This company has sold spoiled ice cream
The famous ice cream brand owes more than $ 17 million in criminal sanctions.

Last week, a Federal Court in Texas announced that Blue Bell Creameries will have to pay $ 17.25 million in criminal penalties for contaminated cream products that eco-view people more than five years ago.
The 113-year-old ice cream manufacturer distributing gallons of ice tohalf of the country pleading guilty in May 2020 for the selling knowingly spoiledice cream back in 2015, which was linked to aMultiState listeriosis epidemic. Now, Blue Bell creameries descend into history as having the greatest fine for a criminal sanction associated with a case of food security. (For more news from the grocery store, you need to know, here's8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)
"The health of American consumers and the safety of our food are too important to be thwarted by the criminal acts of any individual or company," said Judy McMeekin, Pharm.d., Associate Commissioner of Regulatory Affairs, in US Administration of food and medicine. "Americans are waiting and deserve the highest standards offood safety and integrity. We will continue to continue and bring to justice those who have put public health at risk by distributing contaminated foods in the US market. »
In February 2015, Texas State officials notified Blue Bell that two samples of ice cream products in Brenham, Texas tested positive forListeria monocytogenes, a pathogen of food origin which can lead to listeriosis. According to the CDC,Listeriosis Is a serious infection often caused by Foods contaminated by the Listeria.
Two weeks after the first series of tests indicated that two Blue Bell products were contaminated by the pathogen, the mark was informed that additional state tests revealedListeriawas widespread in a third product. However, Blue Bell has decided to issue an official announcement of the public service to inform consumers.
A month later, the FDA and the CDC conducted tests on several blue ice cream products and found that the strain ofListeriaIn one of the articles, he was linked to the same strain that caused five patients to a Kansas hospital get sick of listeriosis. The FDA inspections revealed that two Texas facilities had various sanitation issues, such as problems related to hot water supply required for equipment cleaning.
For larger food security news, check8 major food reminders you need to know now.

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