The girls tone share their best secrets to eat a balanced diet
This involves many products of protein, grilled and bakeries!

For Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, the co-founders of the Fitness and Nutrition ProgramTone, eat aBalanced diet Never, never look perfect. While these two Powerhouse Women strive to teach their customers and fill 1.4 million adepts Instagram how to apply healthy practices in their lives, Dawn and Scott are all to keep it real, especially when it comes to to eat a balanced diet on the daily.
Lucky for us, we had the chance to sit with Dawn and Scott and talk to them about a range of topics. OfCooking tips Favorite dishes, these two women have been real about what it takes to eat a balanced diet in your daily life.
Eat a balanced diet does not need to be so serious
The most important tone lesson on the founders? Being healthy and eating a balanced diet should be fun and should not be such a serious business.
"Enjoy food, like to work, enjoy life," says Scott. "That's not all that serious. And the more you can have fun, the more you can have fun throughout this trip. And if you want the piece of pizza, eat the pizza."
"One of the lessons of our favorite books,The four agreements, says '' always do your best, but every day, your best is different. "And it's good," says Dawn.
"Life is messy, but do it this beautiful disorder. And if you skip a workout, it's totally ok. And if you have just returned and you go out, the loan we are for us Same better be, and simply know it's normal, "says Scott.
Yes, while it's good to createhealthy habits For yourself and choose to eat healthy foods, you can have fun and create creativity. The more fun you have with the process, the more likely you will be able to follow and stay with a balanced diet in general.
RELATED: 150 recipe ideas Who you put skinny for life.
Skinny, clean and green
One of the easiest tips as the tone, women had to share were their easy hacks for healthy dinners during the week.
"For me, usually I'm goinggrill Something for dinner, "says Dawn." But if it's great late, I always have tons ofsalad Ingredients and some protein - Sometimes we're going to grill the food the night before - so I'll have an extra at home in our refrigerator and I'm just going to throw it together. "
Looking for salad ideas? Try these easy recipes:
Dawn is a huge fan of eating "skinny, clean and green". It's an easy saying that retains your balanced diet in perspective when you try to choose meals, like to chooseMigratory meats andclean.
"I do not really cook; my husband does," says Scott. "It always makes a cooking tank. We will simply put vegetables with alean protein On a tray and put it in an oven at 350 and cook. And when he is not in town, I shoot ourTonify the nutrition plan And I put meat protein and vegetables [above] and I just put it in the oven. You can even put chicken broth or a small broth of vegetables with vegetables or even a small chicken, and you cook it. It's really really, really good and juicy. "
"I just used a littleolive oil Because I also do a lot of trays, because you know, you do not always have a lot of time, "says Dawn." And I use different seasonings, so it can be a different meal every time. "
You can make your own easy cooking at home with these recipe ideas:
- Dinner of the Fajita Chicken Leaf
- BBQ chicken dinner
- Roasted chicken of classic herbs with root vegetables
We also love these othersLeaf dinner leaf.
Yes, a balanced diet can include eating candies
Eating a balanced diet does not mean eat healthy all the time - it means being balanced with your food! This means leaving space in your diet for special foods that you like, what yes, includes candy. Same Scott then thinks!
"I like something sweet," said Scott. She is a big fan of smoothie bowls.
You want to make your own at home? Try one of these recipes:
- Bowl in Acai-Blueberry Smoothie
- Golden Mango Smoothie Bowl
- Peaches and Kale Smoothie Bowl
- Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl
- Bowl at smooth cherry covered with chocolate
Scott also likes to make healthy bakery products like brownies and cookies. "I like cooking with ourToning the protein So, I can do cookies. It gives its candies an extra boost of nutrients using protein powder, yes, you canCook with protein powder many ways!
Or if you prefer not to make bakery products with protein powder, here are some moreEasy and healthy dessert recipes.
What to eat before and after training
The tone in whatever girls do not come to eat a balanced diet - they like to work! Part of their balanced diet includes a meal before and after training.
For pre-training, Dawn says it depends on the training. A banana or smoothie are easy for anyone taking place and Scott agrees.
"A banana with a small almond butter or honey, just to give you a sustainable energy, a fast energy," says Scott. "Nothing that will feel like it's coming. Especially if you do something like a hot yoga and it's the first thing in the morning."
The two women agree that to haveprotein Post-Workout is incredibly important.
"After a workout, it's really good to have protein in this 30 minute window, actually feeding all your muscles," says Scott. "So have all theamino acids and all."
How to stay balanced - both in your diet and your life
By eating "skinny, green and clean", is an excellent piece of wisdom, and the work is important, it is good to be nice with yourself and recognize a need for equilibrium in your life. Dawn and Scott are huge fans to not only eat a balanced diet, but keeping a balanced life.
For dawn, one of his secrets to keep a balanced life is to plant everything.
"For me, I need a calendar," says Dawn. "I check the things off and plans all my day. That's what I have to do, so you do not have to think so much and that you can be present instead of thinking about what you need to do later . "
Scott is a huge defender to also have moments of imbalance, because life does not always go perfectly.
"The balance agrees with it is not balanced," says Scott. "The balance says" Ok, today I'm going to be great, tomorrow I will do my best, and everything is going to be the way it is supposed to be. "Nothing is a setback, it's just a break. And if you want to take care of someone else before taking care of you, it's you and you can do it and you do not have to Feel guilty of that either. "
In the words of Scott, eat the piece of pizza. Have fun with yourBalanced dietAnd do not make it so serious.

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