Of course signs you've ever had Covid, according to the Mayo Clinic

"Signs and symptoms Linger over time," says the clinic. Know them can save your life.

Coronavirus is an sneaky disease. "Most people who have Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19 [Feminine) Recover completely in a few weeks, "says theMAYO Clinic. "But some people - even those who had light versions of the disease - continue to feel symptoms after their initial recovery. These people sometimes describe as" lengths "and the condition was called post-Covid-19 syndrome or" Long Covid -19. "The Mayo Clinic continues to name the" most common signs and symptoms that linger over time "and we have rounded them here in this story, as well as comments from medical experts. Read it to see if you have these symptoms - and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not missThe symptoms of COVID normally appear in this order.


You could now have fatigue, muscle pain or headaches

Sick woman suffering from head ache

"The long-term symptoms of COVID can be summarized by the old quote:" I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. "The different symptoms of the Covid experience are as varied as people," saysSheldon Zablew, MD. "For some, it is clear that a viral disease possesses it and for others, they are not even aware that they have been infected. The most common symptoms can also be the same for weeks or months called long-haul symptoms. "

Deep fatigue is usually the most common. "Muscle and articular pain can occur and are often associated with weakness and lethargy in people with sustainable symptoms," says Dr. Zablew.


You could now have a shortness of breath, chest pain or cough

in pain touching chest respiratory symptoms fever, coughing, body aches

The virus is a respiratory disease and can cause lasting damage. "Many people are experiencing prolonged recovery of these symptoms," saidDr. Matt Ashleyfrom the center of skills in neuro. "This can vary from nuisance to the use of oxygen therapy for prolonged periods."


You could now have joint pain

woman holding her hand

"People have described long-term pain in their joints (Arthralgia), as a result of a Covid infection and a recovery of the acute illness," said Dr. Ashley.


You could now have a fast or rammed heartbeat

man is putting his hand to the chest

"According to a study by the University of Frankfurt in Germany, more than half of the patients studied who had heart inflammation in progress," saidHackensack Meridian Health.


You could now have a loss of smell or taste

Focused woman taking off face mask while choosing fruits in grocery store.

"Prolonged loss of smell or taste is a sign reveals that you have already had Covid," saysPeter Bailey, MD. "A common index left by the virus is a persistent loss of smell or taste, even if you can not taste your morning coffee or breakfast as you have accustomed, it could be a persistent symptom of Have had the virus. "

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You could now have memory, concentration or sleep problems

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

"Often, the most embarrassing long-haul symptom is described as" brain fog ", saysLisa Ravindra, MD, FACP. "This difficulty of concentration and reflection associated with a depth of fatigue has resulted in some of my patients taking prolonged work efforts and need to look for mental health treatment because of the stress of not knowing when they will recover. . "


You could now have a loss of rash or hair

Woman scratching arm indoors

"Fever is a common symptom of Covid-19. A few months after having had a high fever or reception of a disease, many people see a notable hair loss. Many people think of this as a hair loss it's actually hair loss, "says theAad. "This happens when more hair than normal enter the hair growth lifecycle loss phase at the same time. A fever or illness can force more hair in the depollution phase."


You could now have damage caused by Covid-19

adult male in face mask receiving treatment at hospital suffering respiratory disease lying on bed

"As the pandemic is taking place, we learn that many organs outside the lungs are affected by Covid-19," says theCDC. "Covid can also affect your renal system (acute kidney injury), your brain, your heart and your liver." Said the Mayo Clinic:

"The organs that can be affected by COVID-19 include:

  • Heart. Imaging tests take months after the recovery of COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to heart muscle, even in people who have lived only light symptoms of COVID-19. This can increase the risk of heart failure or other cardiac complications in the future.
  • Lungs. The type of pneumonia often associated with Covid-19 can cause long-standing damage to small air bags (cells) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can cause long-term breathing problems.
  • Brain.Even among young people, COVID-19 can cause cerebral stroke, crises and guillain-bar syndrome - a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 can also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease ".


You have blood could now clots and problems of blood vessels

Thigh pain or muscle twitching or muscle cramp.

"Covid-19 can produce blood cells more likely to agglutinate and cloth formation," saysThe Mayo Clinic. "While big clots can cause heart attacks and stroke, most of COVID-19 cardiac lesions are supposed to come from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle. »

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You will like can now have problems with mood and fatigue

A woman laying on sofa holding phone.

"There have been reports of people who recover from COVID with neurological symptoms that may persist, including lack of concentration, short-term memory difficulties, and even significant depression," says Dr. Zablow.


Many long-term Covid-19 effects are still unknown

Female and male doctors wearing masks and uniforms are visiting to check the symptoms of middle-aged female patients lying in bed.

"A big part is still unknown on how Covid-19 will affect people over time. However, researchers recommend that doctors closely monitor people who have had Covid-19 to see how their organs work after recovery, "says the Mayo Clinic. "Many major medical centers are the opening of specialized clinics to provide care to people with persistent symptoms or diseases after they are recovering from COVID-19. It is important to remember that most people who have COVID-19 recover quickly. But the long-term potential problems of Covid-19, it is even more important to reduce the spread of the disease by following precautions such as the port of masks, avoiding the crowd and keeping the hands clean ". And for more on long-handling symptoms, do not miss this complete list of all98 Coronavirus symptoms Patients say they have had.

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