The 10 products you should remove from your shopping list

It is convenient that we consider some questions. Are these products really healthy, or is that as consumers we fall on the traps of our routines? What exactly is the quality of life?

Sometimes we consider these people who flee from the benefits of urban civilization and move to the field, moved by interest in cultivating their own products and leading a healthier and slow lifestyle. The truth is that it is sometimes difficult to understand how it is possible to live without facilities and taking a different pace that of the city, where we have at our disposal quickly and easily any food, including healthy products that are more fashionable and others Products that, according to advertising, improve our health.

However, it is convenient that we consider some questions. Are these products really healthy, or is that as consumers we fall on the traps of our routines? What exactly is the quality of life? It is difficult to say it specifically. What is a fact is that every time we consume more food than even animals hungry eaten.

This article goes for those who have proposed to change their eating habits and try to live in a healthier way. Only by eliminating some very common products and not falling into the advertising trap of the "healthy" you can live better.

0% fats

Low-fat foods are also dangerous, since they present a higher concentration of carbohydrates: starch, sugar substitutes ... When consuming these types of products you can earn more easily. In addition, low-fat foods do not allow the absorption of vitamins.

Peanut butter

It is an American native product that has become actively popular throughout the world since the 1980s. If we manufacture it ourselves, natural peanut butter is really healthy. It contains many important trace elements: zinc, manganese and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, B, E and PP. There is only one nuance: it is extremely high in calories. Therefore, you can not eat more than two teaspoons a day. That is, a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast is fine, but two not so much.

Corn cereals

There is nothing wrong with eating cereals if we consider them a dessert. The problem is that the ads present us the corn flakes such as the key ingredient for a perfect, delicious and healthy breakfast. 100 g of these flakes cover 61% of the daily carbohydrate requirement and 24.4% of the daily calorie requirement. Two portions are already too much. At the same time, the need for proteins and fat is satisfied only by 7% and 1.34%, respectively.

Protein bars

Many bars for "athletes" contain much more sugar than the usual desserts and approximately the same amount of carbohydrates than the famous Snickers or Milka chocolates. At the same time, they contain soybean and casein protein in their composition, which clearly does not convert them into a healthy product.

Vegan hamburgers

Soy protein is made from genetically modified soybeans, which is subsequently supplied hexane, a harmful solvent that besides being used to erase paintings, price labels or gums, is in this type of hamburgers and oils of Soy, corn and rapeseed. And no, McDonalds burgers are not the solution: Make sure the hamburger you take has an ecological certificate.


Apart from fruit and vegetables also contain candy coloring, pectin, fructose, xanthan gum, etc. They are so full of calories and sugar as normal juices. It is better to prepare them at home or look for a place where you do at the moment to prevent fruits from losing their properties.

Excessive saturated fat

Saturated fats are a really important and useful component, but many people simply eat them, which causes inflammation in the body. Dairy products (cream, butter, cheeses, fat meats) are all saturated fats. An excess of saturated fatty acids carries an excess of cholesterol in the body. So watch your consumption of saturated fats and do not forget the omega-3 unsaturated, such as flaxseed oil, hemp oil, blue fish, nuts, chia seeds or fish oil supplements.

Excess of AZorCar.

Excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of metabolic disorders. In a high insulin context, non-cystic fibrous formations, endometrial growth, all types of tumors (lipomas, adenomas, fibroids, etc.) appear ... That is why it is very important to pay attention to excess sugar in the diet and review it, especially in The food of the kids.

Sweet refreshments

It has been shown that these foods damage teeth and skin, alter hormonal balance and increase blood sugar. Refreshments always contain a large dose of sugar, dyes and preservatives, some of which are hazardous carcinogens. Synthetic sweeteners do not improve the situation, since these substances have their own side effects.

Microwave popcorn

The popcorn for microwave in bags contain perfluoroocurtanic acid, toxin and carcinogen that causes cancer. Diacetyl, a chemical that is sometimes used as aromatizer, has also been found in some products. Due to the high content of harmful substances they contain, it is better not to eat bags of corn popcorn suitable for microwave.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: feeding / body / diet / myth / nutrition / Health
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