Having this can help you live after 90, says a new study

The researchers stressed the importance of a thing in the midst of a drop in life expectancy.

Betty White died just before her 100th birthday.Queen Elizabeth II reached 96 before his recent death. But was there a common factor that they shared who helped themlive a century? There are a number of things we can do to stay healthy and live longer, a more complete life, but according to new research, one thing in particular could be the key to longevity. A new study found an association between people who have a specific thing and a longer lifespan. Read more to discover what could help you live after the age of 90.

Read this then:Eating this after 65 can add years to your life, says a new study.

Life expectancy in the United States is decreasing.

Despite new progress in the medical field, the life expectancy of Americans falls regularly. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)published a new report On August 31, explaining that the rate dropped for the second consecutive year. From 2019 to 2020, life expectancy at birth increased from 78.8 years to 77.0 years. And in 2021, the rate fell again at 76.1 years.

"This decline - 77.0 to 76.1 years - has obtained an American life expectancy at birth at its lowest level since 1996," said the CDC. "The 0.9 -year drop in life expectancy in 2021, as well as a drop of 1.8 years in 2020, was the biggest decrease of two years of life expectancy since 1921 [to] 1923. "

Experts say it is a worrying trend.

The fatal pandemic covids clearly played a role in the drop in life expectancy among the Americans. But despite the driving force,The New York Times says that aincrease in accidental deaths And medication overdoses also contributed to the disturbing trend, in parallel to death -sickness, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.

"Even the small decreases in the life expectancy of a tenth or two tenths of the year mean that in terms of the population, many more people die prematurely than they should be really", "Robert Anderson, the head of mortality statistics in the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), told the newspaper. "This indicates an enormous impact on the population in terms of increased mortality."

Experts are also concerned because if other high -income countries have had their seriously affected life expectancy rates in 2020, many of them began to bounce the bank last year. This country has not seen this same increase.

Steven Woolf, PhD, the emeritus director of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University, saidThe New York Times The fact that the fall of life continues in the United States is "historic" and a departure from other countries. "None of them has experienced a continuous fall in life expectancy like the United States, and many of them have seen life expectancy start to go back to normal", a- he said. "The United States is clearly an aberrant value."

But a new study revealed that there is one thing that could help you live after 90 - even if life expectancy is descended.

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Having something could help you live longer.

older couple hiking trip

You may not want to worry too much about the tendency of life expectancy. It turns out that new research has revealed that having a more positive attitude overall could help you live after the age of 90. This conclusion was reported in aAmerican Gériatrics Societystudy published on June 8 andDirected by researchers At the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The researchers found that "higher optimism was associated with a longer lifespan and a greater probability of reaching an exceptional longevity overall and through racial and ethnic groups", according to the study . This particular research was based on a previous study by the same researchers who mainly examined white populations to determine that optimism was linked to a longer lifespan. For the new study, they analyzed a pool of participants extended by more than 150,000 women from various racial and ethnic groups.

From these participants, the researchers found that the most optimistic 25% were likely to have a lifespan of 5.4% longer and a chance of 10% of life beyond 90 years compared to the 25% which have been classified as the least optimistic.

"Although optimism itself can be affected by social structural factors, such as race and ethnicity, our researchsuggests that the advantages optimism can hold in various groups, "principal authorHayami Koga, a doctoral student in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Harvard Chan school, said in a statement.

You can work to become a more positive person.

The significant impact of optimism on aging is not a mystery. A positive attitude has been linked to many health benefits that could contribute to a longer lifespan,Ryan Bolling, a behavior analyst andmental health professional, recountBetter life.

"It has been found that optimism stimulates the immune system, lower stress levels and protected against heart disease," he notes. "A positive vision of life can also lead to healthy life choices, such as eating nutritious diet, exercise regularly and sleep enough. All these factors can contribute to a longer and healthier life."

Unfortunately, some of us are not naturally arranged towards optimism. But that does not mean that you cannot put the work to become a more positive person.Lori Feldman, LICSW, an approved clinical support worker and aResident support advisor For Hebrew Seniorlife, recommends some tips to increase your positivity: connect with at least one person every day, practice gratitude, move and participate in relaxation exercises.

"Focus on what you can control," advises Feldman. "Recognize that you cannot control COVVI-19 or the future, but you can control what you are doing, like the amount of news you watch or the time, can help you feel less anxious or negative . " And this change in the mentality can be paid in the long term - the very long term, if you are lucky.

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