The best and worse burger in Whataburger

Everything can be more important in Texas, but Whataburger is huge.

The response from the Lone Star State to McDonald's has devoted afterwards, and it's moving after more than 800 locations at the national level. Whether you are an obsessive fan or just want to see what the whole problem is, here are the best and the worst choice on the menu. And if they have not reached your area yet, whip theBest Burger At home with our advice.

Eating this!





30 g

Saturated fat

8 g


1,150 mg


62 g


28 g

Not that!

Monterey background




77 g

Saturated fat

24 g


2,140 mg


63 g


53 g

The melting monterey of the innocent background is a nutritional terror disguised. Made from two beef cakes garnished with two types of Jalapeño Ranch cheese and vinaigrette, this burger actually has more calories and fat than triple meat Whataburger! It is better to stick with the Whataburger starter, which is the size but half of the calories of the melt. Heavier than that of a big Mac (more calories, too), it should be enough to satisfy the greatest desire. If the red meat is not essential, be aware that the chain offers chicken and fish sandwiches, as well as salads, in their menu of less than 530 calories.

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Picture:Philip Lange /

Categories: Restaurants
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