Kale vs Spinach: Superfood swap

Thanks to the trend towards the growing fall, the salads of Caesar are no longer synonymous with Romaine and sipping vegetables through a straw is no longer an anomaly.

If you are a fan of green vegetables (which has been rented for his mega health andweightloss Benefits), you likely like it is now available everywhere from McDonald's to Starbucks. However, if you are not shot on the green, its omnipresence can be enough to drive you insane.

"Compared to other Greens, Kale is the texture of the texture and has a more robust terrestrial flavor, so it's logical that some people simply can not tolerate," says Jennifer Neilay, MS, RDN ofNEILY ON NUTRITION. If you fall into this category, Neily suggests to opt for baby spinach, a green that tends to be more tender and sweet.

Read it to know how it is compared to Kale, the unofficial king of the product driveway.


In a new study from William Paterson University, compared the 47 superior superfoods in volume of nutrients, Kale arrived 15th while spinach flew 5th. But according to nature, these conclusions should be taken with a grain of salt. "A miles colleague has announced once the healthiest lettuce is the one you will really eat eat - and that's really true for curly cabbage and spinach," says Beyily. "Both greens are rich in lutein and zéaxanthine, phytochemicals that remove age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition, they both offer comparable quantities of health nutrients, such as vitamin A , phosphorus and vitamins B, like folate. " Cup for the cup, spinach packs more iron fatigue, potassium and Ballio-banish folate, probably why it has been well in the study that King Kale. However, Kale always enjoys twice the vitamin C. "You can not fool yourself," summed neilatility. Choose the one you prefer.


Versatile is a word that can describe spinach and cabbages. Both green can be added to a range of meals ranging fromdishes Tacos and drinks like fruit juices and smoothies. You can even use spinach to make pots in the same way as you prepare the variety of cabbages. It suffices to dress the leaves in a little salt, pepper, garlic powder and olive oil and appear in an oven of 325 degrees pre-heated for 12 minutes.


Both vegetables will cost you both the same amount of green. A pre-washed baby spinach bag typically costs between $ 3.29 and $ 3.99, and you turn the same amount for a curly cabbage box of the same size.

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