4 major side effects of Costco Bakery articles consumption

Did you know that a slice of cherry pie has 83 carbohydrates?

The bakery driveway is one of the most loved sections of eachCostco Warehouse. Some tasty treats are pillars, while othersRotate each season. In the true Costco mode, you can always count on one thing: pretty much everything ishuge. We are talking not only of size but also calories.

If you are a Costco member who loves sweets, here are four major side effects to eat bakery items from the warehouse, according to experts. Remember: Tangle these desserts and pastries in two, sharing them with your family or friends and save the remains for another day are just a few ways to reduce carbohydrates, greases and sugar. (And before your next trip to the warehouse, do not forget to read theCostco Foods You should always avoid, according to the nutritionists.)


You could feel super slow.

Costco bakery
Ramin Talaie / Corbis / Getty Images

Carbohydrates do not deserve thebad rap They have in popular culture, according to theMAYO Clinic. In fact, healthy carbohydrates really reinforce sports performance. If you were asking you to ask yourself, the list of healthy carbohydrates approved by the Mayo Clinic's expert includes foods like brown rice, quinoa and sweet potatoes.

"Carbohydrates are needed for our body because they are the main source of energy for our cells", Ashley White, MPH, RDN, LDN, explains toEat this, not that!.

However, if you prepare carbohydrates in the Costco bakery section, the initial energy jerk you get will not last.

"You will probably feel energized immediately after consumption since it is high in carbohydrates," says White. "But possibly that the high energy will collapse since you have not consumed healthy fats or proteins that are important to keep the blood sugar levels stabilized."

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You could develop insulin resistance.

Costco bakery

Lack of exercise, poor stress management, andToo many carbohydrates can increase yourRisk of insulin resistance, White says.

According toNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases"Insulin resistance is when the cells of your muscles, grease and liver do not respond well to insulin and can not easily take glucose of your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes more insulin To help glucose get into your cells. "

Only one slice of Costco cherry pie has 83 grams of carbohydrates. So, what is a healthier choice?

"To reduce your risk of insulin resistance, choose a bakery article such as cranberry walnut bread, because nuts are rich in healthy fats and proteins," suggests White. "Having greases and healthy protein in the food you eat will help keep your sugar level in stable blood."

This option has 200 calories, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of sugar per serving.


You could develop type 2 diabetes.

Costco bakery

About 34 million Americans (or around 1 out of 10) have type 2 diabetes, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention. Someone developsType 2 diabetes When the cells of their body becomeinsulin resistant. There are various risk factors (such as age, age of family diabetes and smoking) and causes (such as excess weight and physical inactivity) of insulin resistance, according to The National Institute of Diabetics and Digestive and Reneal Diseases.

As mentioned, too many carbohydrates can increase your risk of insulin resistance. When planning your Costco shopping list, do not forget to include a healthy balance of food. With regard to blueberry muffins and similar candy of the bakery, moderation is the key.

"Please know that there are no good or bad foods, but this is the way you balance what you eat," says White. "So, eat a Costco blueberry muffin (which has 580 calories, 68 grams of carbohydrates and 34 grams of sugar) a few times a month would not be a problem, but the consuming every day is something you would like to avoid."

Related:The most underestimated costco food you need to buy


You may have weight over time.

shelves and selection at costco bakery

The ultimate fall of the Costco bakery? The massive size of pastries and other treats.

"Who would think that a muffin of blueberries would contain nearly 600 calories!" saidLisa Young, PhD, RDNthe author ofFinally full, finally thin and a Deputy Nutrition Professor in Nyu.

Only one cookie could have more than 300 calories and be full of saturated grease. Eat them often and the scale could rise.

"When you are an overall, it's important to look at your size of your portion: 1/2 of a cookie is a lot, and even 1/3 of a muffin is a reasonable part," she says. "Share or save the rest for another day - there is always tomorrow."

To stop the temptation in his tracks during your next trip to the warehouse, Young suggests eating a healthy snack like fruits and yogurts before going out.

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