10 ways you did not realize that you work badly

If you engage these exercise errors, your first workout could be your last.

With the most difficult part to start - the best remains to come when it comes to exercising. But, for many timers, the busy scene can be quite frightful. Uncertain what to do, you can walk on the treadmill or attempt to pump iron. You are likely to spot someone who appears as if they know what they do and your gut can tell you to do what they do. Copy your neighbor may seem enough to learn the rope swing, but unfortunately, that's not the case.

In fact, a mentality like this can hurt you and have some parts of your body overload. You could even do everything wrong, even if it feels good! To unveil the most common training errors, beginners make in the gym, we contacted three fitness experts. The first step to remedyThese bad habits, or do not pick them up at all, knowing what they are. And that's why we indicate them.

And as you read this list, do not transpire it. You are not alone, and we are here to help you. Banish these common training errors and your journey to reach your weight loss goal will be much easier. And to make your goal even easier, check these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


You are too enthusiastic


The rookie error when you get your first paycheck? Pass all this. The same goes for the first time you hit the gym, too. You put all your energy in one session. Boom! Bring exhaustion. This can then provide reasons to create excuses the next time you should work. This can also lead to an injury. Mr. Derek Ochii, an orthopedic surgeon certified by the board and an expert in sports medicine, explains: "Deciding to push hard and fasting from GetGo increases the chances of tendonite overuse, which can be a reason or an excuse to stop To go to the gym. "Instead, do not be afraid to tire you in your new activity. In fact, there are many simple ways to strengthen your weight loss goals and most of them do not even imply the gym! Check these21 sneaky ways to work - without hitting the gym.


You compete against the wrong person

group exercising

The gym can quickly become an area of ​​destroyed self. Becoming your me more apt takes time and everyone has its own set of limits with regard to the tracks and the speed to which their bodies can become strength. "Instead of trying to match the weight or pace of the person next to you, try to compete with and gradually increase [your best staff," says Dr. Oridii. You can also be your greatest competition and your best supporter!


You try to crame a workout in

Woman walking up stairs to exercise

Slow and regular wins the race - always. Just like with a diet, the best results are the ones you get over time. Dr. Oridi explains that the precipitation of a workout is never a brilliant idea: "Everyone is busy, but do not try to cram in more weight or intensity if you are in a hurry during the Time. "Instead, it recommends you to easily take it. Build in a warm-up time, as on a bike, before starting the rest of your work," he says.

A suggestion: pencil in the amount of time you will need every day to achieve these body shaping goals. By giving you permission this way, you will be more satisfied with your workout at the end of each period - and you will be more likely to complete your goals. Chances are if you feel that time is stuffed, you will give yourself more reasons not to work at all.


You do not drink enough water

Black woman drinking bottled water

Drinking water can become tedious, but that's wherewater Change the fitness game. When it comes to getting in shape, hydration is the key. Not only takes the consumption of theRecommended water admissionOne day increases your chances of reaching your weight loss goals, but it helps make your daily activity at the gym so much easier. Water helps stimulate your energy levels and helps your muscles to stay foldable. H2O acts as a lubricant for your muscles and joints, and be hydrated helps prevent the feelings of stiffness and increases the strength and flexibility of your body.


You challenge too much

man working out

If you think you can complete the same burial or the same training session of your friend who has done it for years, resentn. Instead, the Celebrity Trainer Michael Blaul suggests starting with something that is a little easier.

"You want to want to work but you do not want to be incapacitated the next day! (I heard a lot of people say they pushed or were pushed too hard the first time and they never came back), " he says.

Do not fall into this trap. It's good to walk in the middle of your jog, and it's good to take a breather. In fact, it's better for you, because you will have more chances to be satisfied with you if you have chosen to slow down and you could complete the training rather than feel like you could not do it all. Result: You will return and redo it.

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You do not notice improvement

woman sweating and tired after exercising a workout

Change takes time. In fact, it can take a few weeks to see your changes visible in your body. But there are other great advantages that occur more quickly - and you may not give you enough credit for them.

"People often discourage when starting an exercise routine because they did not immediately drop a dress size or 10 pounds," says Dr. Oridia. "Exercise has many advantages, including a better sleep and a better concentration and a general feeling of well-being. Do not forget to search for these changes for positive reinforcement initially."

To help track your progress, plan to keep a newspaper and connect to what you eat, your exercise routine and how you feel. In this way, when you notice an emerging pain or injury, you can watch with a health professional on your daily habits and try to classify a catalyst.


You do not heat properly

protein powder

You do not fill a fancy sports car with usual gas, is not it? The same goes for your body. If you ask for a premium performance, you must keep it properly. Before the gym, it is important to eat a meal that will provide your body with the energy and support needed to push you fully. So, clearly turn off theWorses Healthy snacks for weight loss.

As for not eating at all? It's a bad idea.

When we do not eat before a workout, the chances of feeling low halfway are higher - and it only gives you more excuses to reduce your workout time. "People who are new to exercise often do not take into account the importance of meals before and after training," Jennifer Leah Gottlieb, personal and creator coach and founder of JLG Fitness explains. "If they do not eat the right combination of protein and carbohydrates before and after working, they may have difficulty maintaining energy and recovery correctly."


You do not consult an expert


When you learn something new, you always prefer to ask someone who knows best. To help you get on the right track, Blaunen recommends learning from a qualified instructor. From that moment, are eager to learn, there is always a place for improvements and advanced gym. You can always become stronger. He says "Once you have decided what kind of training you would like, read it. Go to multiple sources for your information. Even YouTube can provide useful videos on your choice."


You do not believe you can change

woman working out exercising too hard hurt herself

Tell it with us:Progress accomplish patience.It is much easier for our body to fall into form than to turn into form. So, of your best do not discourage you when you just come back to the swing of things.

"Back to [work] After a long period requires that the person builds on his previous fitness level, not only the following where they stopped," says Dr. Oridii. Recognize that your body may be different from the last time you have worked, and agree that you can start starting again at the ground. You can and you will reach your goal, but it will take time to get there. Do your best to believe in yourself and allow you to get to the place where you want to be.


You forget to stretch you

Young black woman sitting on the floor at home stretching

It may seem slow and ineffective when it comes to burning calories, but stretching makes it possible to prepare your body in the exercise that it is about to obtain and cool the intensity it just received. In fact, stretching results in more important results in one of the most important aspects of exercise: Flexibility. By increasing the ability of your body to "touch your toes", for example, you will find more time to accelerate, delineate, to fire and complete a ton of different exercises related to flexibility, many of which were probably more difficult before .

Stretching is also protection against injury.

"It's super easy to get hurt during a workout without reheating and getting the body ready to exercise! It's important to take at least 10 minutes at the beginning of a workout To increase the blood flow to the muscles, "said Gottlieb. Stretching also helps to minimize any discomfort, whetherlower back pain, in your knees, or your in your arms. The pain is minimized because stretching helps to improve blood circulation. It allows the body to cool and help slow down a race heart beat after having high-intensity rates. And because exercise without adequate nutrition is like solving an equation and erase your work, in addition to stretching, do not miss these 20 post-training recipes refuel and reconstruction.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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