Two reasons why you could be more likely to catch Covid, doctors say
There are several theories about why some people seem to have coronavirus immunity.

Throughout thecoronavirus pandemicOne of the greatest mysteries was the reason why some people seem to be more likely to virus than others. We knowHow Covid propagatesAnd we know what we can do to protect us, including bearing masks and staying away from those around us. But we still do not understand why some people become deadly, while others have been able to avoid any infection. Now some doctors suggest that the answer could lie with two different factors:The number of T cells of coronavirus recognizing a person and the viral dose they are exposed to.
"We know that in ... families, for example, if you have a source affair, it is not unusual that some people escape the infection whileOther family members are infected, "William Schaffner, MD, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Vanderbilt, told ABC News. Given how easilyCovid spreads in householdsThis suggests that some people might have some degree ofImmunity in Covideven if they have not fallen sick.
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It's in line with a recent study ofAntonio Bertoletti, MD, a virologist at the School of Medicine Duke Nus in Singapore. As he saidThe New York Times, "A level ofPre-existing immunity against SARS-COV2 seems to exist in the general population. "Performance of the study, ABC News Reports, 50% of non-infected persons have T cells that recognize COVID-19, which could mean at least partial immunity.
T cells are the way of your body to fight against pathogens, including viruses. Because Covid-19 is a new coronavirus, it was thought that T cells could not detect it and prevent infection. However, for some people, an exhibition to the past, less serious coronaviruses, such as those who causecommon cold-May has created long T cells that can recognize the COVID wire and prevent them from catching it.
Along these same lines, discussing why children seemLess sensitive to virus,Todd Ellerin, MD, told ABC News: "My initial intestine was that [children] had more antibodies simply because they are generally infected more with the coronavirus family, but it's just a supposition."
This is called "cross-reactivity", but as new ABC notes, it is still not certain that some people are more likely to get coronavirus, or why some cases are so much more serious than others. Even Bertoletti can not say with certainty that cross reactivity keeps healthy people.

Another theory as to why a person is more or less likely to catch Covid has to do with the amount of virus to which they are exposed. "Part of this can be clearly dose," said Schaffner ABC News. "Some people simply have a larger dose of the virus, then they are more likely to get sick."
TheQuantity of viruses in a person's system, or their viral load, seems to have an effect on the severity of their varieties of Covid, as previous studies have shown. But the infectious dose of coronavirus - that is, the amount of viruses you must meet before making you sick - it is believed to be weak, depending on the researchers. For his part, Ellerin told ABC News that he does not think the viral load explains why some Covid catch and others do not do it.
Although it is possible that a small amount of coronavirus sensitive T cells and exposure to a higher viral dose can make you more likely to catch Covid, doctors are still not entirely safe. In the meantime, it is important that everyone behaves as if there was noimmunity in coronavirus, which means maintaining the social distance, keep masks on and wash by frequent hand. And for more information on how Covid infects you,You are more likely to get Covid through the air than in this way, the doctor says.

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