The reason # 1 why you should not eat bacon, says science

If you can not resist eating every day, do not stack your taste buds.

The sound and aroma of sizzling bacon bands in a cast iron pan are without a doubt one of the greatest pleasures of life. When the bacon is heated, melting fondue fats and meat undergoes a transformation called maillard reaction, the browning effect that occurs when sugars react with amino acids, producing delicious bacon flavors and about 150 compounds of Fascinating aromas of bacon. No wonder humans are gonzo for bacon, using it just about everything, ice cream with bourbon cocktails.

So, who are we to say that you should not eat bacon? We like the bacon ourselves and we know it's too wet hard to resist, but we annoy you to approach breakfast meat with a restraint. TheNumber One of the reasons why you should not eat bacon, it is that it is highly transformed and other processed meats - have been linked to a higher risk of cancer.. (In touch:Laid side effects of eating too much bacon.)

Is there a reason not to eat bacon, never? It depends on whom you ask. Some doctors believe that it is one of theUnhealthy foods on the planet. Other doctors and nutritionists say it provides important nutrients and is satisfied, you fill in so that you do not cry carbohydrates, but it is probably not necessary to be a pillar of your diet. Here's what we know:

The bacon is a carcinogen

In 2015 theWorld Health Organization Classified bacon and other processed meats, including ham, salami and hot dogs, asGroup 1 carcinogen, which means that there are strong evidence that eaters increases your risk of cancer, in particular the intestine and stomach cancer but also pancreatic cancers and prostate. The designation of WHO was based on conclusions of the International Cancer Research Agency (IARC), 22 experts on cancer of 10 countries, who analyzed more than 400 processing studies using epidemiological data of hundreds Thousands of people. To announceThe oncology lancetThe IARC estimated that for each portion of 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily (about 2 bacon bands), the risk of colorectal cancer increased by 18%.

Bacon and other hardened meats often containNitrites and nitrates, Conservatives who, when cooked on high heat nitrosamines, a known carcinogen. Classified as group 1 carcinogenic, bacon and other processed meats have been added to a list of more than 100 known cancers, including smoke of tobacco and asbestos. However, this does not mean that bacon is as dangerous as cigarettes, with 34,000 cancer deaths a year awarded to a high consumption of processed meat, compared to 1 million deaths annually because of tobacco smoke.

"I would like to see people reducing the consumption of processed meats," says the scientific doctorWilliam Li, MD, author ofEat to beat the disease, the new science of how your body can heal. "Overwhelming evidence shows that strong red and transformed meat consumption places a burden on health. "

To be clear, IARC analysis of process consumption studies has not found a causality, but a correlation between eating a lot of processed meat and has increased the risk of cancer. And what is chariere, it is if the studied meat eaters had other bad eating habits, such as the consumption of added sugars and refined carbohydrates, which could have an impact on their health results. "They certainly do not eat small amounts of meat supplied with grass or grass with a stack of colorful fruits and vegetables," writesMark Hyman, MD, author ofThe Pegan regime: 21 practical principles for the recovery of your health in a world of nutritional confusing.

Hyman believes that the red meat is not the Bogeyman, it was made to be and that the bacon can be part of our diet, especially if it is sustainable and produced humanely and bio. "If you choose to eat meat, the most important thing to think is the quality," writes Hyman. "The overconsumption of farmmers in the factory treated is absolutely bad for you. The grass-based meat has many better types of those that theseomega-3s And less omega-6s. "

Moderation is the key

"My philosophy is that all foods can be interested in a healthy diet," says the nutritionistJana mowrer, mph, rd, founder Same bacon. The danger, she says, is that the people of meat more red consume, the less they tend to eat other food groups, especially those with fibers such as vegetables.

"A rich fiber diet promotes the health and regularity of the bowels of the bowels and provides a range of vitamins and beneficial nutrients," said Mowrer. "Bacon and other highly transformed greasy meats, kill healthy intestinal bacteria." So, take the Mowrer's tips and do not hesitate to include sporadically bacon in your diet - make sure you always prefer priority to real whole foods at each meal. For more, see The best way to eat for your microbiome and improve the health of incidents .

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Tags: bacon / Health Tips / tips
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