What are the effects on our body if we eat eggs every day?

"On the dish", "scrambled", "hard" or "hull", eggs are essential to our daily diet ... So, are eggs really good for your health? Can we eat every day?

"On the dish", "scrambled", "hard" or "hull", eggs are indispensable to our daily diet. Very appreciated by the nutritionists, they are perfectly related with a large number of dishes. However, so consumed too often, they risk promoting cholesterol, warn specialists ... so, are eggs really good for health? Can we eat every day? The eggs have an unfair reputation for too fat, as the lawyer for example, but in fact they have beneficial effects for health. Several scientific studies have shown that their regular consumption does not represent a health hazard and does not necessarily affect the rate of bad cholesterol.

Eggs fight bad cholesterol

Rich in omega, the eggs are indeed the allies of the "good" cholesterol and even help eliminate the excess of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) which is very dangerous for health, and can cause, for example, severe cardiovascular problems or heart disease.

Eggs are rich in nutrients

One of the many benefits of eggs is the large intake of protein for muscles, calcium for bone, fatty acids, vitamins and vitamin D which reinforces the immune system and regulates cardiac function. Source of essential nutrients, eggs contribute to the proper functioning of the organs.

Eggs are a source of energy

Unlike foods that cause an increase in blood glucose and give a quick but temporary boost, thanks to their protein intake, eggs produce a long-lasting level of energy. For example, two eggs provide the same protein intake as 100g of meat or fish, think about it!

Eggs help lose weight

Low in calories and high protein, eggs are valuable allies for the success of a diet. By consuming eggs regularly, always in a healthy and balanced diet (always follow the binomial eating and moving!), Allows to get a feeling of satiety that lasts, thus reducing the nibbling and, therefore, the pounds superfluous. Interesting observation!

Eggs improve brain function

The eggs are rich in choline and folate, nutrients who play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, contributing to the good development of the brain, to improve memory and learning. Also beneficial for pregnant women, they help reduce the risk of malformation in the fetus. Good to know !

Eggs are allies for the view

The egg yolk contains antioxidants from the carotenoid family, lutein and ZEanxanthin, which help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (DMLA), protect the eyes of the harmful effects of sunlight and considerably reduce the risk of cataracts.

The eggs make the skin more beautiful

In addition to vitamin B2, eggs are rich in B5 and B12 vitamins, essential for repairing and renewing skin cells. Vitamin B12 helps combat skin drought, redness or acne. In addition to being a healthy food, eggs are also a precious ally of beauty!

Categories: Interesting
Tags: food / eggs / health
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