This state does not reopen because of too much "summer party"

"Your right to have a party should not break their right to live," said Rhode Island governor.

In our pre-pandemic life, Summertime was synonymous with barbecues, beach houses and holidays. But now, like Covid-19 contagion continues to spread to the United States, it is no longer the case - neither at least it should not be. Although many people are treats to go out and spend time with family and friends, public health officials have urged Americans not to gather in large groups, but a particular state has difficulty doing Listen to his residents.Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo announced on July 29 that she delayed the plan to reopen her condition because people "do too much celebration". She added: "Social gatherings are too big And people do not wear masks. "

The announcement of Raimondo at its weekly briefing of the press Wednesday came the next dayRhode Island has seen its greatest number of daily infections Covid-19 Since May 29,The Boston Globereports. The Governor stated that the Rhode Island Ministry of Health has made a "deep dive" in 4,000 cases of COVID-19 and, by monitoring the contract, they found that the recent tip of infections was mainly found. parties of more than 50 people not carrying face masks.

With strong music and alcohol, parties create a literal toxic mixleads to the easy propagation of coronavirus: People in drunkenness that do not carry masks with a decrease in inhibitions shouting inclose to each other.

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"A 50-person house party, a baby shower, a big birthday party in a backyard, a pool party, a sports banquet," Raimondo said. "The people who knew each other. More than 20 peopleDo not wear masks, mingle, no social distancing. "

Raimondo stated that the Ministry of Health hasTraced seven to 10 positive cases of COVID-19 to each of these gatherings, according to theProvidence Journal.

"Yes, it's summer, I know you want to have a good time. We all do", explained the governor of Rhode Island. "I have friends now with loved ones on the fans. Your right to have a party should not break their right to live."

As a result of this disturbing trend, Raimondo has announced an extension of phase 3 ofRhode Island Reopening Plan For a month more, the power off of phase 4. The state website does not entail which phase 4 implies, but reads as follows:

There is more to wait on the other side of the third phase. Collection and work restrictions will still relax. Additional companies will be open and more group activities will be allowed. Along the way, we will innovate while we challenge ourselves to finding new means of operation and life.

Raimondo also lowered the maximum size of Rhode Island gatherings from 25 people to 15 people. Tackling these residents who ignored social distribution guidelines, said the governor during the press briefing: "If you do that, I need to hit him off, becausePeople fall sick, people die, and it's useless. "

Covid-19 has spread rapidly in recent weeks in many states thanreopened early after lock. On the other hand, the northeastern states like New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and, to a lesser extent, Rhode Island, were among the first states of the nation to cope with the coronavirus epidemic andGet it relatively under control. But in recent weeks, these same states now find that residents affect the guidelines.

On July 24, a "Driving Concert" in New York featuringThe chainsDevolved in a large crowd of people who were not distanced social, who attracted the attention and anger of the officials. "I am at a loss of how the city of Southampton could have emitted a license for such an event, how they thought it was legal and notan obvious public health threat, "Howard A. ZuckerThe New York Health Commissioner, said in a statement.

As Rhode Island, New Jersey also described in advance in its reopening plan in recent weeks in recent weeks due to a recent increase in the transmission rate because of what New Jersey Gov.Phil murphy called "Knucklehead behavior here at home". On July 25, for example,A new Jersey Party of 700 people in Airbnb Took five hours of local police to break, reports CNN.

On July 29, Raimondo left Rhode Islanders with the following message: "If you celebrated on boats, your garden-20 to 25 people, no mask that carries - I ask you to stop it. You are the ones who rise our state at risk. "And for more states than the best officials have their eyes on, checkDr. Fauci is the most worried of these 4 states.

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