This habit of eating makes your age cerebral faster, the study says

Here's what you need to avoid.

We have all been informed that engaging with sweet, fried and processed foods can derail progress whenFollowing a diet. But a new study highlights the serious health risks that come with this easy-to-eat habit - and this could actually cancelMediterranean diet advantages.

Published inAlzheimer's & Dementis: The Journal of the Alzheimer Association On January 7, 2021, the study examined the effect of "Western regime" foods on the elderly. These include fried food, candies, red and processed meats, fatty dairy products. After a strict regime of the Mediterranean of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, olive oil, walnuts, seeds and legumes and limiting other types of foods isequal to the brain being 5.8 years younger,Scientists found. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

The 5 001 participants followed the Mediterranean diet for almost 20 years. All three, they would fill out a detailing form at what frequent they have eaten 144 foods. Scientists have found that "the participants with slower cognitive decline in follow-up were those who have joined the Mediterranean regime, as well as to limit foods that are part of the Western regime, whileParticipants who eat more of the Western regime had no beneficial effect healthy food components in the slowdown in cognitive decline. "

Similar results are included in the studies of other regimes such as Dash, one of the authors of the study, Puja Agarwal, PhD, a nutritional epidemiologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at Rush Medical College, said .

"Other studies show that red and transformed meat, fried food and low-grain consumption are associated with higher inflammation and faster cognitive decline in older ages," says Agarwal, depending onScienceDaily. "The more we can incorporate green vegetables, other vegetables, berries, olive oil and fish into our diet, the better for our brains and our aging bodies."

For advice on how to reduce food "western diet" and get the advantages of the most Mediterranean food, here is here33 Easy herbal recipes even carnivores will love and15 Mediterranean diet swaps for your meals tastes.

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