Secrets in search of young doctors use themselves

We asked for major physicians across the country to share their healthiest habits.

If you know doctors - we want to say, know them well - You know the dark and secret salect hiding under their laboratory coats: they are human. "Doctors are not really known to take care of themselves as much as they should!" admitsDr. Thomas Jeneby, a plastic surgeon of Texas. "But there are advantages!" An advantage is that they know how to be salient - better than anyone, they live or not. That's why we asked the experts what you should do forto live longer.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


Possess a dog

"The pet property is a form of 24/7 pet treatment and is a personal stress reducer for me," says Carmen Echols, MD. "Shortly after my husband and husband, we had a dog - that we always have, by the way. After a particular period at work, I sit on the couch and watch TV while stroking the dog and find this Simple activity so relaxing. "

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young black man wearing athletic wear sitting in the park exercising yoga

"I will tell you my experience in the field of holistic medicine what I learned from other doctors top doctors," saysDean C. Mitchell, Mr.D., Professor Clinical Assistant at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.

  • "A form of meditation: it can walk, swim or even sitting in nature preferably."
  • "Be careful with their diet: a main article on their plate; eat a lot of natural foods: nuts, seeds, fruits."
  • "Exercise: cardio and bodybuilding."
  • "Stretching or flexibility of yoga is so important that you age."
  • "Keeping your young brain by taking on new challenges: traveling, holidays every two months are perfect for mental sharpness, learning new areas and listening to music."

Simple things really work!


Have a goal

Work as volunteer. Experienced senior volunteer holding garbage bag

"Some studies have shown that having a goal in life helps to maintain mental health and possibly physical and benefits from longevity. Intuitively, it makes sense because it maintains an energetic" reader "in life," saysJack J Springer, MD, Emergency medicine of Assistant Professor at Zucker School of Medicine in Hofstra-Northwell. "This goal can be intellectual, emotional, physical or spiritual. Before writing my new book, I focus on the goal - helping people with anxiety - which is physically and mentally energized. This also allows to increase distraction. And "wasted" the time spent doing things that can, in the short term, feel good, but finally take the time of more beneficial, healthy and rewarding activities. "


To go to the doctor

Portrait of asian woman doctor wear protection face mask showing a patient some information on digital tablet clip board, patient listen to specialist doctor in clinic office

"One thing doctors do to live longer, it's going to the doctor!" says Carmen Echols, MD. "Many people assume that our doctors can take care of our own health problems simply because we have medical knowledge to do it, but it's just not for the best. He is always wise for us to have The objective expertise of a colleague when it comes to personal physical and mental health. "


Dive into genetic tests

genetic test assay

"The area of ​​epigenetics is where doctors seek when it comes to reversing rapid aging and disease prevention," says Dr. Elena Villanueva deModern holistic health. "With genetic tests, doctors can discover their" single operating manual "to understand food, environmental toxins and lifestyle choices they should do. Then they can even understand what type of exercise The most will you enjoy them, what sleep patterns must adhere to and what supplements will they enjoy. "


Get through massages

leg massage

"Massage therapy is a great way to improve muscle spasms and relax," says Dr. Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS ofMontgomery County Chiropractic Center. "Not to talk about relieving stress".

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Liberate your endorphins

Woman running

"I find that exercise is a very important part of my routine to control stress and be healthier," says Nathan Rock, OD, FAAO. "As doctors, we know that exercise has positive benefits in many ways, including promoting excellent cardiovascular health and promoting a balanced mood by the release of endorphins. Personally, I have Found this exercise, when possible, both before and after the job can help prepare a successful day and relieve any stress of a day's work. "He loves yoga" in the morning, as they are the First thing to start my day. In the evening, I like running and rising weight. " Do not neglect the power to do it with others. "I found that I like exercise with other people, so I joined two racing clubs in my community that I meet two week care. This adds to the social aspects of the exercise and helping me stay motivated and responsible. "


We (Let's try to) sleep enough

mature woman sleeping on bed

"As a 49-year-old doctor, there are many things I'm trying to do to live healthier and longer. So that enough sleep is crucial, and I'm going to get at least 6 hours a night," says Dr. Monique May, a physicist. (Most healthy adults need 7 to 9 hours.)

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Check your pee

woman hand flush toilet after using

"I remain so well hydrated by drinking enough water every day so that my urine is clear and dark yellow", admits Dr. May. "The amount of water I drink can vary depending on the amount of exercise I've done for the day, so I go through the color of my urine as a good indicator. Moreover, when I feel hungry , I drink water. If I drink water before I eat, I do not eat so much, and it prevents thirst. At the moment when we feel thirsty, it is actually already dehydrated, then we should drink When they feel hungry to prevent it. "



"I also practice at least 3 to 5 times a week and make a variety of activities, such as spin class, yoga and kickboxing. I also like to dance too," says Dr. May.



Fruits and veggies

"Eating right is the key, and I recently incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet in my diet, as I cut off my meat consumption," says Dr. May. "I still have to have a juicy hamburger from time to time!"


Know the dangers of weight gain

Male feet on glass scales, men's diet, body weight, close up, man stepping up on scales

"There are so many diseases occurring with increased body mass that maintains a healthy weight is crucial to longevity," says Dr. Thanu Jey, Director of the Clinic toYorkville Sports Medicine Clinic. "The extra weight also puts a substantial burden on your joints, which causes anterior articular problems such as wear of arthritis-wear and tendonite."

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middle aged man stretching on park bench

"Stretching your muscles helps you protect flexible and mobile, helping to prevent many compensatory wounds," says Dr. Jay. "Stretching increases blood circulation, articular health, mobility, balance and much more that will help you live a longer and happier life."


Get extra oxygen

Medical hyperbaric single pressure chamber

"I use my hyperbaric chamber that increases the oxygen absorption volume by increasing atmospheric pressure," says Dr. Rudy Gehrman, Executive Director of DC and founder ofPhysio Logic NYC. "It can create new blood vessels, which will allow for new circulation and oxygen in areas that are exhausted. It can reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. These treatments can also help the immune system to kill Harmful bacteria and viruses. In simple terms, the fastest way to kill a human being (outside the trauma), it is exhausting them with oxygen. What better way to reverse signs of aging than to push Oxygen at a cellular level throughout your body! "


We take hot and cold showers

running water of shower faucet

"Three to four days a week, I implement a whole body contrast warm and cold treatments soaking in a hot bath to induce a fever, followed by an ice-cold shower," says Dr. Rudy Gehrman, DC, DC, Executive Director and Founder ofPhysio Logic NYC. "This process pums the lymphatic system that is responsible for moving the inflammation causing stagnant fluid movements throughout the body."


We just have to dance!

Smiling couple holding hands and dancing together at home

"The dance of the ballroom has been a passion of mine since Harvard College and Mit, when I was members of ball dancing clubs in the ballroom," saysDr. Ming Wang, MD, Ph.D., an ophthalmologist in Nashville. "I have always practiced it today weekly and participates in the local and regional championships. I think it's a great way to relax, relieve stress and stay active."

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Bring your own lunch

Meal prep breakfast lunch dinner salmon salad pancakes fruit

"It can be easy with the busy routine of medicine to fall into bad eating habits," says Dr. Wang. "After all, fast food and unhealthy options are much easier to find. I think it's important to make conscious decisions to eat his health. The easiest way to do it is to bring my own lunch at work when I can. Because home-cooked foods can usually be prepared much healthier than what is bought from a restaurant, it's a good way to control exactly what I eat in the correct part . It also has another advantage of avoiding the stress that can come to catch a lunch if lunch time is busy. "


Never skip breakfast

Woman eating breakfast yogurt

"I can ring a simple way to start growing longevity: regularly eat a good breakfast," saysMorton Tavel, MD, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School of Medicine at the University of Indiana. "Those who regularly consume this meal enjoy a longer life and find more easily to maintain a lower weight. Breakfast is more likely to contain more nutritious foods such as fruits and proteins. Proteins also provide more persistent satiety that delay hunger and, consequently, the desire for mid-morning snacks. Proteins are particularly useful because it provides not only a feeling of longer fullness, but also burns for more energy while being digested, resulting in less excess of net calories to treat. Therefore, do not forget to include proteins. Sources such as eggs, yogurt, fat milk, cheese, nuts , etc., like recipes inBreakfast zero of the belly, for example- "but minimizes such sources of meat processed as bacon, sausage and the like, for the latter, in themselves, important threats to health."


Wearing a solar screen

middle aged woman applying sunscreen lotion on face on the beach

"I have two tips to live a longer and healthier life," saysDr. Joshua D. Zuckerman, a plastic surgeon. "First of all, I wear a sunscreen! The skin cancer is omnipoural and melanoma is particularly aggressive and can be mortal. Photodamage (sun damage) of UV exposure is cumulative, so it's important to wear Solar protection Every day if it is cold and cloudy or hot and Sunny. I generally recommend SPF higher than the most: 30+ for average skin tones and 50+ for those who have a fair skin. "Read to hear His second tip!


We keep our skin tight

woman standing on a scale, happy about weight loss

"Second, I try to maintain a stable weight," says Dr. Zuckerman. "Whether under the regime and exercise or other means, a stable weight helps a person maintain the levels of activity and the overall satisfaction of life. In addition, as we get older may be more difficult to lose weight and lose weight can have side effects such as the departure of excess skin or sag. This is due to tissues losing an elasticity as an aging, and once stretched beyond the limit of its elasticity, Fabrics can not contract completely. "


Dinner with the family

Family Enjoying Meal Around Table At Home Together

"Doctors make thousands of decisions every day, meet a million questions and work long hours. I have two strategies to live longer. A dinner with my wife and my children every night," says Dr. George Hennawi, Director of the Department of GeriatricsMedstar Good Hospital Samaritan in Baltimore. Read on his second tip!

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Beginning of problems

two buckets over white background

"Two, I categorize my decisions in buckets," says Dr. Hennawi. "A bucket is people who want to ventilate - then I listen and sympathize and sympathize. Another bucket is a systemic problem that needs a deeper dive and time to answer. The last bucket is an urgent affair that Needs attention as soon as possible. As you can guess, many falls in the first category, which allows me to reduce stress and live longer, hopefully. "


Take calcium and vitamin D supplements


"We can stay healthy and live a longer and superior life," says Anthony Kouri, Mr.D., an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo University. "I personally take an supplementation of calcium and vitamin d daily. Something that is not appreciated by many people is the effect that little calcium and vitamin D can have on us as we get older. It is more common In post-menopausal women and both sexes after 50 years, but you can also find in young people. Our maximum bone density is in the second and third decade of life, typically 30 years old. Nearly 50% of All people are vitamin D deficient, which can lead to osteopenia, osteoporosis and has been linked to breast, prostate and colon cancers, as well as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. of Many people do not feel the effects of vitamin D deficiency until it is too late. "


We run for our lives

Man runner wearing medical mask

"Although any exercise is better than no exercise, the type of exercise makes a difference in bone health," said Dr. Kouri. "From 30 years, we start to lose bone mineral density. Studies have shown that the moderate impact exercise is ideal for maximizing the bone mineral density we are aged. Moderate impact and jogging in the elderly leads to a significant increase in bone minerals. The density compared to those who make a minimal activity. The prevention of osteoporosis or osteopenia to occur is the best way to avoid major problems of modification of life in the future. "


We are people people

woman worker have Webcam group conference with coworkers on modern laptop at home

"Spend as much time with close friends and family," recommends Dr. Springer. "Loneliness is closely linked to poor health (over time) and has certainly reduced longevity. It is an epidemic in many parts of the world (especially Western" countries highly developed), it's a killer of mind and life, literally. intimacy (in anyone!) Is a good human need. This link is vital for health if humans and absence are probably a major factor in the global anxiety epidemic and of depression. People with whom you can be yourself and do not remember judgment. To understand the importance, think about how you feel mentally and physically after a few hours talking or laughing or laughing or laughing Sitting with a person close to you. "


Like a state farm, be a good neighbor - a respectful social distance


"Develop a sense of links with the community around you: this could be parties of semi-regular blocks, clubs, service organizations, religious or spiritual groups," says Dr. Springer. "It links both a sense of goals and intimacy."

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Stimulate your brain

Thoughtful young woman doing a cryptic crossword puzzle in a newspaper

"Continue learning: whether it's crosswords, Sudoku, a new language, a new instrument or a new leisure, such as art / performance, are the best," says Dr. Springer. "Once again, Group activities are ideal. "


Check your audience

Doctor examined the patient's ear with Otoscope. Patient seem to have problems with hearing

Leslie P. Evenings, Chief audiologist atAudience, recommends visiting an auditory health center to get your ears evaluated because the side effects of hearing loss can affect long and healthy life. Hearing problems can lead to other serious physical and mental health problems, such as balance problems, dementia, depression and Alzheimer's disease.


Do not eat the remains of your children

Putting leftovers away

"My non-obvious healthcare: Do not eat remnants of your children," says Dr. Edna Ma, MD. "I grew up eating all the food on my plate before being allowed to leave the dinner's table. It was probably due to the bad economic situation of our family at the time. My parents were immigrants first generation Chinese who grew up at the worst famine from China. This aversion for food was also deepened during my time asSurvivor (Yes, the TV show!) Competition. Now that I am a parent, it is always difficult for me to see food waste. In adulthood, our nutritional needs are different than children. And eating their remains will result in a caloric socket and unnecessary weight gain. "


Try to love life

happy woman enjoying summer outdoors

"Life longer is not a recipe for eating that, use this cream or do crossword every day," says Dr. Jacqueline Darna, N.M.D. "Instead, the longevity of life concerns a state of mind. I heard countless friends who stop doing what they love, working as a doctor and begin to lower health. Do what give you the goal and love life. As a doctor I want my patients to see that I live a healthy life for example, I bike every morning to enjoy food and not counting calories, I Do not pose poisons in my body and choose natural remedies, I dance every day (from the shower to the car), and I always look at the good side of things. "


Do not "click to buy now"

woman sitting at home on laptop

"The cliché is true:" The things you own are the things that owns you, "says Kirby, a certified dermatologist of the Council and the chief doctor ofLaser. "And no one has ever been on their death bed and says," I'd like to have spent more time buying things on Amazon. "So, acknowledge that physical possessions do not make you happy that very temporarily while less tangible hobby will give you a more stable and stable endorphin boost! I'm not naive enough to think that we are not consumers but I sold my dear car and walking bike or use trip sharing. I do not have a dear watch, and I try to minimize the physical property I own. After all, I do not have them .. . They really have me! "



High fiber breakfast whole grain oatmeal with fresh berries nuts and seeds

"Fiber is a great way to stay healthy and lose weight" Dr. Conrad's states. "People who regularly eat a lot of fibers have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, and fiber is a healthy sugar option for diabetics. Fiber-rich foods include oatmeal, flax seeds , chia seeds, broccoli and beans. "



Group Friends Video Chat Connection Concept

"Contribute to the company by mentoring: humans are social creatures and tens of thousands of people worked in group groups to benefit from our cause," says Dr. Kirby. "In modern society, which has everything but disappeared - we are not much more selfish and pushed not to accomplish quantifiable persist. So it's my conflict that one of the best things you can do to live a long life is to find a sense and purpose by helping others in your community or profession. "


Do not avoid stress

Stressed male doctor sat at his desk. Mid adult male doctor working long hours. Overworked doctor in his office. Not even doctors are exempt from burnout

"Do not avoid stress: so many people want to minimize the stress of longevity, but not only the stress is terribly misunderstood and it is a mistake to try to avoid it," said Dr. Kirby. "Many people who live although incredible difficulties live long. And I do not advocate monthly trips to Everest, but kissing the concept that stressful events finally pass and you often because emotionally (and even physically!) After stressful events. "

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Listen to your spouse

Happy couple

"I listen to my wife," Explains Eric Branda, AUD, PhD toSignia. "All jokes about marriage away, many of us put the well-being of our families and other significant above our own health. As a result, we can neglect to be so attentive to Our health needs. It is important to remember that these other significant lives of our lives can take attention and draw attention to changes in our health that we could be slower to act. "


See the world - when it's safe to do it

Woman with outstretched arms

"I personally travel at least one new country every year," says Colin Zhu, DO, Dipablm of theProsper Podcast. "For me, loneliness gives me a relief of stress and a balance and clarity. In addition, it helps me to reproduce my five senses again. On a daily basis, he will cook at home. It's very therapeutic for me And also reinforces the social connection especially when I cook with others! "



woman doing lunges at the gym wearing n95 face mask

"The exercise of lift can help at slow bone loss," saysCarolyn, MD, ND, author ofThe magnesium miracle. "Putting the weight on your bones while walking, running and / or lifting weights stimulate the growth of the new bone. The exercise can also help keep a healthy joint cartilage. The strong muscles support joints and reduce the load on them. "As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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