25 reasons that we are happy to grow in the 80s

We did not start fire, but with all this neon, we made the world brighter.

We are all too reducing our childhood and we are not different for those of us who came in the 1980s. But what makes us different is that we do not attempt to claim that our decade was some thing it was not. We are not like these 50s children who claim that life was all poodle skirts and milkshakes. We are well aware ofhow goofy the 80s were.

It was an era of synthetic epaulets and solos and totally ridiculous attempts when breaking. And you know what? We love it unequivocally! This was the best time to be a child, despite all stressful moments - and maybe evenbecause of them. Here are 25 ways to grow in the 80s wasTotally tubular and gnarly-And if you do not believe us, you can eat our shorts!

The MTV viewing sessions were wild fun, unpredictable.

the mtv logo in its 1983 iteration
Screenshot via MTV

MTVs in the 1980s were different from today's main music visualization option (Youtube) In a very fundamental way: you do not understand the videos you have observed. If you wanted to see, say, thePrince video "When doves cry"or the police"Every Breath You Take, "You may need to attend through hours and hours of videos that you could worry about it. We can not tell you how many times we watched thatRod Stewart "Craft"Video just in case something cool got up next. It was an important lesson of patience.

Any socialization has occurred on the playground.

Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

In the 80s, the only way to interact with friends was face-to-face, in real time, usually on the playground. Instead of depending on texts, Twitter DMS or Snapchat, your friends were people you Know and that you have known daily. You blocked with them, you had conflicts and make memories with them - while living fresh air and contacting the monkey bars. Nice romance, huh?

Mastering Rubik's cube was a shared noble ambition.

rubik's cube 80s nostalgia

He does not have the same mystique as it did once, but during the 80s, trying to solve aRubik's Cube was the white whale of all children. Everyone could get one side. But to get the six color aligned? Well, that could only say that you were the yoda of your generation.

We all portions parachute pants and acid washing jeans.

PK3MWH Tony Baez on 23.05.1989 in Frankfurt am Main / Frankfort on. | usage worldwide

Both existed in our cupboards and we portions without shame. Not only that, we thought we looked pretty chic! Acid washing jeans had some robustI do not want. And, as for parachute pants, they were the only clothes with enough freedom forHammer-Style dance. We would like to seeyou Try to do a "can not touch this" triple step in regular pants.

And everything was neon.

Couple rollerblading in neon in Venice Beach, California circa the 1980s.
Robert Landau / Alamy Photo

Black blue, gray and navy blue? Only if you were a Goth child. For everyonein the 80sIt was so brilliant with yellow, green, pink and blue, they had virtually heat sources. It was our way to announce to the world ", hey, look at us! But not too long, because you could burn your retina."

We had favorite advertisements.

Three old ladies in 1980s Where's the Beef Commercial
Wendy's via YouTube

No one seems to lookadvertising But more, but in the 80s, we impatiently waited for them. The "Where is the beef?"WENDY's advertising lady was a hand on one of the funniest people of television and thatNair commercial With the "if you dare to wear short shorts", Jingle will always be stuck in our heads. But as the children of the 80s, we did not complain: we loved these commercial sometimes more than the shows themselves.

Teachers let us playOregon Trailin class.

Oregon trail video game, 80s
MECC by conventional reloading

When he was introduced for the first time, thatvideo game It was supposed to be educational, teaching children with difficult realities to lose livestock or die of dysentery in the American West 1890s. Or something like that ... but it became so much more. When the teacher announced that it was time to playOregon Trail On the computers of the school, it felt a gift from the sky.

The boombboxes were the definition of cool.

Radio Raheem holds boombox in Do the Right Thing, 1989
Universal images via YouTube

These glorious devices were perfect for vibrating an entire city block with the power of a deafening baseness. Of course, there were better ways to enjoy music, but with a boombox on your shoulder, everyone looked as cool asJohn CusackinSay anything ...Or-same Best Radio Raheem (Invoice Nunn), the boombox warriorSPIKE LEE'S Do good thing.

Tween literature has never been better.

Babysitters Club, popular book series for 80s kids

Every time we learned that there was another book inThe Baby-Sitters Club WhereSWEET VALLEY HIGH Series, we have staggered the bookstore of shopping centers like hungry zombies of the brain in a post-apocalyptic film. Yes, we loved these booksthis a lot. Who did not want Wakefield twins or Stoneybrook Pals are their best friends?

The Dot matrix printer paper was a hassle we liked to hate.

Dot matrix printer paper

Even if we register why we areglad wegrew up in the 80sWe include dot matrix paper - and for good reason. The power supply in a dot matrix printer was a master ranking in an intense concentration and a concentration. You could not just confide paper and press the print button. It was an act of equilibrium, requiring delicate fingers and a well-tested handsome coordination. Impress anything on the Dot matrix paper felt like a victory. Children today will never know that art.

Ketchup was considered a vegetable.

ketchup packets against a blue background

We are not just talking about personal feelings and opinions of"80 years-ERA children, here. Literally, the federal government rankedketchup as a vegetable In 1981. If sufficient for the United States of America, so that was enough for us. (For recording, this condiment filled with sugar is no longer considered a vegetable.)

Computers have become more accessible.

three year old Asian girl plays with a TI 99 4a home computer, 1986.
Robert Clay / Alamy Stock Photo

Today, having your own computer is more than a necessity than a privilege. But in the 80s, when computers become more and more widely available for people who were not scientific in laboratory coats, we were breathtaking each time we arrived at the touch one. Some of us were fortunate to own our own Commodore 64, but most of us have done with the school's IT laboratories. There was only one rule: do not forget your floppy disk!

We all have "learned" how to break.

1980s breakdancers in the east village in nyc

Who among us does not come out of the theater after seeingBreakin '2: electric boogaloo And think, "Can I do it"?

If the thought of mastering gravity - defying gravity moves like the swirls of Buddha or Boomerang when you have no formal dance formation seems to you absurd, then you have absolutely donenot Discover a childhood of the 80s.

The curfews were dictated by lampposts.

suburb at night

Like the children of the 80s, we did not need to be informed about the return of our parents. We just waited until the street lights arrived, which was a neighboring warning that it was time to call it one night. It was the equivalent of the children of the 80s of the last call in a bar.

Three words: John Hughes' films.

sixteen candles movie still, 1980s home decor
IMDB / Universal Images

The reason for movies likeThe breakfast club,Sixteen candles, andPretty in pink were so relativable is that the teenage slopes were imperfect - like us.

Be an amiable loser like Duckie (Scream) Was a feasible goal. Girls-Next-door like Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) carried their insecurities on their sleeves. Director and writerJohn Hughes Managed to do a remarkable thing, especially for an adult: he reflected exactly that we were (or what we had felt like) on the big screen.

Go to Blockbuster to see which movies were available was a real thrill.

blockbuster video store, things only 90s kids remember

Netflix and cooling? More like the "Drive to the Blockbuster and hope that all the good movies have already been rented ... and cool".

In the 1980s, the survival of the most suitable (or rather fastest) of our world of video entertainment and a great reminder that no one is entitled to anything.

Possess a cabbage patch doll from parenting.

cabbage patch doll kids, 1980s nostalgia

Hey, if they were not real babies, why did we have birth certificates for each purchase? Yes, we know,Cabbage patch dolls Everything looks like tinyMickey Roonys. You do not have to remind us. But as everyone will tell you, all the children are beautiful in the eyes of a parent.

Everyone dreamed of owning a delorean.

delorean time travel

It was fantastic automobile of everyone, thank you in any small part to theBack to the futuremovies. We were not so serious that we thought each Delorean was able to find in time or in the future, but it does not really matter. We wanted themselves alone for the doors of the seagull. Transport does not become more futuristic than that!

The campaign "Just say no" passes cool drugs.

Nancy Reagan, 80s, just say no

Compared to the 1980s, we know aparcel Learn more about dependency today, and realize that it is not as simple as just say: "No, thank you." But when an old first ladyNancy Reagan makes an invited appearance onShots In 1983 and his shared an anti-drug message now legendary, he felt as if we had all the tools we needed for a drug without drugs.

We must look at the Wall of Berlin get off.

ossis and wessis dancing on top of the berlin wall in 1989

Even if we were too young to understand the extent of the cold war and the way the Berlin Wall did not only represented a physical barrier between Germany East and West Germany, but a symbolic, just tooreally big dealWatch this wall have just collapsed. This gave us the goose bumps because it meant that the world had to become a little smaller and that freedom was really dominant. The Soviet Union, the country we grew up, believed was our biggest threat, began to act as if we could be ... friends? Could such a thing be possible? For the first time, it seemed like the world was becoming a saner and a safer place than who is inhabited by our parents.

We did know the phone numbers of our friends by heart.

Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

Without smartphones doing hard work for you, if you wanted to keep in touch with a person in the 80s, you must have their seven-digit phone number engaged in the memory (or carry a small black book). It was a skill that kept our brain in good health. We do not say we were better in mathematics because of that, but it certainly did not hurt.

Event TV united spectators like nothing else.

dallas finale scene where j.r. gets hots, 1980s nostalgia
YouTube / Lorimar Productions

In the 1980s, television has created shared moments for a world full of foreigners. It was a way to feel connected to a global community by just looking at the same show at the same time - whether it's "shot at J.R." "Mystery ofDallas or the final of the series ofMASH POTATOES (which was observed by a Tangotte of 106 million people - a record, by the way, thatremains uninterrupted)

We spent class notes instead of text.

students passing a note in class

We did not haveemojisBut our class notes often included an encrypted language or indeciprable codes, in case they were confiscated and read aloud to the class. There was a feeling of palpable danger when you try to scribble a non-detected message while maintaining a visual contact with the teacher. It was as if we wereWorld War era The spies trying to get a message on the enemy lines.

We recorded radio songs so we could listen to them on the loop.

taping songs off the radio, 80's

Bootlegging music existed in the 80s too, it's just involved sitting next to the radio and waiting for the local station to play yourpreferred air, while retaining a finger on the recording button of your cassette player. We usually did not have the whole song, especially if the stupid DJ spoke at first (what was itthought?), But it always felt as if we beat the system somehow.

And we created the sound bands perfect for our lives with mixtapes.

cassette mixtape, 1980s nostalgia

There was a form of art to create the perfectmixtake. Unlike today's digital reading lists, we had limitations - there was only a lot of time on each side of a cassette. But rather than feel forced, we have treated it as a challenge. After all, a painter is not confined by the size of their canvas. That's what you do with this area allocated that counts. A mixtape, in the right hands, could be really transcendent. And for the ultimate mixtape of the time, here is 25 songs every child '80 knows by heart .

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