These popular food myths are actually true

An apple a day really helps keep the doctor away after all!

We have all heard the phrase "an apple a day is moving the doctor 'or that mom has told us that years of eating and drinking some things to stay healthy and strong. And it's because these commonmyths of food have just becomereal, Simply by the mouth and personal stories of friends and families supporting their credibility.

Yet these types ofHealth tricks In fact true?

We asked some expert dietitians for help to decode these healthy food myths once and for all. You may be surprised to know that yes, some of these "myths of food" are really true, based on the solid search. here issome of the most common food myths You might simply be surprised to know how to be truth.


The Mediterranean diet will make you feel better

Mediterranean diet antipasto appetizer platter

It's not right in your head or a ploy to get you to have more nutritious food on the cake. Following theMediterranean diet You will really feel you better.

"Mediterranean Food Trades have been linked to higher quality scores and lower depression scores, "saysKelly Jones, MS, Rd, CSSD, LDN.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and healthy greases like olives. And it's a lot easier than you may thinkeat foods commonly found in this diet.

"Since you deprive more nutritious foods that you like can be stressful mentally, lose all or nothing and enjoy those when you have difficulty looking for the construction of Mediterranean-style foods in your regular eating habits , "Says Jones.


Green tea supports your metabolism


WhileAdmission of green tea has been associated withImprovement of cardio-metabolic healthIt is important to note that "metabolism" does not only mean calorie burns, but this rather involves all the chemical and physical processes of the body by which molecules are constructed and decomposed, explains Jones.

"To what extent do you feel energetic and how to react your metabolic hormones can be linked to these functions," she says. "But beware of green tea extract and supplements - it's not the same as sipping tea from all the tea leaf, andExtracts have been linked to liver problems. "

Looking for more?Learn how to exploit the power of tea to lose weight.


Frozen products are as healthy as cool

frozen fruit

It's true, frozen is just as healthy and it's often the cheapest option.

"BecauseFrozen fruits and vegetables are treated so close to the harvest theyIn some cases, may contain more antioxidant nutrients as their fresh counterparties, "says Jones. This is especially true during the year of the year when foods can be harvested before digging maturity and need to travel further to reach you.

"If you are the guy who is likely to have fresh product products in the fridge, store frozen," she says.


Chocolate is good for you

dark chocolate

That's right - it's totally ok if you can eat this dark chocolate square like a treat.

"As long as your daily chocolate is usually dark chocolate, regular consumption has been associated with bothImprovement of mood and cognition"Jones said". This may be due to the two sensory characteristics of chocolate that are appreciated as well as phytochemical compounds of chocolate. "

Once again, you just want to make sure you go for darkness instead of milk chocolate to get these large antioxidants. And make sure you stick to one or two portions.


Oats can help better manage blood sugar levels


Oats has a soluble fiber, known for binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract and get rid of it in the body.

"Although soluble of all foods can have this action, studies support daily intake to oatmeal forLDL cholesterol improvement levels! Make a full meal with healthier cardiac ingredients by covering your oats with berries and nuts, "says Jones. We haveMany healthy night oat recipes To help you achieve these weight loss goals, too!


Ginger AHE can cure nausea

glass of ginger ale on wooden cutting board with ginger root lemon lime and mint leaves

Although it is not obliged to be in the form of gaseous drink (hello, sugar!),Ginger itself has been shown toCalm nausea and vomiting Due to transportation, pregnancy and even chemotherapy.

"If you arewill opt for ginger wing, make sure it's a brand that uses real ginger, like Reed! Check your list of ingredients, "suggest Jones.


The elderly can prevent a cold


"Although we have no evidence on the prevention of the elderly and lower respiratory tract), supplementation can significantly reduce the symptoms of cold and influenza of the upper respiratory tract," said Jones. "The elderly are generally in the form of syrup, but theNew gummies of gaiaHerbs facilitate the task and more tasty of getting your immune support and refined sugar. "


An apple a day keeps the doctor away

apple slices in white apple shaped bowl

According to thisa study, the daily consumption of apples was not associated with fewer doctor visits, but shewas associated with the use of fewer prescription drugs. And it's something!

"Apples containfiberVitamin C and a variety of other beneficial plant nutrients that can support overall health. So, including apples in your diet, with a variety of other products, is a good way to support a healthy immune system, "saidCharlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT.


The fruit juice is not healthier than the soda

grape juice

"Although 100% fruit juices retain some of the vitamins and fruit minerals, both soda and fruit juice are mainly consisting of sugar and water. Fruit juiceoften contains as much sugar as the soda, says Martin.

Even if the sugar in the fruit juice is technically considered as "natural" sugar, it is always metabolized as the added sugar in the soda.A study found that 100% and SODA fruit juice consumption was associated with an increase in the risk of all caustic mortality.


Orange juice can help you pass over a cold

Orange juice with fresh oranges

Orange juice is rich in two support ingredients using the immune system and the fight against cold: water and vitamin C.

"Vitamin C supplementshave been shown Reducing the duration of the symptoms of colds and fluids help loosen mucus and free congestion, "says Martin. Although it is unlikely that simply drink orange juice helps you cure a cold, it certainly can not hurt to enjoy it as part of a balanced diet fighting your colds and it can help Relieve the symptoms.


The carrots are good for your eyes

Baby carrots

Carrots Are rich in beta-carotene, that the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A supports the cornea function and constitutes a component of a protein in our eyes which is responsible for allowing us to see in low light conditions.

"According toa study, a higher consumption of carotenoids was associated with a reduction in the risk of advanced macular degeneration related to age, "says Martin. So, enjoy carrots like a healthy snack orACCOMPANYING PLATE!


Spicy food stimulate your metabolism

Spicy chili peppers

Hot peppers get their heat from a capsaicin compound, which provides the heat you expect to add peppers or hot sauce to your recipes or meals.

"Although the mechanism is not completely understood, it is that this active compound stimulates thermogenesis alias the production of heat in the body", explains Martin.A systematic review Even capsaicinoid consumption to increase energy expenses of about 50 calories a day.


Chicken soup helps heal a cold

cajun chicken soup

"The two moisturizers who contribute to reconstructing the fluids that you can lose through vomiting or diarrhea when you are sick and soothing to the ginger stomach, often found inChicken noodle soup, chicken soup can help cure common cold, "saysMaggie Michalczyk, MS, RD.

In addition, carrots and celery fluently in the chicken soup contain vitamin A, necessary for a healthy immune function. A winning victory!


Spinach makes you strong

Washed baby spinach leaves

Yes, Popeye was right!

"This leafy greenCan help increase muscle power and contains iron, necessary for a function of appropriate red blood cells and essential to the transport of oxygen from the lungs to work muscles, "says Michalczyk." For optimal iron absorption Plant-based sources of plants such as spinach, be sure to add a source of vitamin C. "

A lemon pressure on spinach will do!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / tips
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