measures. In fact, Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that the house cooks consume nearly 200 fewer calories than people who eat more often. For some dine dine ideas worthy, check out these25 super-health meals within 400 calories.


Or at least order a meal in front of the time

order menu online

We know we have just told you to bring lunch at home, but I get that it's not quite realistic for this to happen every day. So when it's time to order on, here are our advice: in advance of the order. Like, just after having in the office. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon University found that when people ordered lunch over an hour before eating, diet people chose meals with an average of 109 calories less that those who ordered immediately before lunch. The reasoning behind the calories saved? Your desire to choose healthy meals is deteriorating rapidly when your mind is distracted by a growing stomach that aspires food with high energy density. SpeakHangry.


Sign out

woman eating at desk

Of course, you can have an end-of-day deadline to complete this project for your boss, but do not be an excuse for eating at your desk. Nutrition experts have discovered that when you keep your mind busy while you chew, block some satiety signals from your stomach that alerts your brain you have eaten your fill. For example, a study published in the journalThe quality of food and preferably found that people who listen to music with a helmet while eating consumed much more of the same exact food compared to those who are not jams outside.


Sit down

friends coffee table

It might feel good to stretch your legs after a morning to rest, but make a point to enter a chair while you eat. A Canadian study revealed that the people who were numbling ended by storming 30 percent more to their next meal compared to those sitting. The researchers predicted that the reason you end up eating later in the day because your body unconsciously rejects a meal standing like a "false meal" to say that it forgets you even eaten in the first place.


Come sip green tea

smart girl green tea

Although it may seem first that your business for combo lunch will save money, you will end up paying in the long run. Indeed, these agreements often throw in a "free" sugar filleda sodaThat will only serve you with empty calories that peak and crash of your blood sugar leading to the feeling of hunger after eating. Instead, opt for hydration water or green tea. This drink containing caffeine has been shown to stimulate metabolism thanks to its concentration of catechins: a type of antioxidant that triggers fat release by fat cells and helps accelerate liver capacity to transform fat into energy.


Get a lunch of friends

women friends eating lunch

The schemes are much easier when you put yourself in place for success. An easy way to do it is for yourself by keeping responsibility. Find a friend or colleague of work that has healthy eating habits and who can encourage you to do the same thing. It works! According to a study published in theConsulting Journal and Clinical Psychology, People with the diet who had a weight loss partner lost much more belly fat relative to those who worked to reduce the sail alone.


Discuss with your colleagues

co workers talking at the office

Instead of stopping the company during your lunch break, put a chair next to your colleagues. When you take the time to chat with friends, you force yourself to eat more slowly. Because it takes about 20 minutes for the signal to move from your belly to your brain that you are full, take the time to discuss is one of ourBest Weight Loss Tips This will prevent you from eating beyond your filling.



caesar salad

End off calories with more calories! Start your lunch with a small side salad can actually help your body keep its blood glucose more equal to blood glucose, according to researchers at Cornell University. This means that you will not only stay purer longer, but you will also save your body from a peak intimated with blood glucose.


But do not just eat lettuce

chicken salad

Ordering a salad is not always the healthiest choice. When salads are entirely made in carb prices, like lettuce and vegetables, they often lack the power of stay of protein or healthy fats that you will find in the grilled chicken and the lawyer. In addition, many restaurant salads are secretly diet bombs that can detonate your progress from their flat belly; Take a look at our exclusive report,35 food restaurants with a crazy quantity of sugar-Many are salads!


Ask for dressings and sauces on the side

pouring dressing on a salad

Leave the restaurant dress up your salad for you and you will not only be stuck with soggy lettuce; You will also have an average of five tablespoons (2½ ounces) of a calorie-loaded vinaigrette that choking your vegetables once nutrients. According to your vinaigrette (please, do not let it be a thousand island), it can give you 400 calories up to 400 calories. Instead, ask for the vinaigrette on the side and use half of it to save about 200 calories. Simply make sure you still use it! When you addhealthy fats To your salad, this will help your body absorb nutrients related to vitamins A, D, E and K.


Ditch microwave meals

person using microwave

We do not want you to blame the frozen meals from the grocery alley; These icy options are often marketed as nutritives and practical. The question is as follows: many of them are disguised food disasters. They can be considered as controlled by the controlled part and the low calorie, but like most ultra-transformed foods, many frozen inputs pals a surprising amount of health sugar and sodium blocking from the belly. In addition, the list of 40s plus makes it more likely that you will be filled with inflammation - causing additives treated, like theseFoods that cause inflammation.


Eat before 15h

fitness man looking at watch

Last minute projects are offered and deadlines are pushed forward, but do not let these distractions throw your lunch schedule. We recommend that you make a point on Nosh during your lunch before 3 hours barely. everyday. This is because Spanish researchers have found that obese women who ate their lunch after three have lost 25% less than those who have eaten their lunch earlier in the day. The experts believe that gathering lunch until you stimulate that hunger could encourage you to eat more caloric-dense foods when it's time to nosh.


Go to the drink menu

happy hour friends eating restaurant bar

Even if you are going to hit a restaurant for your lunch, it is not necessary to do it too much. Drink moderation will not hurt your size too much, but making a habit (and we are talking about lunchrituals) Can slow down your metabolic rate. Because your body records alcohol as toxic, you will preferably break a cocktail before the rest of your lunch that is not waiting to be digested. The last thing you want is toSlow down your metabolism In the middle of the day.


Order first if you go to a restaurant

restaurant friends eating

Are you planning to go out with your colleagues for a lunch meeting? Take your head and order first. A study from a University of Illinois revealed that people tend to order in the same way as in a group. Researchers reason that conformity stems from the fact that people are happier making similar choices like their peers. So, if you tend to be undecided with your menu option, check the menu at home, decide on a dish and ask the server if you can order first. It's also one of our35 tips to be healthy in restaurants!


Be aware of buffets

lunch buffet

Whether your office sets up lunch buffets for meetings or often frequent local market salad and hot bar offers, be tired of what you select. CORNELL University researchers found that guests tend to heavier overindulge in a buffet medium. The big question, however, is that most stores do not provide nutritional information for all selections, you are never quite sure what you eat. If you can not keep the places of payment by the book, here is a trick: aPlos one Study revealed that the guests will make better choices when healthier foods are placed at the beginning of the buffet line. So, our advice is to load on healthy items first, then return to Mozzarella's sticks.


To eatSomething

woman with a restrictive diet

Promise us One thing: You will eat something for lunch. A large extent of research, including a report from the National Institute of Health (NIH), shows that when dietary people skip a meal, you will feel more hungry when the next meal rolls around. When you do not eat, your body can exhaust its glucose reserves in the blood, which increases the production of the hunger hormone Ghréline, rising even more more your appetite. He is one of30 reasons why you are always hungry.


AndTo eat-Neck!

fruit veggie juice

Even if you are running out of time, at least nibble something. Because our body do not register liquid calories as they do solid calories, drink a drink or juice will not satisfy our throat of hunger as much as chomping on a salad or walnut handle. In fact, a study published in theJournal of Clinical American Nutrition have found that the participants ended up drinking more (and therefore consumed a higher number of calories) until they felt satisfied, compared to the moment they eaten solid foods. Even a granola bar is better than nothing!


After eating, walk

friends walking

It's time to end the secular myth that any exercise after you eat is bad for you. A study published 2016 in the Medical ReviewDiabetologiaHave found that when diabetics walked for 10 minutes after each main meal, they were able to reduce their blood glucose rate of 12 percent more than those who focused their exercise in a 30-minute walk. Diabetics are not the only ones that can benefit from a short walk away. A study published inBmj found that overweight average age and obese adults who interrupted the sitting time with short periods of walking every 30 minutes also minimized pointed in blood and insulin after lowered meals eat. This translates directly to preventing your body from storing fat! Recently diagnosed with diabetes? Do not miss these14 Myths on the treatment of diabetes.

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