What happens to your body when you have a busy job, says science

Here's why the logging of really long work weeks is all deemed guaranteed to come back to haunt you.

Recently, an angry junior bankers group of Goldman Sachscaused a stir starting in the light Just how much they work. They described their hours of work as "inhuman" and noted that, if the state of the official rules of the company's work week, otherwise they are not likely to connect weeks of work of seven days. More than 100 hours. Now, whether or not you have a sympathy for junior workers of the best investment bank of Wall Street, it's not the only workers who live among us, and there is a lot of research that show why show why Working too hard is bad for your body.

"There is now a mountain of careful research showing that people who experience long hours of work have serious health consequences," John Pencavel, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Economics in Stanford and author ofDecreasing returns at work: the consequences of long hours of work, explained toThe New York Times.

More recently, a new report from theWorld Health Organization Says that our days of exhausting work are responsible for killing 745,000 people each year.

For what this applies, studies also show that overworked employees are not perfect for businesses, either. In reality,a noticeable study Made strongly that productivity collapses mainly - and any other job is a waste of time - after working for only 64 hours a week.

If you find that you are at your desk when the sun rises and goes down, know that you may not be your body - neither your business - favors. Curious to know what is a Workaholic made to your body? Continue reading. And for more information on productivity science, make sure you are aware ofThe secret reason for which you have never done anything, say psychologists.


You put your heart in danger

Woman having chest pain and coughing while lying down on sofa at home.

A study Researchers from University College London found that people above work have a higher risk of developing cardiac traits and type 2 diabetes because of stress, unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. More specifically, those who worked more than 55 hours a week had a 13% larger heart attack risk, and were 33% more likely to undergo a stroke, compared to those working 35 to 40 hours per week .

On aInterhearte studyWork-related stress has been associated with a risk of coronary disease twice as high of coronary heart disease - an increase in peer with such stress stress experiences that the divorce or death of a loved one. Working constraint - in which a worker faces high demands, but feels unable to meet them - is associated with an increase of 23% of the risk of coronary illness in an article published inThe lancet. And for more the science of your body, do not missWhat happens to your body when you have sex, according to science.


You develop chronic back pain and neck

Woman with pain in her neck while sitting on bed

You do not have to do work back to suffer from back and neck pain at the end of a long day at work. ASeptember 2020 study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health found that working for long periods at home, where there is often a lack of lack of ergonomic office furniture "can hinder the adoption of a healthy posture and can promote the beginning of musculoskeletal disorders (MSK ). " The researchers also observed that "work in a sedentary position for prolonged periods increases the risk of neck pain and / or lumbar pain".

"I am a physical therapist and I noticed a significant increase in people complaining of the back, neck, arm and hip pain, because there is an increase in hours of the house," explains Marin L . Campbell, a physical therapist of physical and myofascial therapy. "The reasons for this include a bad ergonomic installation (for example, sitting on the sofa or chair or according to the laptop, compared to a desktop computer with a suboptime height for a corrected neck posture) Sitting in the same position during working hours and after work while watching TV and expenses have increased time on a mobile device during working hours. "

It's not just those who work from home who suffer from back pain as a result of crazy busy work. Take some recent examples, aMetanalysis of Nigerian health workers found that working long hours has led to pain and headaches in nearly 75% of the subjects, while aStudy of Korean salary workers Found "long hours of work were associated with musculoskeletal symptoms."

In addition, a study in theProfessional and environmental medicine Journal found that the longer people worked, the more they had to deal with back pain. So, if your back is painful, you may want to rethink the amount of work you do. If you suffer from my neck and back, do not miss theA simple trick of sleep that can change your life, say doctors.


Your exercise disappears

Medical Scientist Working with CT Brain Scan Images on a Personal Computer in Laboratory. Neurologists in Neurological Research Center Working on a Brain Tumor Cure

When a project becomes intense, many workers tend to remedy most other aspects of their lives, including their exercise regime. The restriction of access to the gym and working lifestyle has moved during the pandemic have not helped.

For example, aJanuary 2021 Study in theHealth Journal at Work have found that those who work from home have participated in a much less physical physical activity than those who have entered workplaces. Specifically, those who worked at home worked only in an average of 55.6 minutes of light physical activity compared to an average of 122.9 minutes of activity by those entering a workplace.

"I heard about the patients they have difficult borders to put borders around how many hours are dedicated to work with people who say they work an increase in hours with less time for physical activity If they have deadlines or stressful projects, "Campbell said.


You fill your body with fatty foods and gain weight

fried food

Just as excessively work can lead individuals to focus less on the exercise of their body needs, it can also bring people to put less effort to maintain a healthy diet. According to Jesi Holden, Rd, a nutritionist atMary free bed rehabilitation hospital, overwork can have a negative impact on someone's nutrition status for a number of reasons.

"The Sutourcourcent Person may not have access to or take enough breaks to access balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. This leads many people to skim on food all day long. And eating everything they can when they finally go home at night, "she says. "Be overloaded or busy working long hours can also be such natural signals for hunger and when you feel out of contact with our hunger, it can be very easy to feed."

Ashley Nicole, an endocrinology coach and a health coach, echoes these points, adding that food tend to eat on the market are often selected for their convenience and not their health benefits. "Bad foods can actually cause inflammation and irritation of the underlying etiology of your illness," she adds.

A study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity Last year found that long hours were associated with an increased risk of normal weight displacement overweight.


Your stress goes into depression

Shot of a young woman suffering from depression in her bedroom

Some of the most dramatic health effects that have been deemed correlated to long-term work function are those affecting mental well-being. A 2020 study published inPlos a has shown that operating between 41 and 60 per week, compared to 31 to 40 hours a week, has increased the risk of stress, depression and suicidal ideation.

"Overwork increases the stress that increases the release of stress hormone, cortisol", explains Leann Piston, MD, a medical consultant forMedical vibifier. "Cortisol affects the quality of sleep and eating habits. It becomes a vicious circle to work more, more stress, a decrease in sleep, fatigue and weight gain. Fatigue makes it difficult to work productively, Which means longer hours to accomplish the same tasks. "

Arecent study Published in the newspaperMedical-psychological annalsfound that mental disturbances caused by overwork and an inappropriate balance of adaptation include interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and potentially somatization.

"With regard to nursing specifically over the past year, the same study revealed that the prevalence of psychological problems or tensions was finished twice as high as that observed in the general population," says Amber Destellier, Ph.D. MPH, CHES, a faculty member of public health medicine at the University of Walden andPhD in public health programs. "Similar statistics have been found with other professions such as teacher and principal leadership roles, with symptoms ranging from sleep disturbances or disorders to varying degrees of psychological distress."

Taking another profession known for its intense demands, the parks point out that lawyers, who work on average 53 hours a week, according to a Bloomberg law,tend to rank higher For depression rates, sleep deprivation, anxiety, addiction and other health concerns than other professions.


Your liver takes a shot

woman drinking wine alcohol at home

Whether like trying to relieve stress or rooted in a work-hard-game attitude, those who spend more than their week to work also tend to come back more alcohol. On ameta-analysis of theBritish medical newspaper,One of the reasons for the increased prevalence of depression in workers is an increased use of alcohol. The doh d study that those who work long hours are up to 20% more likely to use alcohol than those who do not.

"Workers who work more than 48 hours per week are 13% more likely to abuse alcohol," said Evan Parks, Psy.d., Clinical Psychologist from the Free Mary Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. "When women drink more than 14 drinks per week and men 21 drinks a week, there is a clear risk of mental health problems, liver disease, cancer, stroke and heart disease."


Your quality of sleep plunges

Top above view full length middle aged old woman lying on bed, hiding head under pillow, suffering from severe headache alone at home. Stressed elderly nature lady having health troubles insomnia.

"Long hours of work contribute to exhaustion, stress and depression that collectively disturb your sleep," says O'Brien, pointing to a2019 study In the journal Sleep Health. "Due to lack of sleep, you become more likely to get sick. In addition, the lack of sleep is also associated with great cognitive interference, reported by research." And for more means, you can live a healthier life, see here forThe secret exercise turns to keep your weight for good.

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