Slash your risk of cancer in seconds, let's say cancer experts

Take advice from experts and stay healthy.

You are about to hear advice from the last people you will ever meet. The oncologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment ofCancer. If you speak to one, and you are not at your dinner, you might be one of the 100 million people around the world who have it. With these staggering statistics, you might think that getting cancer is inevitably. This is not the case.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


Get that looked

dermatologist examining mole on back of male patient in clinic

"I am very careful to follow proven cancer screening interventions," said Amy Thirdly, MD, Clinical Medical Oncologist at Mount Sinai. It remains current on preventive tests such as colonoscopy, skin cancer examinations and gynecological follow-ups.

Late diagnoses are a cause of premature death due to cancer. Interventions, such as Dr. Threesten, recommend, allow for early detection and diagnosis when patients can start processing earlier. This is particularly powerful in breast, cervical and colorectal cancers.

The American Cancer Society recommends:

  • Colonoscopies start at the age of 45 years.
  • Vaginal smear To test HPV / cervical cancer should start at age 21 and be programmed every 3 years and not annually.
  • Mammography are optional at age 40, but should be done each year at 45-54 years. After the age of 55, the mammograms of employment every two years.

Get the HPV vaccine

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

Ten years after the introduction of the HPV vaccine, there are "convincing evidence" that we are on the right track "to eradicate cervical cancer in decades".A June 2019 study Examined 60 million people, mainly girls and women, from the status of eight years after vaccination and found that the vaccine has exceeded expectations.

The CDC recommends both boys and girls get the HPV vaccine at 11-12 ages, with the second dose within a year. It is recommended for up to 26 years for women and 21 years for men.

Newer versions of the vaccine Requires two doses instead of three, guaranteeing adherence to the full vaccination schedule. In addition, it is sex neutral and targets more HPV strains.


Snack on the exercise


Exercise every day ... it's the promenadeKathryn Schmitz, Ph.D., a leading oncology researcher at the University of Penn State, walks and discussions. "We are oncologists run, walk or roll our path to cancer prevention," she said citingresearch which supports a relationship between physical activity and cancer prevention. She is the largest promoter of force training, something she has introduced in the Chemo laboratory at the Penn State Cancer Institute and shares as "exercise snacks" each week on his Instagram. "I'm trying to exercise 30 minutes a day to stay in shape. We know that regular physical exercise reduces the risk of cancer in many cases. Decrease your body weight, even 5%, can make a big difference in terms of risk of cancer, "saysXavier Llor, MD, Medical Director of the Cancer Screening and Prevention Program.

RELATED: Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science


Believe that no man is an island

Group Friends Video Chat Connection Concept

"Embrace your social networks; recognize who loves you and let them enter," Is that Mr. Don Dizon, MD, Faco, Fasco, Director of Medical Oncology at Rhode Island Hospital and Professor of Medicine in Brown University prevents cancer. He says it is well established that if your social network includes a spouse, children, a better friend or church, these connections are essential to good health and that social isolation is associated with increased risk of death.

"Into study, Social isolation scores were associated with a risk of death of heart disease and mortality to all causes. It was true for men and women, blacks and whites. "



Woman putting raw meat in refrigerator

As an oncology clinical pharmacist, there are several things Allison Baxley, PharMD, BCOP from the Stephenson Cancer Center to prevent cancer. It recognizes that many elements are out of our control, like genetics, so it does everything it can to reduce the risk through the things itcan control.

"Work mainly in GI oncology, I am very aware of the link between colon cancer and the consumption of treated and red meat. I eat them in moderation, and rarely if ever eating highly transformed meat like hot dogs and bacon. "

It avoids what Micahel Pollen called "edible food substance", which is the majority of what is in the alleys of the grocery center.

RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers.


Eat more plants

woman preparing vegetable salad in modern kitchen

Our daily regime choices play a powerful role in cancer prevention, recalls Dr. Terry Wahls, author ofSeries of Wahls Protocols. For optimal cancer prevention, it targets 9 cups of plant-based foods each day: 3 cups of glasses, 3 cups of foods rich in sulfur such as cabbage, onions or fungi and 3 cups of color berries.

"We can choose to eat more green and vegetables and non-amidous berries to significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer (and survival cancer if diagnosed)," she says. "Or we can choose the standard American diet, full of sugar and flour, which leads the growth hormone of insulin and insulin and has a much higher risk of pre-cancers and cancers manifested."


Perform breast self-examinations

Breast cancer self check

Lashyra "Lash" Nolen, MD candidate at Harvard Medical School, stresses that black women have a disproportionate mortality rate of breast cancer mortality than white women, according to2016 Research.

"Therefore, I think it's so important for me, as a young black woman, taking agencies on my body," shared Nolen. "A way I do this is to regularly perform a physical examination of my breasts to search for unusual anomalies or pieces."

She adds that sometimes women allow others to better know their bodies than they do it themselves, but that it needs to change to detect cancers at previous steps and improve the results.


Drink less alcohol

Woman saying no and refusing to drink alcohol

As a research professor and American associate of the Cancer Society for the Oncological Sciences of Brown University, Mr. Wafik El-Deiry says it is important to remember that half of all cancer is avoidable. One of his preventive efforts is to limit or consume moderate alcohol, such asAlcohol has been linked At the cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, colon, chest and others.

"Be aware and keep in the depths of your mind that it is a substance that can hurt," he advises. El-Deiry says there is a lot of scalable and emerging information on the association between alcohol and cancer, but that the relationship exists.

How much does it cost? The American Cancer Society does not advise more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink daily for women.


Watch your weight

Female leg stepping on floor scales

Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH, medical oncologist from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, hard works to maintain a healthy body weight. It cites consistent evidence in observation studies linking obesity and higher BMI with a variety of cancers, including colorectal, ovary and pancreas.

In particular, he cited a2003 Study This analyzed the relationship between body weight and cancer mortality in nearly one million American adults. When the heaviest participants had a BMI of 40, the mortality rates of all cancers were 62% higher in women and 52% higher in men relative to those of "normal weight".

RELATED: Cause No. 1 of obesity, according to science


All things in moderation

healthy diet foods

"I eat a balanced diet of real food. The least transformed, better!" saidAllison Betof Warner, MD, Ph.D. From Kettering Memorial Cancer Sloan Kettering. Of course, this medical oncologist of melanoma splices and does notalways Eat healthy (like the rest of us!), But when it does, moderation is the key.

Although no food can prevent cancer, a well rounded food with a variety of vegetables, fruits and grains can greatly contribute to risk reduction.

"I'm trying to live by the 80/20 rule," put it angry. It is 80% full and healthy foods in balanced proportions and 20% treats and other healthy "minus" stuff.


Enjoy the sun

happy older woman smiling with hands behind head

"I make sure you have a lot of vitamin D, saysKevin Dawravoo, MD, Hematologist and medical oncologist at the Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Warrenville. It cites many studies that support the anti-cancer effects of this nutrient. Everyone can check a vitamin D deficiency with a simple blood test at their doctor's office. This disability was linked in a2014 study at a higher risk of more aggressive prostate cancer.

The best source of vitamin D is the sun, butnew search Sunblock says does not compromise the absorption of vitamin. The fish is the bestFood source for vitamin D, including salmon, rainbow trout and swordfish, as well as fish oil / cod liver.


Catch zzz

African American man fast asleep

Most Americans are "misleading misleading", says Dr. Stephen C Schimpff, MD, MACP. Certified map in medical oncology, Schimpff is sure to "have enough sleep" every night. It's a pretty important topic that he addresses it in his book,Decoded Longevity - The 7 Keys of Healthy Aging.

"Inadequate sleep predisposes at high blood pressure, stress, too much eating [in general] and bad foods, obesity and thus predisposes to cancer," he continued



Female doctor meditating at her office

Monisha Blanote, MD, FASCP, FCAP regularly meditates, a practice she says can "help balance the daily stressors of life." The most advantage is gained from daily practice, even if only five minutes, only if it is made sporadically.

The Triple Board Certified Physician in Baptiste MD Anderson Cancer Centration said: "Stress management is important to prevent chronic diseases and predispose one cancer. Stress weakens the immune system and reduces its defenses to combat disease. " Constant meditation can move the body into a parasympathetic condition (rest and retention of energy) as opposed to a continuous sympathetic state (alias combat or theft).

Bhanote cited aStudy 2004 This chronic judgment can affect the immune response of the body and contribute to the development of cancer.


Implement a phone zone without phone

happy man using voice command recorder on smartphone at home

A variety of sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, power lines and battery-powered cars bombard us every day with EMFS fields or electromagnetic fields. Dr. Jonathan Stegall, an integrated oncologist and medical director of the Advanced Medicine Center in Atlanta, explains that he tries to limit his exhibition to FEMS.

"I recommend to my patients not holding a mobile phone to the ear and hold it from the body using the body using your phone speaker. This significantly minimizes the amount of Radiation absorbed by the body ", advises the author of the bestselling graftCancer Secrets. It also recommends installing a timer on any modem / wifi router at home so that it turns off while you sleep.

RELATED: Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science


First put the family

Family Enjoying Meal Around Table At Home Together

This is the first family for Dr. Timothy S. Partee, Chief Medician, Rafael Pharmaceuticals and Oncologist and Leukemie Director Translational Research at Wake Forest Baptist Health. He believes that this time is great and notes that family relationships can reduce stress and increase general well-being.

Aglobal study Discovered that larger families, many children, have a reduced risk of cancer. And it's not just the nuclear family. Larger sizes of households with several generations living together enjoy the same protection profit. The authors of the study cite the "special emotional" environment as having a positive effect that contributes to resistance to diseases, as well as the advantage of family members to support each other in a healthy lifestyle.



Patient lying on the TC scanner bed waiting to be scanned

Did you know that you can be paid to prevent cancer? Roshni Rao, MD, Head of the Breast Surgery Division at the Medical Center of the Next-York Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia and stated that she participates in clinical trials. "I was part of an IRM trial where I was in [the] machine for over an hour and I received $ 25!," She says.

She also participates in theT-MIST testA national study working to identify the frequency at which women should get mammograms and what kind of mammography to obtain. Rao says that this trial is currently open to Columbia and seeks up to 165,000 women to participate.


Keep coffee

Woman enjoying coffee in the morning

"I drink a few cups of green tea or coffee every day," says William W. Li, MD, author ofEat to beat the disease: the new science of how your body can heal. After 20 years of research on cancer prevention, he says that it is well aware of the scientific evidence that points to tea and coffee do the good of the body.

They "contain different types of polyphenols (micronutrients of herbal food), but they activate all key health defense systems in our body (hungry cancer, nourishing our healthy intestinal bacteria, repair damaged DNA, improve Immunity) that help us withstand cancer. Studies on the laboratory with clinical trials on large-scale public health studies showing that tea or coffee lowers the risk of different forms of cancers, I consider that I consider me As a certainty of drinking these drinks. "And it's a cherry on the top he loves the taste!


Do you sign and disconnect

Man using his mobile phone in the bed

The main authors of a large-scale study of theUniversity of Glasgow in 2018 Now, know that it is better to keep the screen at a minimum. They analyzed nearly 400,000 people and found a strong correlation between the higher screen speed and a higher risk of caustic mortality, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This was independent of known cancer - causing factors such as smoking, BMI and diet.

The most discretionary, or recreation, time spent on tablets, smartphones and other media devices contributes directly to a sedentary lifestyle, whose result is a lower physical fitness, a force of adhesion and poor health global.

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Nearly half of the dead of an amazing12 different cancers Can be attributed to smoking cigarettes: liver, colorectal, lung, oral and throat, esophagus, larynx, stomach, pancreas, bladder, kidney, colvix and acute myeloid leukemia. That's why it's a smoke-free life for Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, Associate Dean for the Oncological Sciences of Brown University. While fewer people smoke in 2019, many are still addicted to one of the most unhealthy habits.

It notes that quit smoking can have a positive impact, but that the risk never disappears completely compared to the general population. It can take 8 to 10 years to significantly reduce the risks associated with cigarette.


It is enough to say no to the vapid

Disposable vape pen with refill pod on hand

Similarly, Dr. El-Deiry does not vapre either.

"The message must come out that [vaping] is potentially cancerous causing and we need to be aware," he warns. "The more we talk about it ... to save anyone ... worth it."

He says a lot, the more we learn from steaming the more we realize how dangerous it is in different ways. Steam exposes users to known chemicals to cause cancer, for example. And while the e-cigs have their place for smokers trying to stop smoking, the pens of the Vape are not benign. El-Deiry recalls that no substantial research has yet been completed on the relationship between steam and cancer.

TheNational health institutes warns that adolescents vapid in record number; higher than the use of opioids or marijuana.


Walk a mile in your shoes

middle-aged woman jogging in winter in a close up low angle view against a sunny blue sky in a healthy active lifestyle

Dr. Katherine Crew, Director of the Clinical Breast Cancer Prevention Program at the Medical Center of the University of New York-Presbyterian and Columbia, walking at least one mile every day. "For a busy oncologist, it is not always easy to find the time to lead a healthy and active life, but I try to integrate it into my daily routine."

Each of these steps is worth time. Walk one mile every day at a moderate pace of 20 minutes can reduce mortality inBreast cancer patients Up to 40% and nearly 30% in patients with prostate cancer. Riskendometrial cancer is also reduced by a moderate intensity step.

Dr. Crew also takes the stairs "whenever he is humanly possible" to get an extra explosion of physical activity during his day.

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Save your skin

happy woman relaxing in the garden smiling as she applies sunscreen or skin cream

As exercise proof, Kathryn Schmitz, PhD gets as much movement as it recommends. Before heading outside, "I slap on sunscreen because exercise increases the risk of melanoma of 28%." While this2016 study Discovered that exercise reduces the risk of 10 different cancers, it increased significantly the risk of malignant melanoma.

Schmitz echoed the assumption of researchers who increases exercise time or physical activity, physical activity increased the exposure to the sun, which increased the incidence of skin cancer. If you spend time outside, be sure to wear aWide Sunblock spectrum With SPF 30 or more and remember that "water resistant" is not the same as "waterproof".


Reduce, reuse, recycle

Green box with a recycling sign filled with paper held by a smiling woman

Making "greener" choices can finally support everyone's goal of reducing their risk of cancer. Climate change has a negative impact on more than the health and durability of the Earth. Human life also takes a negative toll.

The exhaustion of stratospheric ozone is involved in an increase inIncidence of skin cancerAs melanoma and scientists expect to see a continuation over the next two decades.
Exposure toair pollution Increases the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. And the same air we breathe was considered carcinogenic byWHO, citing a direct correlation to close to a quarter-quarter lung cancer death in 2010.


Stick with grease

Cubed avocado

How many "good" gras do you have in your diet? It's something from Dr. Stephen C Schimpff, MD, MACP, author ofDecoded Longevity - The 7 Keys of Healthy Aging, privileges in its own diet. He recommends lawyer, nuts and seeds, olive oil and fish such as tuna and salmon.

What makes a big pleasure for you? These remaining unsaturated greases are liquid, non-solid, at room temperature and are generally derived from plants.


Become crazy

Walnuts in bowl

Tree nuts like almonds, nuts and pecans can reduce your risk of colon cancer, soKevin Dawravoo, MD, Hematologist and medical oncologist at the Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Warrenville make a regular part of his diet.

For men and women, a2018 study Found a "statistically significant" link between eating nuts three times a week and a reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer.

Another 2018 studyfound that patients with colon cancer of step 3 carried two portions of 1 oz of tree nuts (which included nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts Pacanes and Brazil Nuts) Every week was 42% more likely to undergo illness without illness. Survival and 57% more chances of global survival.


Try Curcuma

Turmeric powder and root

Increase the experience of the flavor of roasted vegetables, rice, soup, smoothies and tea by adding curcuma. This Indian spice, the most common in the curries, has a terrace flavor and a bright orange hue that can actually transform any food. This, and the preventive cancer benefits, explain why Roshni Rao, MD, head of the Breast Surgery Division at the New York Presbyterian New York Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center, likes to eat loaded curcuma foods.

"Most studies show an advantage of this anti-inflammatory and there is no study that shows that it is prejudicial," she says.

A2015 study Examined the multifaceted role of curcumin (source of turmeric) in cancer prevention, and found that it can "remove the initiation, progression and metastasis of a variety of tumors".



assorted reusable coffee travel cups

The plastics we brush our teeth with, eat and drink, build toys with, tap it, and more floods to all aspects of our life, but chemicals inside take our health and our mortality . Especially when plastics areheated or stripedThey can lix the chemicals used to develop products. Once inside our bodies, these chemicals, like BPA, disrupt the natural role of hormones and create an imbalance that can ultimately lead to cancer.

"The BPA has been shown to play a role in the [development of] ... tumors dependent on hormonia such as breast and prostate cancer," says a 2015 study that examined the risks for the health associated with the exhibition in Bisphenol A.

Avoid plastics to the extent possible by searching for products without BPA and transporting liquid glass or reusable steel vessels. Do not cook or warm food or store hot food in plastic containers.


Give up grill

grilled tri tip with marinade

"Especially important in summer is the reduction of carbon food consumption," said Kevin Dawravoo, MD of Northwest Medicine Cancer Cancer, Warrenville. Recalling that black tank brands on grilled meat is a known carcinogen. It's something he rarely eats.

The concern is that when the meat is cooked on an open flame, burned or blackened, chemicals known asHCAS and PAHS develop. When they consume, they can change the DNA of a person who increases the risk of cancer.

In rodent studies, HCAS has developed breast tumors, colon, liver, skin, lung, prostate and other tumors. Similar studies of rodents revealed that PAHs caused leukemia and identified gastrointestinal tumors and lungs. In epidemiological studies, a higher consumption of "barbecued" meat was linked to an increased risk of colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancers.

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Know where you come from

Portrait of asian woman doctor wear protection face mask showing a patient some information on digital tablet clip board, patient listen to specialist doctor in clinic office

You may be bored to answer any questions from your doctor about the health of your parents and grandparents, but that really matters. Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, Associate Dean for the oncological sciences of the Brown University, knows his family history and strongly recommends that you do the same.

"The diseases that are in the family can be a major index at what risks there is," he says, adding that a story of cancer is generally well known and that is not difficult to learn.

Share your family history with your doctor means they can make an extra screening earlier and work to catch symptoms and tumors earlier, which is essential in the treatment and hardening of cancer.

"This knowledge can also lead patients to genetic testing that can help determine different options to manage risks," he added.


Know if you are dense

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"Read the letter of your mammography results. In many states, including Connecticut, we, because the radiologists are required to inform the patient if his breast tissue is dense. If your breast fabric is dense, talk to your doctor Knowing if you need additional tests.: An ultrasound or possibly even a filter MRI, which is a useful complementary screening tool in some women higher than the average risk of developing breast cancer. Please note that the screening ultrasound and filtering MRIs do not replace mammography; they are rather a complement to that, "saysLiva Andrejeva-Wright, MD, a yale medicine radiologist who specializes in mammary imaging.

"It is important to know that screening mammograms do not prevent breast cancer. They help to detect cancer early in many cases before it becomes palpable, and thus prevent disease-related morbidity and Treatment that would have occurred if cancer has been detected if cancer has been detected. later by the patient or his doctor, "she added. And to cross this pandemic without catching coronavirus, do not miss this essential list: Most coovidants did this before getting sick .

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