The ugly danger sign that you eat too much fast food, says science

If you feel this particular symptom, it is likely that the habit of fast restoration.

Treat with unpleasant headache regularly? How about having trouble going to the bathroom? If you are one who likes Chowler on a hamburger and fries of your localfast food chain On a regular basis, these symptoms can be symptoms on a regular basis. Why? BecauseThese types ofHighly transformed french fries Can bring your ignited body, which is a laundry danger sign that you eat too much fast restoration. Here's why and for healthier food tips, be sure to read onVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.

So, what does it mean to be inflamed and does not matter?Inflammation Is an answer from the immune system that occurs when your body tries to defend against infection, such as bacteria or viruses. Inflammation is the result of sick disease and disease, but it is also the answer of your body during consumptioninflammatory food-The fast food. According toWebmd Medical Reference, inflammation can be triggered byrefined carbohydrates (like white bread), sweet drinks, processed meats, margarine / shortening, and of course, fried foods.

This is not a coincidence that inflammation can occur when your body tries to preserve diseases and treat foods not so beautiful for your body. A study published by the newspaperCell Through the University of Bonn shows the acute similarities between inflammation of the disease and rapid restoration. Scientists have proven this by evaluating the immune system of mice that have received a "western regime" of high fat foods, high in sugar and low fibers. Theimmune system The answer was an inflammation similar to that of the fight against the disease and if they are delivered over a long time, can lead to the development of chronic diseases.

This can happen due to an accumulation ofchronic inflammation. According toSatellite, inflammation can occur under two types of ways. The first is an acute inflammation, which arrives for a short duration and can be resolved after a few weeks. It's something you probably live after having fallen ill. Or, according to theUniversity of Chicago UniversityIt can even happen in the form of diarrhea after eating foods that are not good for your body, like fast food.

Then there is a chronic inflammation, which occurs if you encounter inflammation over a longer period of time - more than six weeks. This happens when there is no injury and is linked to autoimmune disorders.

Both fast food andUltra-transformed foods May cause inflammation and can even change the bacteria that live in your intestine. If you do not care about your intestine and your microbiome by eating healthy foods, then you are on the road to chronic inflammation. And of course, chronic inflammation can lead to some long-term diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

So, if you encounter constant headaches, difficult times in the bathroom, you have a decrease in your overall mood and that your body is globally inflated, it is probably due to an inflammation of your fast food habits. . The best thing to do so that your body can go to these21 healthy eating habits It can make you feel better, and even help you lose these extra books!

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