7 Incredile Benefits of Beauty of Sea Salt

If you are the kind of girl who like to create beauty treatments in the kitchen today you are lucky because we present one of the most powerful beauty ingredients that we all have at home.

If you are the kind of girl who likes to create beauty treatments in the kitchen today you're sifortunata because we present one of the most powerful ingredients of beauty chenoi we all have at home.
Here7 incredible beauty benefits of sea salt and various ways of using hair, skin and teeth.

Create unsuper mask

The anti-inflammatory properties of honey are quite famous but what you probably don't know is that sea salt is just as effective! Mix four teaspoons of organic honey with two teaspoons of salt up marine to create a mask that can soothe skin, reduce irritation and balancing sebum. Easier to apply than to remove, you need to dry your skin and massage throughout the treatment.

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UserLocome Antifrafa treatment

The sea salt is effective to remove the dandruff and clean the scalp. It also stimulates blood circulation and absorbs excess sebum to the base of mushroom proliferation. Put a few teaspoons of sea salt in the scalp dividing your hair, then gently massage your head with your fingers wet for about 15 minutes. Dry, comb and admire the results!

Utilizzarlo come trattamento antiforfora | 7 incredili benefici di bellezza del sale marino | Her Beauty

Apply scrubs for the body

The salt is perfect to exfoliate dead skin cells. It also helps to restore hydration and browse a lot of minerals that make the skin soft and velvety. For this super scrub you need 1/2 glass of olive oil and 1/4 of sea salt. Massaging the preparation on the skin during the shower, being careful not to get hurt with the grains of sea salt.

Applicarlo come scrub per il corpo | 7 incredili benefici di bellezza del sale marino | Her Beauty

Enjoy a relaxing bath

This is probably the processing of the most easy and advantageous list. A bathroom with sea salt purifies at all levels, absorbs toxins, dirt and allows you to clean the pores of the skin in depth. The sea salt is also rich in magnesium that helps reduce swelling: it can then be used for puffy feet problems. Fill the hot water tank, add 1/3 of sea salt and dive for 30 minutes. You can also add a few drops of essential oil for an even more relaxing effect.

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Illuminate the nails

One of the less well-known advantages of marine salt is its ability to reinforginate nails and improve their health. Mixed with a little lemon to reduce the yellowing and sodium bicarbonate to remove stains, sea salt is a good remedy to have perfect nails with a healthy appearance. Soak the nails in the solution for 10 minutes, wash your hands, apply moisturizing cream and voila!

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Research shows that sea salt can greatly reduce stress levels by increasing the levels of oxytocin. This is the hormone that fights depression and makes us feel happy, calm and relax. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt with warm water and drink before going to bed for relaxed and continuous sleep. This will also improve your skin automatically!

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Make a teeth bleaching

Just like for nails, a mixture of sea salt and sodium bicarbonate allows you to remove stains and illuminate the color of the teeth. Mix two teaspoons of powdered yeast with a teaspoon of sea salt, put them a little on your toothbrush and wash your teeth normally. It is also possible to create a natural mouthwash by dissolving the same ingredients in warm water. This mouthwash will remove the bacteria that cause the bad breath.

Categories: Beauty
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