CHEWING GUM helps you lose weight?
Dietitians analyze mixed data on whether chewing gum can help weight loss (or make you fat).

You probably have your favorite flavor when it comes toyour choice gum-You can make peppermint, green mint, cinnamon or bubble gum. The flavors are endless, but the pleasure of chewing the gum does not only stop at the flavor that you recover.
In fact, many people rely on chewing gum to lose weight. Some say it helps themControl. For others, it prevents them from eating calorie and calorie-loaded index. But the debate on whether chewinging gum is a legitimate (and healthy) weight loss strategy is more encompassing than a "yes" or "no" response.
"There is mixed data on whether chewing gum can produce weight loss," saysDanielle Staub, MS, RD, CDN, Clinical Dietitian in New York Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Decompose the different sides of the debate, examine the proof that supports-or refutes - if the gum chewinging can help you lose weight.
First, the positives: proof that chewing gum supports weight loss.
"Chewing-gum can help lose weight by reducing desires and bringing subsequent calories, increasing energy expenditure and byReduce levels of stressStaub said.
One of the greatest advantages of chewing gum is its ability to help change the behavior when it comes to eating without development.
"For some people, it can be really useful for losing weight if you fight with a headless power supply. If you gravitate toArticles based on the panoramas that are full of empty calories, then it's a good time to exchange this behavior for a piece of gum, "says Jessica Crandall Snyder, RDN, dietary nutritionist registered withVital RD.
Or if you are a big snacker (which refers especially of soft things), the gum can be a certainty toCut the desires of sugar And let just keep your mouth concerned.
"Chewing gum can be a useful tool for a person who constantly feels the need for snack or who often engages in an emotional diet. It can be used to distract a person from managing without disturbing outside programmed consumption times And can potentially decrease the desires of candies. Staub.
"For people who tend to eat when they are stressed, the masticer of a piece of gum could offer a good solution (without calories), she adds.
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Is Chewing Gum get you fatter or stifle weight loss?
But Chewing Gum to help you lose weight can also come with some negatives.
"According toa study, chewing gum could potentially discourage fruit consumption and reduce the quality of the plan, "says Staub.
Of course, if you areskip the meals And in the hope that the gum will offer a kind of hunger relief, it is not a healthy weight loss strategy.
"For some people to chew the gum between meals can help reduce pasture and handle the desires. However, many people benefit from the consumption of planned snacks during the day as a means ofstabilize energy and prevent desires, "says Staub." We should make sure we do not exchange contested snacks for a chewing gum stick, as this could derail long-term weight loss efforts. "
And the gum can also ruin your intestine.
"For those who have digestive complaints such asblocker Or gas, chewing gum might not be the best option. Chewing frequently introduces more air into your GI tract, "says Staub.
While sugar-free gum is also low in calories, theArtificial sweeteners Found in most are also controversial with respect to intestinal health.
"Most gums contain artificial sweeteners that can disturb the gut microbioma, andeventually drive increasing hunger signals and increase fat storage, "saysMonica Austlander Moreno, MS, RD, LD / N, nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition.
If your sugar-free gum contains sugar alcohols assweetenerThis could also leave your stomach dissatisfied.
"In addition, the sugar-free gum contains sweet spirits, which can ferment in the GI tract and cause gas, bloating and alteration of stool," says Staub.
Which gum is the best?
If you are looking to work onaware Between or after the meals, stick with a mint gum.
"Mint flavored gum has more cleaning properties at the palace (can reduce desires)," says Crandall Snyder.
While you may want to stay away from those with artificial sweeteners, these with sweet spirits can always be the best choice according to your stomach. But if they beat you, go with a gum that has the slightest amount of added sugar.
"Sugar-free gum is a good option if you can tolerate sweet alcohols. There are also natural gums that also have a minimal added sugar," says Staub.
Bottom Line: "There is nothing inherent,Ingredient-wise, in gum This would promote weight loss, "says Moreno.
However, if you can exchange "bad" behavior (as invisible or emotional ", which avoids crushing additional calories or added sugar, chewing-gum could have an impact on your weight loss.
"[Chewing gum] can be good for some, but not for others when it comes to losing weight. It is important to note that chewing gum is unlikely to cause significant weight loss, Unless you also work to improve eating habits and routine exercise integration, "says Staub.
If you are really looking forlosing weight, Sauté in a gum stick simply will not cut it in the long run.
"Plan upcoming meals and snacks Can be extremely useful for people trying to lose weight, "says Staub." Eating on a regular calendar and avoiding the meal jump is also important to keep a stable energy and reduce desires during the day, just like drinking plenty of water. »

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