Costco faces the epidemics of Covid in these big cities

West Coast Costco has now seen more than 400 positive cases.

Days after the new broken news of aCOVID-19 epidemic at 145 employees At a yakima, wash. Costco Warehouse, business information in places in another city comes to light.

According toLos Angeles County Health Department,Eight COSTCO slots Through the city deals with Covid-19 outbreaks with more than300 positive testing employees. The Warehouses of Burbank, Culver City, Lancaster, Los Feliz, Monterey, Santa Clarita, Van Nuys and Woodland Hills are included in the list of non-residential parameters of Los Angeles County, meeting the criteria of three positive and more confirmed tests. (To prevent you from protecting yourself against the virus, here'sVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

The number of personnel cases at these locations varies from 15 at the Lancaster shop at 71 at Culver City warehouse in Marina del Ray. As the location of Yakima from Seattle-Zone, all cosco are always open, according to the website.Eat this, not that! has reached the grocery chain for any information on additional security measures and cleaning at these locations.

In order to keep all employees and customers safe,Costco has special hours 9 to 10 o'clock in the morning from Monday to Friday for those 60 years and older, and any person who disabled or who is immunocomprement. In addition, all guests aged three and over arenecessary to wear a facial mask This covers the mouth and nose at any time and the hearing aid service, Costco Optical, the jewelry department and the floral department are all closed. TheFood Tribunal continues to serve a limited menu.

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