This diet eliminates the toxic chemicals of your body in less than a week, studies

The results of a six-day detox with organic foods were amazing.

In theory, eating organic foods is something that most of us would choose to do if it is given luck. Organic products contain fewer traces of pesticides, they are better for the environment and they are usuallyPacked with more nutrients.

But the skeptics note that the purchase of BIO changes to a much higher cost and if the benefits of organic food consumption effectively exceed the bill on heavy grocery stores have been a point of debate for years.

Now, a new study provides evidence of the benefits of the consumption of organic food that can convert skeptics. Researchers of the Environment OrganizationFriends of the Earth foundEating an organic diet as little as six days can dramatically reduce the amount of traces of pesticides in the human body.

The study examined by peer published inEnvironmental research I found that people who ate exclusively organic diet for six days had a 70% reduction in glyphosate levels in the body. Glyphosate is a pesticide widely used in the United States and, while science on its long-term effects on the human body is still inconclusive, several studies have been related to cancer. In fact, theFDA classified The weed killer as "probably carcinogenic to humans" in 2015.

The new study followed four families in different parts of the United States and measured their glyphosate levels while they were on their ordinary non-organic diet, followed by six days of exclusively biological consumption. The dramatic reduction of the traceable pesticide in their systems has optimistic researchers on the rapid and measurable benefits of an organic diet.

"It is striking that the levels of this toxic pesticide have dropped so dramatically after less than a week. Given our results and related studies on how an organic regime quickly reduces exposure to pesticides,We could expect to see similar reductions in glyphosate levels in most Americans if they passed to an organic diet " Said co-author of the KENDRA KLEIN study, PhD, senior scientist in the Friends of the Earth.

In America, the consumption of organic products is a constant increase. Since 2010, organic food sales have doubled, from 3.4% of total food sales to 5.6% in 2019.

While almost half of the Americans reportbuy organic food at least a part of the time, For the most part, the award of a fully organic diet is always out of reach. And it's because medium biological foodcosts about 7.5% more that its non-biological counterpart. To learn more about the benefits and costs of eating an organic diet, readThe opinion of our R & D.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
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