15 worst mistakes I've seen the Walmart buyers do

Masks being discolved to teenagers playing in the aisle of toys, there are only a few things that should not happen now.

Word propagates quickly around the Walmart neighborhood on the 191 road in Bethlehem, PA, had a new offer of Clorox disinfectant wipes. During thetime of a pandemicIt's a few exciting news, so I ran there at lunch time.

I hung a score of 3 pack! But honestly, I wanted to give them back to customers while walking in the store, given what I saw. WarningWalmart Shoppers: Many of you have to pay more attention to following secure purchasing protocols. We all do.

So what exactly happened? Well, here'ssome of the biggest mistakes I attended my masked comrades Walmart Shoppers. And to make sure you are up to date, make sure youClick here for all our last coronavirus coverage.


Masks being discolved.

taking off mask

A masked employee is at the entrance to ensure that all those who enterwearing a face coverBut I saw at least five people withdraw them around their neck as soon as they entered the store. Not good! And there are also more dangers masks out there.


Masks that cover only the mouths of people.

shopping with mask

Twelve, count them, 12 people shopped with their masks removed under their noses. Four employees also left their exposed noses. I felt like asking them, "But if you sneeze?" And saying that: "According to a study in theJournal of Fluid Mechanics, droplets bearing pathogen expelled in a sternutation (ie, sneezes) can travel up to 100 mph and more than 20 feet. "


Becoming IRAT.

upset shopper

Jennifer, a Walmart partner, the recontact of the frosted flakes of the size of the family told me that when employees apply the six-foot social distribution guidelines, some customers become "downright, angry, screaming" it's a free country. Do not tell me what to do! 'As that she noted that most customers are respectful and appreciative, those who do not act as a result may want to rethink their attitudes and actionsbefore doing shopping.


Do not disinfect the purchase basket handles.

disinfecting shopping cart

The store provides disinfectant wipes, then use them! I saw a boy sitting in his mother's basket by catching the handle and picking his nose. Raw…


Browse for non-essentials.

browsing grocery store

Several employees told me that the store is full of people "who are seemingly bored at home."

"They do not make essential shopping. A garden hose is not an essential article like food. Our garden service was crazy this weekend," said Morocco, an associated store.


Bring the whole family to the store.

shopping with family

Shopping for essential items should not be a family business. Go to Walmart should not be considered an opportunity to get out of the house for an exercise. This is what the parks are. Shop alone if possible.

"Do not bring your babies here," said Associate Maria store.


Eat in the store.

samples grocery store

It can be messy to try to eat and drink while wearing a facial coating, that's why people borrow them from feeding their faces, preferable something they should do at home and not when shopping . My advice? Finish your smoothie on the strawberry before entering the store and do not open the box of the ring for your four-year-old child before checking.


Shopping during peak hours.

Coronavirus pandemic effects: long queue to enter the supermarket for grocery shopping

The store is the busiest after lunch and evening. It is therefore better to plan to shop in the morning when the store has been freshly cleaned and stored to avoid creating more crowds.


Touch everything.

touching everything

You know these buyers who browse the store by picking up and examining each product on the shelves, even if they have no intention to buy it? Yes, there were a lot of things happening. But right now, it is better to keep your hands in your pockets until you are ready to launch the doritos of your cart!


Fight for paper towels.

paper towels

Personally, I did not see that happen because the paper towel shelves were empty when I was shopping. But Maria partner-partner told me, "A few weeks ago, people were pushing and pushed to move on paper towels and toilet paper while we restart it. We had to move to the replenishment at night when the store is closed because it would be crazy. "


Improvising a facial coating.


A guy who apparently forgot his mask shot his t-shirt Eagles above his nose. This is not a valid face cover, the least.



toy aisle

Two teenagers play catches with a nerve football in sports products, while their boyfriend pressed a bike rope, assembles it again and again. I whisk the hiss on this penalty and they murmured something under their masks and moved away.


Do not plan your shopping strategically.

grocery shopping

The time has come to enter, get the goods and get out quickly. I saw too many people crossed with casualness in the aisles as if nothing in life had changed. Know exactly what you need is the key and simply make sure you do not store onThe worst foods to buy at Walmart.


Do not practice social distance.


There are markers on the ground at the crate showing you exactly where to stand up, so there is really no excuse for not staying six feet from each other.


Touch the credit card swiper.

Walmart checkout

Or pay with money. It's like shaking hands with a thousand other other humans! Instead, download the Walmart Pay app for a contact without contact with your smartphone in a registry or automatic command. An even better option? You can order your articles online and use the Curbside pickup.

Stay safe, everyone.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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