20 tips for cutting medical expert sugar

Adopt these safe-fire tips for Nix The Sweet Stuff for Good-now!

The added sugars are omnipresent in many pantry staples because manufacturers stir in sweet stuff to make their products better and increase their life. However, the consumption of too much sugar has been linked to a higher risk of developing several evils, including heart disease,Diabetes, obesity and disease of foie gras, according toHarvard Health. While you probably know that the best way to prevent these diseases is to nix the sweet stuff of your diet, do you know how to reduce sugar effectively?

The sweet culprit is in many eating and obvious drinks such as sodas, candies and bakery products, but it is also present in less clear items.

Below we have the best advice from medical experts to find out how to cut the sugar of your diet - adopt these habits is easier than you think!


Exchange sweet drinks

Woman drinking soda

"Sweet sweet drinks such asa sodaSports beverages and fruit drinks contribute more than 40% of sugars added in the standard American diet. A coke can contain 39 grams of sugar (nearly 10 teaspoons). Exchange your sweet drink for water, sparkling water flavored or herbal tea. You can add fruits, basil or lemon and lime for jazz in your water. "

- Brett Klein, MSC, RDN, CDN


Flavor your own yogurt


"Yogurts are often considered a healthy option, but some of them can pack up to 30 grams of sugar in a portion of 6 ounces. You can get the same beneficial probiotics and nutrients with a fraction of the sugar by buying a Plain yogurt and add your own fruit instead. Even a little added sweetener such as maple syrup or honey on top will probably have less sugar than pre-softened options. "

- Emily Cooper, RDN


Be picky with your pasta sauces

Jarred marinara sauce

"A lot of lagged pasta sauces contain added sugars - and [sauce] is usually not a product to search for sweeteners. Make sure you read the ingredient label on the back of the package to see if the Sauce contains added sugar. Find an option free from sweeteners such as sugar or corn syrups. "



Opt for spices instead of sugar


"Instead of using sugar in recipes when cooking, try some extra flavor of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger."



Exchange your desserts

Raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries in crates

"Cut the sugar from your diet by changing your desert habits. Although it is difficult to do, it can be extremely effective. Instead of ice cream and cookies, opt for healthy fruits with a low glycemic index, like Blueberries and blackberries. Perhaps have black chocolate with that. At first, it can be difficult to do it, you can get this sweet [solution] without all the sugar. "

- Dr. Alex Tauberg DC, CSCS, CCSP, EMR


Cook at home

Cook stir omelet

"Restaurants often use a lot of sugar in their meals to better taste. If you eat more, you can control the amount of sugar in your food. You can make healthy and tasty meals at home without any extra sugar."

- Tauberg


Look for added sugars first and cut

added sugars

"You will see things listed like sugars that you can not avoid and you do not need. It's because there are sugars like glucose in plants and other complex carbohydrates that do the food what it is, and also necessary. First, just buy things with very few added sugars, because these are the ones your body does not know what to do with, including the fructose, sucrose and maltodextrin. "

- Dr. Heather Hammerstedt, Certified Emergency Doctor of the Board of Directors



Condiments in jars

"I often see the cause of sugar or worsen from acne, dermatitis, rosacea and basically any inflammatory state. In addition to avoiding evidence like soda and all juices (even 100% of juice), I tell people to check condiments like ketchup, salad dressing, tomato sauce, teriyaki sauce, and many other sauces, because they are usually loaded with sugar. Instead, use Fresh spices, most of which are anti-inflammatory, like oregano and parsley, to supply and savor food. I do not worry about fresh., Organic fruit, like fruit fiber slows the sugar Running into the blood and phytonutrients found in most fresh fruits are much more important to get in the diet. You really can not go wrong with a real diet. "

-Jennifer T. Haley, MD, FAAD, Certified Dermatologist of the Board


Try softening with Stevia

stevia sugar

"Use a high quality stevie instead of sugar. If the quality is excellent, it will not have a bitter first name (unless [you add too much]). I like theNUNATURALS Brand. Stevia is natural and has been used safely for thousands of years. "

- Susan Schenck, Lake, Mtom


Avoid low fat and non-fat foods

Flavored yogurt

"This is a must if you want to maintain a healthy diet, but it is particularly recommended when you want to cut sugar. Weak and non-fat foods very often contain sugar in a form, and they are better avoided."

- Anne Guillot, DN



Woman looking at fitness watch on a run

"It does not mean you have to work every day, but taking some walks, walking in your home or any form of light physical activity on a daily basis can really help. How? Because the endorphins that are released When doing exercise can give you the same feeling of well-being as a piece of cake, without sugar! "

- Guillot


Eat healthier fat

Healthy foods

"Replace sweet foods with healthy foods containinggrease. When you feel that you want to skip sugar food, stop thinking in your mind and think of healthy snacks, like a lawyer, a hard egg, a piece of good cheese, nuts or foods you like this n is not pure sugar or carbohydrates. "



Stay hydrated


"Often, people think they are hungry and / or love sweets, but they really just thirst. The water follows minerals inside the cells where it is necessary for optimum metabolism and cell hydration. Drink half of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water. "

- Carolyn Dean, MD, ND


Beware of your local smoothie bar

girl holding smoothie at bar

"Beware of healthy juice juice and smoothies! Ask the nutrition information (if it is available!). Mostsmoothies are made with lots of fruit, which can be great, but the portions are often so great that these drinks become excessive of calories and sugar! "

- Maryann Walsh, MFN, Rd, LDN


Slow down

Woman choosing apple over sugar-filled pastry

"Consider recycling your taste buds for a period of time instead of trying to substitute food swaps and alternative sweeteners. Try 2 to 4 weeks without sugar, no fruit and no extra sweeteners, so you can adjust to what a gentle tastes like. Then, when you reintroduce the sweetness, you will need less and you will have lost your desires. You can also adjust the level of sweetness of things like coffee gradually going down for a period of days and Turn off. Try to put half of the quantity. sweetener in your coffee tomorrow morning, then the next day, the next day cut it again, and so on, until you do not need to need sugar at all or that you get used to a lot less. "

- Ann Shippy, MD


NIX artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners

"The artificial sweeteners have been damaged by your Gut flora and keep your taste buds used to sweet flavor and no longer wanting. Some studies also show that artificial sweeteners will pure your insulin levels, which almost overwhelm sugar Purpose of using it. If you need to use an alternative sweetener, Stevia is a better choice, with moderation. "



Go for fruit with low sugar

Granny smith apples

"The fruits have more sugar than people realize, especially tropical fruits like bananas, mangoes and pineapples. Stick to berries and green apples for choices of lower sugar fruit."



Lead the processed meats

processed meat

"Transformed meat, like meat, bacon and sausages, have often added sugar. You can search for better brand alternatives such as the simple organic truth, Applegate or Plainville Farms. Some of these brands always have Products with added sugar, so you always have to pay attention and read labels. The other option is to completely ignore processed meats. Cook a chicken breast and slice it for sandwiches or wraps, or use your own Seasonings to prepare breakfast. "

- Jennifer Smith, Rd, CLT


Limit starchy foods

Woman eating a bowl of cereal

"Refined carbohydrates such as bread and cereals can respond very similarly to sugar in high quantities. Eating a full food for starchs Spike your blood glucose, creating a drop, ravage to wreak havoc on your intestine, and providing Very small nutrients. Do not be "fortified" labels: Essentially, they are added vitamins once the food is stripped of all natural health benefits for aesthetic reasons. "

- Erin Wathen, Certified Coach of Life and Weight Loss


Make your own smoothies

Berry spinach smoothie

"Enjoy fruit and vegetable smoothies. Fruits provide natural sugar and take advantage of a right thing: natural sugar is in a category completely different from one added. In addition to being naturally sweet, fruitfiberand other protective compounds that lower inflammation (thinking of increasing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes). Smoothies are a healthy and healthy habit capable of replacing less healthy foods, such as sweet grains, granola bars and other meals and snacks through GO. When using the protein powder or Greek yogurt, they also provide proteins to make them a more balanced option than the alternatives. If you are too busy to mix one at home, I suggest Smoothie King because they are customized from their smoothies and you can find dozens of added sugar menu items. "

- Samantha Cassety, MS, RD

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