Side effects of alcohol consumption before and after obtaining the Covid vaccine

Experts are cautious about Boonze and its impact on your immune system during the vaccination process.

We all know that keeping ourimmune systems Fort during the Pandemic of Covid-19 is of utmost importance. And now that vaccines are slowly but surely, it should always remain an absolute priority, particularly with regard to monitoring and even the reduction of your alcohol consumption if you consume too much.

Research has shown that frenzy is defined by consumption by theCDC As 4+ women's drinks and more than 5 drinks for men on one occasion - can negatively affect your immune system. For example, a 2015 study published in the journalAlcohol I found that a single fight of frenzy consumption increases inflammation in a few hours and inhibits your body's ability to regulate its immune system and effectively fight infection up to a few days later. Alcohol also puts more stress on the body, making it more difficult to recover to be under the weather,Experts say. (Speaking of, here'sThe biggest sign you drink too much alcohol, according to doctors.)

Maybe that's why scientists around the world are cautious about alcohol consumption before and after getting the CVIV-19 vaccine - a crucial time when your body reacts at dose and building its defenses against the virus .

Last month, a health manager in Russia asked citizens not to drink for two weeks before and six weeks after getting the Spoto V vaccine from the country,Reutersreports. However, the current vaccine developer, Dr. Alexander Gintsburg, latertweeted To clarify that he believed that the recommendation was too extreme and that beneficiaries should not drink for three days before and three days after vaccination (regardless of the type of vaccine). "A glass of champagne will hurt anyone, not even your immune system," tootweeted From the 9th of December Spoutnick V account.

In the meantime, in the United Kingdom, a health expert recommended that people limit their alcohol consumption one day before and one day after vaccination,Internal business community reports.

However, the experts here in the United States are singing a different melody.William Moss, Executive Director of the International Vaccine Access Center Johns Hopkins, saidInternal business community, "There is no evidence that if you have a beer or a glass of wine, a few days after getting your vaccine, it will harm your immune response or to your protection after the vaccine. When this point is indicated As extremely extremely., I think it's actually damaging public health. "

In other words, so long as you drink moderation and you consume less than it is considered heavy or interviewing, you do not have to be too concerned about your consumption before and after receiving the CVIVID-19 vaccine .

However, if you drank a lot (more than one drink a day for women and more than two men), you should consider reducing now, whether or not you are vaccinated. When we considerAll these adverse effects of the bozing head a lot And regularly, you will see why change your behavior can improve your health and well-being from time to time.

For more, be sure to readWhat happens to your body when you give up alcohol.

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